Top 10 Star Fox Characters

The Top Ten
1 Wolf O'Donnell

Wolf is the BEST! I LOVE him! Also, he's better than Fox. He's an exceptional pilot and his boss battles are awesome! Coolest wolf with an eyepatch! Scratch that... COOLEST WOLF PERIOD! Also, have you noticed that the 'scar' over his eye is actually the band holding the eyepatch over his eye?

Rob: A bomb has been planted at the base!
Fox: geez! Can anyone take care of it?
Wolf: Can't let you do that Star Fox!

How the heck do you memorize your username?

2 Krystal

Krystal is my favorite character along with Fox Mccloud. Krystal and Fox are a great couple and I love it. I also think Krystal is hot and sexy and very attractive.

Just love Krystal! Sure she is hot, but I like her just because I guess. Don't care what anyone says, you won't change my mind. Though I will listen if that makes sense.

Great character who get WAY too much hate.

3 Fox McCloud Fox McCLoud is an anthropomorphic fox who first appeared in Star Fox for the Super NES in 1993, the son of James McCloud who perished during a mission and the leader of the new Star Fox team along with Peppy Hare former member of the original Star Fox team, Falco Lombardi and Slippy Toad as they the... read more

He's the fearless leader of his team, Fox is the enthusiastic, loyal, hero of his Lylat. I like his interactions with his team in assault to his older brother relationship with Tricky.

The Leader of Star Fox is obviously gonna be one of the best characters.

Fox is an awesome hero. Deserves more credit.

4 Falco Lombardi Falco Lombardi is an anthropomorphic bird character from the Star Fox series of video games. He was created by Shigeru Miyamoto and designed by Takaya Imamura. Falco acts as the wingman and friend of title character Fox McCloud for the majority of the series.

Easily the best Star Fox character. Fox is a pretty bland protagonist when it comes to personality. Sure, he's got the sad backstory and likeability, but Falco's big-headed personality makes the games a lot more fun to get through.

Falco is to handsome and sexy to be in fourth place, if it was me, I put Falco in first place

Falcon is awesome he even got a place in super smash bros

Falco is so sexy!

5 Slippy Toad

Why does EVERYONE hate Slippy?!?! Can't someone have Slippy as their favorite star fox character like me?! Please?

Take him off this list slippy gets in trouble on purpose

6 Peppy Hare

Commits suicide to save the solar system! A real team player in my book

7 Andross
8 Leon Powalski
9 Panther Caroso
10 Spyborg
The Contenders
11 Pigma Dengar
12 Fay
13 James McCloud

James Is Fox's Father

14 Katt
15 Miyu
16 Bill
17 Tricky
18 Star Wolf
19 General Pepper
20 Andrew
21 Fara Phoenix
22 Lucy Hare
23 Dash Bowman
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