Top Ten Things We Want with the Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is coming out in a few months! This is a list of my top ten things Nintendo should do with the new console. These are the things the Wii U struggled with and we hope Nintendo will improve.

Hope you like it.
The Top Ten
1 Third party support

It looks like Nintendo is getting lots of third party developers on board with the Switch. Companies like Activision, Komani, and Bethesda (which I am really excited for) are already confirmed to make games!

2 More original games

We don't want 50 more Super Mario 3D Extravaganza Party 23 with a side of Fries and Sonic at the Games.

Mario odyssey looks original so who knows?

3 Great launch games
4 A low price tag
5 Better graphics
6 Power that can compete with newer consoles
7 Long battery life for the Switch portable controller
8 Improved online functionality
9 Bigger selection of eShop games

I love the Virtual Console on the eShop. I hope to see then add GameCube games to the eShop.

10 More built-in storage
The Contenders
11 The removal of paid online

How is this bad? We get good internet in exchange for money. It's what the other leading companies are doing.

12 Wii U Games
13 Themes for Home Menu

Oh gosh yes! I hate that all we get on the Switch home menu is basic black and basic white! The 3ds had all kinds of themes to choose from! I mean, I'd be happy with just more colors, it would be so awesome to have my home screen menu blue! *sign* I love Nintendo, but why do they always take one step forward and two steps back?

Honestly it just makes your console seem... yours! Also, the fact that in theme settings it says: 'Basic Black' and 'Basic White' just screams future support.

14 YouTube YouTube is a global video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States. The service was created by three former PayPal employees on February 14, 2005. In November 2006, it was acquired by Google for US$1.65 billion. YouTube is ranked as one of the most visited websites, securing the 2nd place, only surpassed by Google Search. As of 2024, the CEO of YouTube is Neal Mohan... read more

I wish Nintendo could put YouTube on their future console.

Wait...the Switch doesn't have YouTube? That's sad...

15 The comeback of F-Zero
16 The official comeback of Metroid
17 Internet Browser

The switch isn't a modern console without one. A BIG step back Nintendo.

18 Netflix Netflix is an American entertainment company founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph on August 29, 1997, in Scotts Valley, California.

Every other nintendo console has it, Switch needs it too.

19 Graphics amplifier
20 More remakes
21 Less Money Pinching Service
22 Call of Duty
23 Parental limit removal
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