Top 10 Best Warriors Medicine Cats

She went through so much after the monster hit her, which forced her into the medicine cat role.
She was strong and pulled through like a champ, which is why I love her.
She was a great and skilled medicine cat. When she had her accident, I was sad because she always wanted to be a great warrior.
I like her as a medicine cat, but I would have preferred it if she had become a warrior. Her death is so sad, but I admire that she died to save her brother's kits. I also like that she finally got to be a warrior in her reincarnation as Cinderheart, one of her brother's daughters.
Cinderpelt, you are a great cat and a great warrior.

She had a difficult life. First, she was training to be a warrior, and she and Raggedpelt had feelings for each other. I like this relationship.
When Yellowfang decided to become a medicine cat, I was sad because I knew that she and Raggedpelt (now Raggedstar) couldn't be together. When they had kits, I was happy for them and admired how Yellowfang cared for her son.
Later, she became ThunderClan's medicine cat after her exile from ShadowClan and Spottedleaf's death. She was a very skilled and beloved clanmate. Yellowfang, you are one of the best.

Jayfeather. I like almost every character in this series, but Jay is one of my favorites. He is the son of Leafpool and Crowfeather (I prefer Feather x Crow), and he is blind, causing other cats to take more care of him than he actually needs.
He always wanted to be a warrior (I always wished that he would become a warrior), but he was skilled and intelligent, even if he wasn't patient. He was the reincarnation of Jay's Wing and had a beautiful relationship with Half Moon (Jay x Half is one of my favorite relationships).
I hope that in StarClan he will truly become mates with his beloved Half Moon. Jayfeather, you are one of the best.

Better than Jayfeather by a long shot. I have a friend who really likes to argue with me about that, but Leafpool should be #1. She is one of very few characters who cares deeply about her Clan, has genuine emotions, and isn't an arrogant brat (cough cough, most of Firestar's descendants).
It is not her fault what happened to Cinderpelt. She might not even have been in the camp if she hadn't left with Crowfeather. Her life is one to be celebrated. She also did not abandon her kits. She gave them to someone she knew could take care of them, while still ensuring ThunderClan had a medicine cat. After being forced to be a warrior, she stayed loyal to her Clan and didn't leave her new role.
With the Sisters, she should have been the one to survive, not Squirrelflight (she will forever be Squirrelflight to me - sorry, Squirrelstar). Leafpool is an amazing cat and the best medicine cat.

I loved how she helped Firestar and Leafpool during some of their darkest times.
She was also the first medicine cat we meet in the books, which makes her even more memorable.
Spottedleaf is over-hated because of Firestar, but she is a well-grounded and interesting cat. She helps Leafpool and Squirrelflight, even though she has never met them. She shows Yellowfang how the ThunderClan medicine den operates and is an overall amazing cat.
She was the first medicine cat I read about in the books. She was kind, patient, pretty, and young. She was one of the best medicine cats of all the Clans.
She was beloved, and her love for Firestar was beautiful (But I like Fire x Sand too). Spottedleaf, thanks for everything.

Littlecloud sought shelter in ThunderClan with Whitethroat during ShadowClan's Great Sickness. Thankfully, Cinderpelt cared for them and sent them away as night dawned.
Once the sickness ended, Littlecloud was inspired by Cinderpelt to become a medicine cat. He was a great medicine cat and lived for many, many long moons. His death was never shown, but he is remembered as a brave and loyal medicine cat.
Love him! It shattered me to see him so sad when Cinderpelt died. He took the gift she gave him and passed it on. He never forgot the kindness he was offered and shared it with the other clans. I see his name on the page and think: I don't know why, but I like him! He will be missed.
P.S. I love how he didn't want to listen to StarClan in Omen of the Stars. He believed in the structure of the clans and a medicine cat's true duty.

Just because she was the second daughter of Tigerstar doesn't make her bad. Her lack of faith in StarClan doesn't make her bad either - just different and a great medicine cat.
I definitely love Mothwing! Although she always denied StarClan, even after The Great Battle with Dark Forest, it was for a reason. She didn't believe, firstly, because her mother was Sasha, who was not a Clan cat and didn't really believe in how the Clans acted with their Warrior code and all that. Even though she had all that evidence around her, she just denied it all!
Mothwing's purpose was not just for healing. She had to see a different way of things to convince Jayfeather to do it too! She is sweet and stubborn, kind and caring, but most hate her because of her beliefs. They are just different from theirs! Why are those haters so rude? She has to carry the weight of being Tigerstar (1)'s daughter, and a rogue's too. Sasha always loved her, even in the darkest times.
Mothwing knows she might not become part of StarClan because she doesn't believe in it, but who knows? What if she has secret feelings?

He was a reminder that medicine cats cannot always cure everything.
Runningnose was the mentor of Littlecloud and a good medicine cat.
I used to make fun of him, and I laughed whenever he sniffed or touched muzzles with some cat, but then I read Yellowfang's book. He's so lovable! Sure, he taunted Brokenkit, but he actually stopped! And he was so adorable when he hung around Yellowfang. I was proud of him.
He was so kind to his mentor and supported her throughout. He was thoughtful, considerate, and such a cool medicine cat! He doesn't let his nose bog him down; (out of context that sounds kind of weird) he continues to help those around him and continues to be an incredible cat.

Her pelt is gorgeous, and she is a great medicine cat after not even living in a clan her whole life. It was so sad when she died.
She started as an ordinary kittypet then suddenly became a medicine cat. She had no mentor to teach her and knew almost nothing about herbs, but with help from StarClan, she became a stunning medicine cat who saved many lives.
Beautiful name, and gentle plus kind personality. Perfect for a medicine cat!

Willowshine is underrated. Some people call her a filler for RiverClan, but she's just a little cinnamon roll who wants to learn herbs. She supports Mothwing, even though Mothwing doesn't believe in StarClan. She's an amazing cat and such a cute character.
Willowshine is perfect for the job, already deciding that she wanted to do it when she was a kit, helping Mothwing with the StarClan part of her job, and stepping up for her mentor.
I was like, finally, a cat who actually believes in StarClan! She's perfect for the job. It was her destiny. She was already helping Mothwing as a kit. That's saying something.
The Newcomers

You did your best, Flipclaw. I know you weren't a medicine cat, but you tried.

I think he was the best friend of Tallstar. He wasn't very kind, but he was skilled and determined. He always helped others if he could, and that is what counts.
I like Barkface, and I think he was a very good medicine cat.
Read Tallstar's Revenge. I really like Barkface. He always supported his friend against his own brother. He didn't blame Tallpaw that much when Brackenwing died, he forgave him quicker than others, and always encouraged Tallstar to do what he thought was right. He was also a loyal WindClan medicine cat until the day he died.

She's a wonderful medicine cat! She took care of her clan with such kindness, and she took care of Crookedstar. She was like a mentor to him! She struggled to believe that he was a Dark Forest cat, and she never gave up on him. And when Crookedstar confessed he thought it was StarClan, I cried. Brambleberry was one of the biggest influences in his life and all around an amazing cat!
She was awesome to Yellowfang, cool with Featherwhisker, and helped Jayfeather in time of need. She totally deserves to be in this list! I'm sorry, because I should have explained better, but if you get anything from this, it should be: vote Brambleberry! (Not for #1, but at least in the top 10!)

Alderheart is a good cat, learning a lot from Leafpool and Jayfeather. I see a bit of a filler personality, but overall a good medicine cat! Sandstorm's death is not his fault at all.
I love him so much! He is my favorite medicine cat for sure! I mean his nervousness is so cute!
He stepped in for so many different medicine cats, showing how great a medicine cat he is and how great his heart is. I don't blame him for Sandstorm's death, not in the slightest.
I hate how people do. It isn't fair. So many cats make mistakes in that book, so back off poor Alderheart.
Anyway, he also stayed true by not going with Velvet. Where so many other medicine cats failed, he didn't. So, go Alderheart!

I was sad when Flametail died. I wish he could have lived much longer. I will miss him, but at least we got a great medicine cat apprentice out of him.
This playful young tom was a great addition to ShadowClan's medicine supply, full of energy and strong. He had a vast knowledge of herbs and plants.
He was ShadowClan's medicine cat for a short time, as he died playing on the frozen lake, falling through and drowning under the ice. Jayfeather attempted to save him and almost drowned himself, but Rock pushed him away and made him leave Flametail to die.

Full of love and glory, Sagewhisker deserves a higher rating. She helped Yellowfang so much!
Sagewhisker was such a kind medicine cat and was a great mentor to Yellowfang!
She was Yellowfang's mentor and a kind, glorious cat. I love her.

Nothing on Mudfur either? I honestly feel he's one of the best RiverClan med cats. He became a med cat to stop the violence he made when he was a warrior, and after losing his mate.
I like how he was a caring father (I think, it's been a while since I read Leopardstar's Honor), and I loved how he became a medicine cat. By the way, where is Cloud Spots?
I love how he started off as a warrior and retired to medicine cat. He was so sad when (I think it was Brightsky) died. He was also an amazing father to Leopardstar.

Featherwhisker was great. He always had a liking for Bluestar and Snowfur even though they weren't his kin. He always tried to help and was kind and modest.
He did his best to take care of Goosefeather when he went crazy. Go Featherwhisker!
I wish Featherwhisker weren't so underrated. I have loved this character from the moment I met him in Bluestar's Prophecy. How could you not love this cat?
Ok, I'm sorry, but this guy is very underrated. Featherwhisker was actually very cool and skilled. He should be considered as one of the best ThunderClan medicine cats in history!

Puddleshine was filler - not for the story, but a filler for ShadowClan. Leafpool was not appreciated for teaching him. He is a great cat and mentor, though.
Bro, he didn't even want to be a medicine cat. Rowanstar just picked up some random kit and set him in front of Leafpool, like, "Okay Leafpool, teach him and be gone by morning." He wanted to be a warrior, just like other cats such as Alderheart, Jayfeather, Cinderpelt (okay, basically all ThunderClan medicine cats except Leafpool).
He tried, but he was so insecure when it came to older medicine cats like Mothwing. That girl came in like she owned the place.

I love Goosefeather. I always see him as Bluestar's crazy uncle with his curse and all.
He might have had his issues, but that didn't make him a bad medicine cat!
He was the brother of Moonflower (Bluestar and Snowfur's mother). People didn't understand him. He had visions, and he was lonely.
Poor Goosefeather. I really like this character.
Haunted by the past, he was the only one that could see the ghosts that lived among the clans, visions of everything that would happen in the future, as well as every prophecy. Sometimes it was a gift, and other times a curse. He carried this burden until death, and never told a soul, just to protect them.
Everyone thought he was crazy, and in the end, he did become a little insane, but who can blame him? He also had a vast knowledge of herbs, and was described to be "goofy and different from all the other cats" by Bluekit. He was smart, loyal, wise, kind, and funny! What's not to love?

Moth Flight?! How did you get 20th?! Moth Flight is such a resilient, brave, imaginative, colorful character. (She is personally my favorite character.) She had the boldness to stand up to her mother and to follow the green moth that everyone thought was a silly daydream.
I feel that I am a lot like Moth Flight, in the sense that she is constantly dreaming of a better way and how she is often underestimated and not given enough credit. Even in real life, Moth Flight is still not given enough credit and still underestimated.
-Birdcreek's Opinion

Pebble Heart is a grey tabby tom. He was ShadowClan's first medicine cat and he was very kind. Being one of Turtle Tail's kits, he was raised by Grey Wing (my favorite) along with his brother, Owl Eyes, and his sister, Sparrow Fur. This happened after Grey Wing realized his love for Turtle Tail, and she had run away from their real father.
Their real father was a cruel kittypet named Tom. Tom had once stolen him and his littermates, and Turtle Tail had gone after them, getting hit by a monster in the process. Grey Wing went after the kits and Turtle Tail, only to find that she had died. Heartbroken, he kept on the trail of the kits and took them back to the hollow.
Cloud Spots trained Pebble Heart to be a medicine cat.
Every cat decided to move away from the hollow. Some cats went to the river to live with River Ripple, some went to live in the forest with Clear Sky, and some went to live with Tall Shadow in the pine forest. Pebble Heart and Grey Wing went to the pine forest, and Owl Eyes and Sparrow Fur went to Clear Sky. With Pebble Heart's knowledge of herbs, he became ShadowClan's first medicine cat.

Hawkheart was a WindClan medicine cat under Heatherstar’s leadership in the forest territories. He originally served as a warrior before becoming a medicine cat. He was said to have an unusually... read more
My god, if he killed a background character like Patchpelt, would you care? I'm betting you would have either overlooked it or forgotten. Hawkheart has every right to defend his medicine. Yes, Moonflower shouldn't have died like that, but why flame Hawkheart for it? He was a loyal medicine cat that was defending himself. Get it through your heads.
It's not his fault he killed Moonflower (Well, I guess it is...), but she was trying to protect his clan. I mean, if you were a medicine cat and another cat broke into your den and destroyed all the herbs, wouldn't you be mad as well? True, he shouldn't have killed, but still.

Cloudberry was a good ThunderClan medicine cat. She was sweet, and you can read about her in Goosefeather's Curse.
She was the best medicine cat ever. She made Goosefeather stay away because she didn't want him to get hurt when she was healing Doestar, which killed her.