Top 10 Most Powerful Jedi and Sith from Star Wars

The wisest and most powerful Jedi, Yoda can do everything from training Jedi Padawans to defending the Republic and the Jedi Order. Gotta love Yoda for being there whenever needed.
Yoda was the most powerful Jedi we see in canon. The most talented and second most powerful is, without a doubt, Anakin Skywalker.
900 years of experience and training on top of an unusually high midichlorian count! While the concentration of midichlorians does not necessarily mean greatness, 900 years give you plenty of time to explore that potential.

Anakin Skywalker is, without a doubt, the most powerful Force-sensitive in history. Even though he let his arrogance get the better of him on Mustafar, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi admitted that Anakin had become a far better Jedi than he could have ever hoped to be.
He quite easily defeated Count Dooku while Obi-Wan lay unconscious and defeated, and he is the Chosen One of the prophecy. As Darth Vader, he was unmatched throughout the entire galaxy, and he is the only one throughout both trilogies to not be instantly helpless when struck with Sidious' Force lightning. He was described in Episode I to have an even higher midichlorian count than Yoda.
He has a reputation as one of the greatest lightsaber duelists in the Jedi Order's history, and he was praised by several Jedi for what he was able to achieve at such a young age.

Luke Skywalker has the exact same Force potential as Anakin Skywalker and, in some cases, has been deemed the Chosen One by many media outlets. However, there is a difference between Luke and Anakin's power and connectivity with the Force.
Anakin had the potential to use the Force beyond known thought, but his potential was ruined when he was defeated by his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. In comparison to the feats that Luke achieved after the Battle of Endor, we can see that he was able to achieve oneness with the Force more than once, destroying the Yuuzhan Vong and in other scenarios, a feat Anakin achieved once during the Clone Wars.
As much as I like both of these Jedi, Luke, in comparison, was a far greater Force user and Jedi than Anakin.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a legendary Jedi. He was the first Jedi in centuries to kill a Sith, Darth Maul. His actions shaped the galaxy for eternity. He taught Anakin, the Chosen One, helped and trained Luke Skywalker, and did many other things.
He was skilled at fighting and very wise. As Anakin once said, he is "as wise as Master Yoda and as powerful as Master Windu." He is intelligent, brave, strong, and a role model for others. Without him, the Empire couldn't have been overthrown, since Luke would never have been taught.

Easy number one. He sat in Jedi meetings and was not sensed, obviously stronger than any of the Jedi in the Force. He beat Yoda, and anyone who says Windu beat him is wrong. He obviously let him win to get Anakin to take the final step to the dark side.
Darth Sidious arranged the first Jedi slaughter, blocked out Darth Plagueis' mind reading, and threw many Senate pods at the same time. He also defeated foes like Yoda, Mace Windu, and Darth Vader. He should take first place.
The powers of Darth Sidious are only surpassed by his Force powers, which are more powerful than those of Master Yoda. If he had better knowledge of using it, he would have a better chance of defeating Yoda.

Mace Windu has to be one of the most powerful Jedi of all time. He was able to overpower Chancellor Palpatine and Jango Fett, the most feared Sith Lord and the most feared bounty hunter, respectively.
Master Windu should be ranked higher than Darth Sidious, and who knows, maybe Mace even had the potential to kill Anakin Skywalker. As most people know, Windu also uses powers of the dark side, however, without turning into a power-obsessed monster like Sidious, which boosts his Force abilities.
Overall, Mace Windu has to be one of the strongest Jedi Masters to ever live.

He has done so many amazing things: he saved the Republic, almost destroyed the Republic, understood both sides of the Force, and lived for hundreds of years, keeping the Sith Emperor at bay. By far, my favorite Force user.
Revan is my personal favorite. He mastered both the light and dark sides of the Force, conquered the dark side, turned from evil back to good, has a cool mask, was able to keep Vitiate at bay, and was able to resist Darth Vitiate's mind control.
A balance of the light and dark sides. He was so powerful with Force lightning that he could turn foes into ash. Even after being held hostage for 300 years and having his memory wiped, he still held a connection to the Force.

This guy is General Hux, let's be honest, meaning that he has been the one overseeing the whole story since before Episode I. He is the master of the Star Wars movies.
This dude is pretty strong, but Darth Sidious has to be stronger to kill him.
He is my lord. I pledge myself to him, and I know he is still alive!

Galen Marek had the potential to be one of the most powerful Force users in Jedi and Sith history. He was able to decimate countless Imperial forces by himself. He also defeated Rahm Kota, Kazdan Paratus, Maris Brood, and the Emperor single-handedly. He even managed to overwhelm Shaak Ti and his former master Darth Vader in lightsaber combat, both of whom were two of the greatest duelists of their time.
Marek was able to defeat PROXY's training modules replicating some legendary duelists such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul. He was even able to telekinetically grip and change the direction of a falling Imperial I-class Star Destroyer and force it to the ground.
Let's not forget Starkiller, the codename given to a clone of the late Galen Marek, who was said to be even more powerful than the original Marek.

Without him learning to "become one with the Force" beyond death, Yoda and Kenobi would not have learned the skill as well, thus preventing Luke from being trained by the Force ghost of Kenobi. This means Luke would never have made it to Dagobah to then be trained by an aging Yoda.
Without Qui-Gon, there is no Luke.
He's awesome. He was very wise and had much knowledge that would let him find The Chosen One.
Why isn't he higher? He is far more powerful than Anakin and Luke. I would put Luke at 8, and I'm being generous.
The Newcomers

He is a very powerful Jedi and very underrated.
He defeated multiple Inquisitors and survived an attack by Darth Vader. He also has a very strong connection to the Force.
He survived Vader hunting him down and trying to kill him multiple times.

Obviously, since this dude restarted the Sith Order! He not only suffered worms eating his chest and turning his blood to acid, but he also murdered everyone in the Sith academy! There was once a Sith academy... Now, only two Sith may exist: Master and Apprentice.
He killed everyone who stood in his path. He had orbalisks surrounding his body, and he was huge and muscular. He convinced Kaan to explode the thought bomb.
He is so boss! He defeated all the rest of the Sith.

Coolest Jedi ever. He almost killed Grievous. His sense of humor, while also being one of the most powerful Jedi of all time, should definitely give him a higher spot on this list.
Definitely my favorite Jedi ever. He was amazing in every fight he had in the Clone Wars and should've lasted longer in the battle against Palpatine (at least he survived longer than the two others).
One of the coolest Jedi ever. He had a great sense of humor and was very powerful during the Clone Wars.

Maul never reached his full potential, in my opinion. In fact, he was only an apprentice at the time he killed Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.
Had Maul not been too overconfident when fighting Obi-Wan, he could have easily been known as the greatest Sith lightsaber duelist if he had trained for many years after the fight, though his Force control was not as strong.
If you read "The Wrath of Darth Maul," you can see that Maul was actually in complete control of his battle against Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and should have won. He is underestimated a lot.

Only beaten because his Force bond was severed by a traitor. Drained an entire planet. A stray thought of him, just uttering his name, could draw him to your location. He was part of the Sith Triumvirate, which included Darth Traya (the most learned and philosophical Sith) and Darth Sion (pretty much immortal). Hunted Jedi after the civil war.
He was indeed powerful, but in the end, he became more dependent on the Force to have his own free will. His connection to the Force ultimately destroyed him. He essentially wanted the same outcome as Darth Vitiate and had the same power - an end to all life in the galaxy, not because of power, but because he thought life was pollution.
That's the epitaph of villainy right there.

Darth Vitiate ruled as the immortal supreme overlord of the Sith for thousands of years, essentially achieving what all other Sith, except Sidious and Krayt, only dreamed of. He never died. He simply left, too cool to bother with what anyone thought or felt.
To safeguard his power, his plan was to eliminate all life, becoming the sole embodiment and master of the Force in existence. He kept truly horrifying Sith Lords in thrall to him on pain of death and proved it when he once consumed twelve of them at a time, just as he consumed an entire planet in his ascension to power. The list goes on and on.

Darth Tyranus, also known as Count Dooku, has a specific style of battling his enemies, and he is one of the most powerful Sith Lords ever. His Force powers are more powerful than Skywalker's.
He has a strategy. He died only because he was drained by the power he wanted so much.
He was disappointed in Obi-Wan and lost to Anakin not because of skill but because of Anakin's physical strength. Young Count Dooku would've beaten Anakin. Also, he held his own with Yoda. He is at least twice as powerful as Maul.
Tyranus should be much higher on this list. He was an apprentice to Yoda and was able to fight on par with Yoda. He also beat Jedi Obi-Wan and Anakin without too much trouble. In fact, both Jedi would have been killed if it were not for Yoda.

Koon was a great pilot and duelist, an all-around great Jedi Master who served on the council and on the battlefield.
He treated his clones with compassion and respect.
How in the world is he not like number 10?

Ki should be way higher than number 19. He can challenge Mace Windu in a fight. Ki should have been in the top 5. Ki can beat Count Dooku and even Anakin Skywalker in a fight.
One of the few Jedi who realized about Order 66 and even fought back. He was also the general of the Marine Clone Troopers (an elite body).
An underestimated Jedi. He served as a general and possessed extremely high intelligence.

Malgus nearly left the Republic without a capital during the Great Galactic War. The sacking of Coruscant forced the Jedi to move to Tython because the citizens of the Republic blamed them for the attack.
However, the Emperor back on Dromund Kaas was only using the event as leverage to gain greater control over the galaxy.
He killed a Jedi Master! At one point, he would have killed Satele if not for her master!