Top 10 Ways to Know You're Addicted to Porn

The Top Ten
1 You become friends with people who watch porn as much as you
2 Every time you look at a computer, you think of porn
3 You join a porn addiction rehab center
4 Your sex drive isn't as strong as it used to be
5 You masturbate in the middle of the night
6 You daydream about making adult films with everyone of the opposite gender that's not related to you
7 You have to keep buying new hard drives
8 You get fired for getting caught watching it at work
9 You ask people to help refrain yourself from watching it
10 You watch it in public
The Contenders
11 You eventually turn into a sex offender
12 You ask other people if they watch porn
13 You start to do weird things when you are alone
14 You download it on your phone to watch it on the go
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