Top 10 Best Star Wars Bounty Hunters
Boba is the BEST! You can tell he's been to places because his armor is scratched up. He's also killed Wookiees. You can see by those hair braids on his armor.
He's got some of the best lines in the original trilogy. Though Jango is still super awesome, Boba, unlike Jango, has an on-screen background. He nearly killed Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars Marvel comics, and he's gained more popularity through the expanded universe.
Boba Fett number 1.
Okay, whoever thought Asajj Ventress was a bounty hunter... get help! Also, Zuckuss isn't as good of a bounty hunter as Boba Fett. Zuckuss was hired to try and track down the Millennium Falcon, but Boba Fett helped the Empire, and they got the Millennium Falcon first. Take that!
Please don't mind me. I'm a major Star Wars geek. Plus, I've read all the Boba Fett books. Boba Fett was the first to tell Darth Vader that Luke was his son. It's in the comic books.
Also, Boba Fett didn't die in the sarlacc. His Mandalorian armor could withstand the sarlacc, allowing him to escape. Then he toasted the sarlacc with his flamethrower.
If you believe what I believe or know, then please let me know. It's nice to know people agree with me. Also, Boba Fett, at age 10, was Jabba's best bounty hunter! So, who do you think is the best now? I have ten million facts.
Cad Bane definitely earns a lot of respect. Not only can he hold up in a fight against Jedi, he is the master of deception. All of his jobs are calculated and precise.
I will always be a fan of Boba Fett, but Boba never broke into a Jedi temple and stole a holocron straight from the archives. Cad Bane is the best bounty hunter in Star Wars ever.
This guy is so awesome. I shouldn't need to list all his feats. I honestly think he's a bit better than Boba. And I am not a cowboy fan!
Anyway, in case you are (doubtfully) interested, here is my top ten:
1. Cad Bane
2. Boba Fett
3. Embo
4. Jango Fett
5. 4-Lom (don't know why, I just like his helmet)
6-10. Bossk, IG-88, and a few more.
Jango Fett has cooler armor than Boba. Sidious didn't model his army after any hunter. He chose the greatest.
Jango Fett deserves second place because Boba learned all he knew as a child and then learned some more. He would have killed or gotten close to killing Mace if the odds weren't against him.
I would choose to hire him first.
Boba might be great, but I think in this case the master is far better than his apprentice, or son for that matter.
Let's not forget that Jango held his own against Jedi and was the greatest and most respected bounty hunter in the galaxy when he died. He could defeat anyone else on this list, no doubt.
Bossk is an extremely strong and intelligent hunter. Taught by his father to hunt Wookiees, he has the skills and training to best a Wookiee, which we all know would be hard.
He has the ability to regenerate over time, allowing him to recover from most wounds.
He hunts Wookiees and is one of the mentors of Boba Fett! He can also literally regenerate limbs and skin. He is totally awesome!
Badass bounty hunter, but I think Greedo should be in the top ten also.
Hands down, IG-88 is one of the best. Here is a short list of what IG-88 did and some features and abilities of the droid:
- It killed the scientists who created it immediately after being activated.
- It could deflect blaster fire with its "hands."
- IG-88's AI literally took over the Death Star. If it weren't for the Rebellion, it would have been able to control it at will.
- It had 360-degree sight, could see in complete darkness, and had a version of FLIR that allowed it to detect heat and therefore life forms.
- It was the only major rival that Boba Fett had.
- IG-2000, the ship it piloted, was just as fast and had more weapons than Boba Fett's Slave I.
- Being a droid, IG-88 could survive flight maneuvers that would kill any carbon-based pilot.
- The Empire had a "Dismantle/Destroy on Sight" warrant on IG-88, and it still answered Darth Vader's call to capture Han Solo. That's right, IG-88 didn't care at all about being in danger.
- The sheer intimidation of this tall, faceless, and armament-riddled droid is nightmare-inducing.
Embo is not only my favorite bounty hunter but also my favorite character ever, in anything. When I first saw him, within five minutes, I was like, "I'm sorry General Grievous, but Embo is taking the title of my favorite Star Wars character."
If Embo went against any bounty hunter, both hand-to-hand and with all weapons (in my opinion), he would exterminate them. If you don't agree with me that Embo would win a battle when both bounty hunters have their full arsenal, I'm afraid there's no questioning Embo being the fittest, strongest, fastest, and most inventive bounty hunter ever!
I mean, he snowboards on his hat, for grenade's sake!
What are you people thinking? Asajj Ventress is a Sith, a very powerful one, mind you. She should easily be number one.
Strong, bold, awesome Sith. Asajj Ventress should be number one.
Aurra Sing is trash. Asajj is better.
Excuse me, Greedo is in front of Dengar? Dengar is awesome! He doesn't have as much screen time as Greedo, but at least he doesn't miss his target, which is less than three feet in front of him.
Greedo is still cool though. Star Wars Battlefront made him a badass, but that's beside the point. The next DLC for Battlefront is going to have Dengar as well!
She is such a beast! And if I remember correctly, she is force-sensitive. Plus, to survive a crash like she had on Florrum is a lot and proves how great she is. She's a fierce babe.
She's incredible. Long-range sniper, able to wield a lightsaber, very durable, and brutal. One of the best.
She defeated Ahsoka in Clone Wars. Two blaster pistols are awesome.
Durge is from a near-immortal race, the Gen'Dai, meaning he has tons of experience. He can use his body as a weapon because of its structure. He can regenerate, regrow limbs, and even reform himself from a soup. None of the above can do that.
Probably the coolest non-canon character aside from Revan. I was sad he was replaced by Cad Bane. Luckily, Cad was almost as badass. Still hoping he returns to canon.
Twelfth? He lived for 2,000 years and defeated Obi-Wan with his bare hands. Plus, he has no bones, so you can't just "kill him."
The Newcomers
He has the child with him and kept him. He should be higher for that.
Greedo doesn't suck. You barely get to see him in the movies, so he could suck, but we never saw him in action. Plus, he looks cool and is one of the best villains in Battlefront.
And why do you say that he shouldn't be in the top hundred if he is in here, genius, at number 8? Plus, he isn't stupid. He tracked Han Solo down and found him, so what if he got shot? None of the other bounty hunters found Han Solo.
Firstly, none of the Clone Wars characters should be on this list. The show was great and all, but to hit the top ten is an insult to the Star Wars franchise. Secondly, Greedo died so quickly, which makes him kind of badass.
She has one of the most unique costumes and has awesome shapeshifting abilities.
He is so badass. Yes, Boba is awesome, but I give my vote to Zuckuss. He has the most impressive kill list, next to Bossk. He is also very smart.
Best assassin droid ever made. I don't know why they began to make the IG-88 models. They can never compete against HK-47. The ONLY bounty hunter who could compete with him is Boba Fett.
He makes Jedi scared and he's badass. All of you organic meatbags should vote for him. Unnamed Google User Remade
He's an assassin droid for the strongest Sith in history, Revan.
A good engineer. Even gets called "bubble brain" by Cad Bane and still shuts off the power! Not to mention tazing a Jedi and jumping a senator!