Top Ten Stupidest Tweets Made by Donald Trump

The Top Ten
Despite the constant negative press covfefe,

I remember this tweet, it was written at the end of May 2017 and became a meme after that, even making it into a Minecraft main menu splash text.

Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault

He's so rude, and clearly his IQ is below average, though he isn't an idiot. He just makes terrible choices

It's freezing and snowing in New York--we need global warming!
Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!

Yeah, he wasn't the best but that's just dumb. Andrew Jackson was white, but there were still a bunch of white presidents!

That's racist. We don't need white billionaires as presidents forever

Benghazi. Obama lied. Our people died.
An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud

Notice how extremely credible source is in quotation marks...

So credible he won't even say who it is.

I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.
We should have gotten more of the oil in Syria, and we should have gotten more of the oil in Iraq. Dumb leaders.
I am having a really hard time watching @FoxNews.
Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with many massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

As an individual with autism, I find this to be the final straw. Autism is not a disease!

As someone who's on the Autism spectrum myself, I find this tweet offensive.

The Newcomers

? Sugar is nowhere near being a billionaire-and I know, he works for me!
? "@otcgiant: @realDonaldTrump with even a half decent running mate I don't see how you could lose against the Democrats ineptness. #Trumo2016
The Contenders
Rapper Mac Miller's song, "Donald Trump" has reached close to 72 million hits. He owes me big!

Well, He's dead now so he can't do that.

If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!
@cher should spend more time focusing on her family and dying career!
I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.
John McCain never had any intention of voting for this Bill, which his governor loves. He campaigned on Repeal & Replace. Let Arizona down!
US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s http:// We must do better.

Americans have been in destitute since the Great Depression

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
The TODAY Show should call me about who to put on the show-- I know more about people who get ratings than anyone.
Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad.
Why is Obama playing basketball today? That is why our country is in trouble!
No more massive injections. Tiny children are not horses - one vaccine at a time, over time.
I've always been a fan of Steve Jobs, especially after watching Apple Stock collapse w/out him - but the yacht he built is truly ugly.
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