Top Ten Weirdest Things to Do When You See Your Crush with Another Girl/Boy

The Top Ten
1 Jump into lava
2 Shout for 24 hours
3 Twerk in front of the classroom

What about out of school? Probably attention from police!

4 Imagine that you have magic and want to turn yourself into a banana
5 Break a wall with your head
6 Imagine that you are an anime character
7 Eat ice cream for 1 month
8 Wishing that you are a bunny

For a few hours, I would love to be a bunny! I have an amazing boyfriend so I don't have to worry about this stuff

9 Put 100 layers of glue into your face
10 Date your enemy
The Contenders
11 Getting drunk and unconscious
12 Kill yourself

Suicide is a permanent solution to temporally problem.

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