Top 10 Best Warrior Cats Names that Do Not Exist

Frostheart is a strong, muscular tom with a shiny pure white pelt that sparkles at twilight. He has dark gray freckles on his face, down his back, and on his tail. He has icy blue eyes and is a warrior of RiverClan.
Frostheart is a quiet and reserved warrior but has a soft inside and is an amazing fighter. He was named for the way his pelt glowed at dusk, like frost melting at sunset.
Frostheart is a large, strong tom with a pelt that looks like it's made of ice. He is the deputy of Moonclan.
Frostheart cares for his clan but doesn't show much emotion or empathy towards other cats, sometimes coming off as quite rude. One day his sister, Raintuft, told him her secret: she was pregnant with Jaysong, a Waterclan warrior's kits, believing she could trust him.
Frostheart, with no sympathy for his sister, told Twilightstar, who said that one kit would have to go to Waterclan. Raintuft got revenge on Frostheart a few moons later, leading him to the woods and abandoning him there, leaving Frostheart to die.

Creamfrost is a gray she-cat with a white underbelly. When she was an apprentice, she had an idea to raise mice so they would have food in the winter. Her leader laughed and dismissed her.
Anguished, Creampaw ran off and started MiceClan. She tried traveling to the Moonpool, but StarClan refused to give her her nine lives, saying that she shouldn't have run off. Knowing she couldn't be called Creamstar without nine lives, she trained hard on her own and named herself Creamfrost after taking her own assessment. She then met a rogue named Leaf and fell in love with him. They had three kits, then those kits had kits, starting MiceClan.

BrightStorm is a tall cat who uses they/them. They have a deep voice. They are a solid / self-color silver with a lustrous, long-haired coat. They have a toned build with a lot of muscle on their hind legs. They have upturned cobalt eyes that look clear. They have very small paws and a triangular face.
BrightStorm also has no distinguishable tooth problems and few facial scars. They have a reed dangling from their ear. Their personality traits are venturesome, confidential, and narcissistic. In conversations, they are noncommittal, but in private, they are very crazy. These traits are balanced by them being romantic to most clanmates.
BrightStorm was born to CotoneasterCloud (alive) and CornsilkJew (alive) in Riverclan. They have no siblings. They are a medicine-cat apprentice (adult). They died at the age of 48 moons due to whitecough.

Love the name!
I imagine her as a silver tabby with dark gray stripes and beautiful light blue eyes. Toward her tail tip, her tail gets fluffy.
Her mother is a Clan cat, her father a kittypet, and unlike her sister Birchsong, she didn't choose a side for a long time before settling on the life of a warrior.
A few moons later, she was finally allowed to hunt, but she only brought back one rabbit, while her sister was one of the best hunters in the Clan.
Determined not to be stuck with herbs because she couldn't hunt, she went out with Dawnbreeze and brought back two rabbits and a bird.
She formed a close bond with Dawnbreeze and soon enough became the deputy. She made sure to tell cats not to overwork themselves, and when the leader passed from old age, she took over and made Dawnbreeze her deputy.
A few moons later, she met with Birchsong in the middle of camp and asked why she never came to visit. Birchsong replied that she never knew she had a sister. Despite the two having to get over arguments, Jaysong formed a good bond with her sister and ruled the Clan fairly.

Birchsong is a brown tabby with darker brown stripes, random lighter brown splotches, and green eyes.
Like Jaysong, she was born to a Clan cat and a kittypet. She didn't know she had a sister, but she lived as a Clan cat her whole life and was even trained by her mother.
Because of this, she became one of the best hunters in the Clan and was very proud of it. She was the first one to get a certain litter of kits, who weren't fond of rabbits, to eat them. For this, she was praised by her Clanmates.
When her sister came, she immediately felt threatened and told her that maybe one day she'd be as good at hunting as she was. But her sister kept a good mood and even brought back two rabbits and a bird.
Feeling like her sister was trying to take the attention that being a good hunter got her, she lashed out and told her that she would never be as good at hunting as her. She admitted that when she said maybe she would be, she was just being nice.
A moon later, she went to her sister and apologized. She explained that she felt like Jaysong was trying to take what made her feel special. She even offered to take her and Dawnbreeze out hunting, which was fun, and she gave them some tips.
When her sister became leader and made Dawnbreeze deputy, Birchsong felt a little jealous. However, instead of lashing out again, she cheered for Dawnbreeze and her sister.

EchoLight is a huge cat who uses the pronouns she/her, and her voice is pretty loud. She is a smokey gray with a shiny, short-haired coat. She has a very muscular build with a little muscle on her stomach. She has normal mauve and lilac eyes that look all-knowing. She has polydactyl paws and a triangular face.
EchoLight also has autism and went to the elder's den early. Her personality traits are sensitive, artful, and uncooperative. In conversations, she is irreligious, but in private, she is very unstable. These traits are balanced by her being solid to most clanmates. EchoLight was born to WhisperingWillow (Dead) and ShimmeringLake (Dead) in WindClan. EchoLight got bit by an adder in the Elders den and died at 23 moons.

Dawnbreeze is a brown and white cat with a fluffy tail and gray eyes. She has a scar on her ear.
From the minute she was old enough to understand words, Dawnbreeze was taught to be respectful to everyone, unless they were being so mean that she couldn't handle it. When Jaysong came to the Clan, Dawnbreeze was instantly friendly to her and showed her around.
Like most of the Clan, she was very impressed with Birchsong. When Jaysong figured out that Birchsong and Jaysong were sisters, Dawnbreeze was happy for her friend.
She had gone hunting with Jaysong when the Clan had a wonderful hunting session, bringing back two rabbits and a bird. When she returned to tell the Clan, she saw Birchsong yelling at Jaysong and went to defend her friend.
She told Birchsong that maybe Jaysong wasn't trying to take her place, but was just getting better at hunting. When the argument continued, she finally snapped and told Birchsong to back off.
Dawnbreeze was there when the two sisters made up, and she was so happy for them. She went hunting with them and brought back a bird and a mouse.
She wasn't expecting to become deputy, as another thing she learned was to be humble. So when she did, she instantly asked Jaysong why. Jaysong responded that Dawnbreeze was her best friend and that she deserved it.

Amberdawn is a ginger she-cat with striking amber eyes. She is a loyal warrior who loves to hunt, and she has a nicked ear. Amberdawn is brave and determined to prove herself to ThunderClan. She loves a cat named Skystream (a light gray and brown tom with white patches) and has three kits: Beekit (a gray she-kit with red-ginger splotches), Ashkit (a gray tom with bright green eyes), and Dustkit (a light gray tom with yellow eyes).
- Willowmoon of ThunderClan
AmberDawn is a huge cat who uses the pronouns she/her. She has a gentle and loud voice. She is a color point ginger with a strange, curly-haired coat. She has a very thin build with a little muscle on her shoulders. She has normal maroon and mauve eyes that look florid. She has polydactyl paws and a triangular face.
AmberDawn also has PTSD and long ears. Her personality traits are profound, chummy, and tactless. In conversations, she is amusing, but in private, she is very weak. These traits are balanced by her being moderate to most clanmates. She was born to MidnightCherry (alive) and DappleStorm (alive) in RiverClan. She has two siblings named FawnPelt and DewMist. She is a warrior along with FawnPelt and DewMist. She died due to deathberries.

BlueMist is a tall cat who uses the pronouns she/her. She has a gentle and quiet voice. She is a tuxedo pale gray with a lustrous, curly-haired coat. She has a round build with a little fluff on her torso. She has normal apricot eyes that look shaded. She has average paws and a triangular face.
BlueMist has PTSD and burn marks. Her personality traits are intuitive, unceremonious, and unreflective. In conversations, she is unhurried, but in private, she is very trendy. These traits are balanced by her being vivacious to most clanmates.
BlueMist was born to FernStep (Dead) and WitheringShadow (Dead) in RiverClan. She was deputy in RiverClan but got exiled for murder. She later got killed by a fox.

A strong, loyal RiverClan tom with sleek black fur and lean muscles. His eyes are a piercing yellow, and he has a reputation throughout the Clans for being a renowned fighter. He always tries to settle arguments with words rather than blood because he hates to see injured cats when it isn't necessary.
Despite his long limbs and dominance on the battlefield when he knows he is fighting for the right thing, he is actually really sweet and wise. He has never taken a mate, though many cats are interested in him.
The Newcomers
I unironically love edgy names like this.

Silkypearl is a white she-cat with silver spots and black ears. She has milky-green eyes and a long tail.
Silkypearl was named after her love for the ocean. She lived in SeaClan for a while until she got tired of the cats there and moved to ForestClan. She fell in love with a tom named Dewfrost and had a lovely romance with him until he died. She grew bitter, and even more so when she found out she was expecting his kits. She had two kits named Dewkit and Frostkit.
A tom named Sandstone tried mating with her after she had kits, and she decided to become his mate. After Dewpaw and Frostpaw got their warrior names (Dewleap and Frostlight), she had Sandstone's kits, Huntingkit and Echokit. Unfortunately, he clawed her face and left the clans.

Oh my gosh. Yes. This is now my favorite!
I don't know, it's just kinda funny and cool.
I love how this got so high on the list.

Ambershade is a light brown (but not too light) cat with white ear tips and one ginger paw. Of course, she has a rich shade of amber eyes. She is the worst at hunting and fighting, but she excels when it comes to battle plans, recovering dens (along with Dustpelt), identifying edible berries from poisonous ones including look-alikes, and recognizing bird calls and other animal sounds. There wasn't really a job meant for her, but she became the Clan mediator. Everyone knew she was very intelligent, and she always had an opinion about something.
However, when she died due to a flood, StarClan accidentally sent her to the Dark Forest. There, she became best friends with Mapleshade, though she didn't become evil. StarClan allowed her to come back, but she chose to stay. She believed that every Dark Forest cat who survived the Great Battle deserved a second chance. She would lead a cat to StarClan (because she naturally knew the way - she was meant to be a StarClan cat) when she thought they had become good again. She even established a school for this purpose. A number of background characters earned their way to StarClan, but every major character failed, like Thistleclaw and Mapleshade. Eventually, she faded, and some other cat took up the role because StarClan thought it was a brilliant idea.
Whoa. I got carried away with this.

Ah, just as I remember her. She was a quiet cat, like me, from RiverClan. She has blue-greenish eyes and is friendlier than me.
Why is every cat friendlier than me?! Anyway, she was a kind cat who didn't leave me alone and would stand by my side. I often thought, Yeah, I'm not really used to this since I'm usually alone, but I'll just go with the flow. Maybe StarClan will tell me why this is happening or something.
This was when I was the leader of RiverClan. Ah, I'm talking too much. Anyway, she is a good swimmer and a really nice cat. Try to meet her if you can!
- From Spiritfang, the Leader of RiverClan

I think Honeysplash would be a dappled yellowish-pale brown she-cat with amber eyes. She is very good at pretending, lying, and acting. She even tricked everyone in the Clan, including her mate, into believing that her mate was truly her mate. She pretends to be really sweet and always says sympathetic things to her not-really-friends. However, she is cold-blooded and fools everyone. Her goal is to destroy the Clans.
She had a beloved friend whose life ended tragically. Her friend had just given birth to her children when the Clan cats killed her. Honeypaw was devastated and promised StarClan that she would avenge her friend.
She received her warrior name because she pretended to be good. She had a talent for tracking scent trails and an excellent sense of hearing. During her warrior ceremony, her leader used the words "honest" and "loyal" to describe her because he was unaware of her plans. There wasn't really any reason for her to be named with the suffix "splash."
In the end, she was taken by greencough, the most mundane and common way for a cat to die, especially a background character unrelated to the main story. No one ever knew about her treachery, and she was remembered as an honorable warrior. StarClan decided that the Dark Forest was a bit too harsh for her, since the Clans did kill her friend and her children. Thus, they sent her to the badger afterlife to be reunited with her friend.
Okay, I got a bit carried away with this.

I imagine her looking like she does in the picture! Also, love the name.
From the moment her father had taken her to his clan, she was trying to please him. But he was distant, and she didn't know why. Amberkit asked her father who would be her mentor, and he responded with a simple answer that it would be decided by the leader of the clan.
A few moons later, she saw a mouse and caught it for a few seconds, but it got away. Her father scolded Amberkit, saying she couldn't practice hunting until she was an apprentice.
When Amberpaw finally became an apprentice, her father became even more distant. On her first patrol, she ran into her mother. As her mother began to tell her about her siblings, Amberpaw snapped at her and asked if she was her least favorite kit. Was she not good enough to keep in her clan? Without letting Dovefeather say much more, Amberpaw went back to the camp.
She confronted her father, asking why he was so distant and if he would have preferred to take care of one of her siblings. He was shocked but told her to respect him as her father. She replied that she wouldn't respect someone who didn't respect her.
She saw Ashbreeze collecting herbs with their mother and wondered if she could visit. Amberhaze went to the other clan's camp and requested to see her mother. Her siblings led her to where Ashbreeze and Dovefeather were. When she was told Dovefeather was dying of old age, she held her mother's gaze as Dovefeather asked for forgiveness. Amberhaze told her she already had it.
Amberhaze ran from the camp, returning to her own. She found her father and lashed out, saying that he could have taken her to visit their family, but he didn't. The older tom cat didn't respond. Realizing he wouldn't talk to her right now, she walked into the center of the camp.
Moons after this, she became pregnant with Cinderstream's kits. After a few more moons, she gave birth to a single, wonderful kit. The clan... more

I personally picture a large, thick-pelted, dark reddish-brown she-cat with a paler underbelly and darker flecks along her legs and hindquarters. She has a swaying, feathery tail and very dark amber eyes.
A beautiful reddish-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes that shine like fire in sunlight. Briarflame used to be a kittypet named Briar until she met a RiverClan warrior named Jaysong. While in the forest, she happened to encounter Jaysong. Instead of chasing her off, Jaysong was kind to the young she-cat and promised her that he'd ask his leader about letting her join the clan.
The next day, Jaysong came back to twolegplace to get Briar after getting permission from his clan leader, Juniperstar. Briar joined the clan under the name Briarflame and quickly adapted to her new life. She later became mates with Jaysong and mothered his four kits in the nursery: Honeykit, Moonkit, Amberkit, and Molekit.

Dewdrop was a really quiet cat who would secretly heal me when I was on the rock and no one was looking. Then, without a word, he would run away.
When we were attacked, Dewdrop would defend me. I'm kinda grateful, but I can fight on my own, okay? This is why my name ends with "fang." Yeah, it's quite weird, but he got crushed by a stone. This was when I was leader in ShadowClan.
- From Spiritfang, the Leader of RiverClan (used to be Leader in ShadowClan)
Dewdrop is a warrior in SeaClan. She couldn't have kits because of an injury to her entire spinal cord. Her mate is Raven, a fierce, muscular tom who is black from the head to the midsection and white to the tip of his tail. He has a stub tail, cut off by a fox.
Dewdrop gets betrayed by her friend and is subsequently exiled. She creates her own clan and names it DewClan. She becomes the leader and receives nine lives. Raven joins the clan and becomes the deputy. Since she couldn't have kits, she adopts a fox named Mayhem. Mayhem is a red fox who is sly, calm, and skilled. Dewdrop dies in the great battle between SeaClan and DewClan.

Okay, just so everyone knows, in the newest book series Changing Skies, one of the main characters, along with Tawnypelt and Leafstar, is called Moonpaw. So now Moon suffixes and prefixes are allowed.
Also, I found the Leaf Moon and Wolfslash story weird. They used the word pregnant way too many times.
- Nightbreeze of Breezeclan
Leafmoon is a loving cream and brown she-cat. Leafmoon sat with her tail curled around her mate. He started licking her ear lovingly as he sat on the deputy rock.
"Oh, sweet dear Wolfslash, I am..." She paused, putting a paw on her swollen belly, feeling for kicking kits. "I am pregnant with your kits. I am expecting them, my dear."
Wolfslash, the deputy of WindClan, licked her ear lovingly as he sat down, brushing her pelt with his. She turned to her nest to go to sleep. Wolfslash followed and snuggled next to her as she lay down.
She lay on her back, exposing her pregnant belly, which was bumping up and down every few moments. Wolfslash licked it, then pressed an ear to her belly to listen for their kits.
"I am so proud of you, Leafmoon darling!" he purred as his head was lifted by a strong kit. Leafmoon gave a soft lick to the kit. "They are coming in three moons," she thought.
They sat side by side two moons and three-quarters later.
"Oof!" she mewed as she fell against her mate's shoulder.
"Are you okay?" he mewed anxiously as she fell again, her belly twitching so widely she fell to her side.
"Is it the kits? Or is your pregnancy making you nervous?"
"The kits!" she gasped. All the cats at the gathering turned to them. "They are coming!" Her swollen belly was shaking, and the pregnant cat collapsed in Wolfslash's paws.
Her belly was so swollen and kept bumping. Her kits kept kicking, and each time she let out a painful screech, pressing her paws against her pregnant belly.

I imagine a sleek, sand-colored she-cat with grey-green eyes and a light tabby marking on her right shoulder. Her left ear has a small notch, and she has dark gold legs. She's very smart and observant and is a decent hunter.
She has helped in more than one battle plan! Although she may have a frosty personality, she's as warm as a fresh-killed mouse once you get to know her.
Sandfeather is a pale yellow she-cat with keen, curious green eyes. She has short fur and a long tail. She was named Sandfeather because of her tendency to stare off into the distance, momentarily lost in thought.
Sandfeather is a wonderful hunter and very fast, but fighting was never her strong suit. She has a white tail tip and short claws. She belongs to ThunderClan.
When Sandfeather was Sandpaw, Beepaw confessed that he liked her ever since she became an apprentice. When they both became warriors, Beepaw, now Beewhisker, asked her to be his mate. Sandfeather readily agreed. She had his kits: one was a gray tabby she-cat, like Beewhisker, and the other was a sandy tom, like Sandfeather.
However, in a battle with ShadowClan, Beewhisker was killed, along with her mother, Brackenshade. She pretended that she wasn't deeply depressed, but she stared off into the distance more than ever. Over time, she became increasingly depressed until Beewhisker visited her in a dream.
He told her that she was not destined to be a warrior, but a medicine cat. She followed his advice and became one of the greatest medicine cats ThunderClan has ever seen.

Stinkycatmint: A black and white tom with hazel eyes. He smells like old catmint and is a FartClan elder.
His mother is Motheater (a dappled white she-cat with gray eyes), and his father is Snottynose (a gray and white tom with an always snotty nose and amber eyes), the previous medicine cat. His mate is Gassybutt (a brown she-cat with olive eyes who farts a lot).
His kits are Airvoice (a light blue tom with blue eyes), Waterbreath (a blue-gray mottled she-cat with blue eyes), Poopseed (a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes who is the current medicine cat), and Poisonivy (a tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes who is poisonous).

Name: Beeflight
Gender: She-cat
Father: Storkhaze (elder)
Mother: Puff (rogue)
Sister(s): Smalltuft, Quickear, Sweetnose
Brother(s): Beetleheart, Nettlespring, Goosekit
Mate: None
Crush: Hawksong
Kits: None
Clan (canon): SkyClan
Clan (fanon): SwiftClan
Birth time: Around POT and died in AVOS before the Kin
Cause of death: A tree fell. The impact didn't kill her but knocked her unconscious, and she was swept into a river where she drowned.
Role: Warrior
Personality: Beeflight is enthusiastic and excited about most things. She loves trying new things, and she is very optimistic and positive. She tries hard not to judge other cats, but it comes naturally to her. She can also get snappy really easily if something really messes up her day.
Description: Beeflight is a light gray tabby she-cat with white paws, muzzle, and underbelly, and dark stripes. She has blazing green eyes and some ginger patches. She is average-sized with large paws that make it hard for her to climb, which made her apprenticeship longer because climbing is an important part of SkyClan. She has medium-length fur, with the tip of her tail missing and a nick in her left ear. On her right shoulder, she has a scar about two inches long from a ThunderClan warrior.
Backstory: Beekit was born into SkyClan in the warm walls of the nursery. She was the third oldest kit in the litter and the fourth smallest. Her bigger siblings got more milk than her, as they were able to shove their younger siblings out of the way. After six moons, Beekit became Beepaw and was apprenticed to Brackencloud, a senior warrior. As a young apprentice, she was enthusiastic and excited about everything, but as her apprenticeship went on, she got bored, her usual enthusiasm dying away as things became routine.
After a few moons, she started her assessment. She almost caught so much prey, but every time her large paws... more

A silver tabby with darker gray stripes and light blue eyes. She has white on her muzzle.
Ashkit was born to Dovefeather, along with Amberkit, Skykit, and Silverkit. She often observed the other cats in the clan and played with her siblings, unaware of Ashkit at the time.
When she got closer to being an apprentice, she studied herbs with her mother and grew closer to her when she became a medicine apprentice.
She treated her first cat, who had a gash in his hind leg and a cut on his side, easily, as she had studied herbs so much before this. She learned that she could store water in moss, understood how each herb worked, and enjoyed trying to find herbs under snow.
When she was gathering herbs, she saw Silverpaw and playfully asked him if he was hunting, to which he responded with a playful: Are you?
She treated more cats, even becoming friends with some, and helped deliver kits several times over the moons.
Ashpaw was only an apprentice for a few moons when her mother revealed that medicine cats had a very important job. She responded that she knew and would take it seriously. Her mother puffed up proudly.
She went collecting herbs with her mother and saw a cat talking to her. She didn't have to hear every word to realize that she had another sibling.
After a few moons, she earned her warrior name: Ashbreeze. She still managed time to hang out with her siblings and do her duties, which she did with surprising ease after she got the hang of it. But holding back the knowledge of having a sister from her brother was hard, and she wondered why her sister was in another clan.
Moons passed, and the clan seemed calm. There weren't many injured cats, and kits were coming in from queens, which meant that, soon enough, there would be more hunters.
Then her mother retired, and she knew what that meant - old age. She spent time with her mother, and when she finally met Amberhaze, like her other siblings,... more

Cinderstream is a dark grey molly who usually keeps to herself and can be snappy around others. She has a brisk voice and piercing dark blue eyes. Her tail is long and bushy, with unkempt fur sticking out EVERYWHERE.
I think this OC is awesome! I too am always trying to think of Cinder names but they all SUCK!! But CinderStream is not only a great name. I love the wild description of her!
She is a she-cat. Dark gray with white flecks and paws. She has dark bluish-green eyes. She is a RiverClan-ThunderClan half-Clan cat.
Super Edition: Cinderstream's Light
As a kit, she never felt in place in ThunderClan. Her mother, a white she-cat with light green eyes named Whitefern, always treated her like she was a baby. She was not allowed to eat a bird until six moons.
Her sister, a light gray she-cat with dark green eyes named Poppykit, was supportive of her quiet sister, though Poppykit was loud and energetic. Cinderkit was bullied by a kit named Amberkit, an orange tomkit with amber eyes.
She was made an apprentice to a stern tom named Sandypelt. He looked just like Amberkit and was his father, but he turned out to be okay in the end to his still-feeling-out-of-place apprentice.
She knew who her father was and left to join RiverClan.

Starstarstar, the white tom with golden flame-shaped markings, tipped tail, ears, wings, and rainbow eyes?
He existed in ancient times. He made a super Clan called RoyalClan.
Starstarstar... Hmm, ah-ha! It's Susan's whatever you call it time! Let's see. Starstarstar is the leader of StarClan because, why not? He's immortal, has rainbow laser eyes, star-patterned fur, a unicorn horn, super strength, invisibility, telekinesis, and can walk on water. In addition, Starstarstar can teleport, has butterfly wings, and sports Fortnite default skin fur.
He has over 10,000 mates and a brother named Kitkitstar, as well as a sister named Pawpawstar. In my mind, Starstarstar is a Fortnite default skin tom. That's all!

Omg. I imagine her looking like Silverstream but with gray patches that sometimes look blue, like Bluestar or Crowfeather. And maybe a black underbelly. Yea, I like it.
She has a soft personality that swallows you whole, but the thing is, it's comfy and you like it. Just like my cousin's giant koala Squishmallow.
For some reason, I envision a treacherous black she-cat with piercing blue eyes and light gray paws. She trained in the Dark Forest but was then used by one of the deceased cats. Iceclaw, a Dark Forest she-cat, used Skystream to bring herself back to life.
Iceclaw took over Skystream's body and wreaked havoc on the Clans. Skystream realized her mistake and tried to fight Iceclaw for control of her body but was unsuccessful. Then, when everyone thought they were going to be destroyed, Skystream managed to regain control of her body and killed herself. She died a hero!