Top 10 Weirdest Toys of All Time

When it comes to toys, there's always the usual mix of action figures, stuffed animals, and board games that are sure to spark nostalgia or joy. But then, there's a whole other side of the toy world - the downright bizarre creations that make you stop and wonder, Who thought this was a good idea? Some of these toys are strange enough to make you laugh, others might leave you feeling confused, and a few are so odd you might even find them unsettling. From toys that seem like pranks to those that are just plain puzzling, the world of weird toys is full of surprises.
The Top Ten
Face Bank

It looks like Leatherface's mailbox.

Baby Laugh-A-Lot
The Pet Rock

Were they on drugs?

Baby's First Baby

A baby that's pregnant with a baby. Seriously, were the creators high?

Poo Dough
Gooey Louie

The game's creator was probably on crack.


My sister has one... and it really freaks me out.

Erwin, The Surgery Doll

For crying out loud, this is stupid. Just give the kids the Operation game. They even had an Operation pen once, if you remember the board game pens.

Exactly what your child needs: a doll that lets you rip out its organs.

Jolly Chimp

It looks like it came out of a horror movie!

The Newcomers

? Boohbah Plushies
? Poopsie Slime Surprise

LOL dolls are better. These are just copies of LOL dolls.

Both have big sisters, and both do things, but Poopsies are worse because they have sparkle poop inside.

The Contenders
Ran Over Cat

Don't worry, Jack-In-The-Box toys are rather outdated now. Unless you want to see the ugliest one in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Are these people trying to give kids nightmares?!

The Game of Cootie

What the hell is Cootie? You always hear American kids talking about it.

The Simpsons: Milhouse Figurine

The idea itself isn't weird, but he doesn't have eyes, and that's weird.

Baby Alive
Dance & Move Beatbo & Beatbelle
Cry Babies
The Doggie Doo Game
FIJIT Friends
Baby Alive Super Snack Snackin' Sara
Baby Alive Sweet Tears
Fur Berries
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