Top Ten Worst Programming Languages

The Top Ten
1 Java

DO NOT let java run all the time on the browser because you get so much crap-ware and viruses, also DON'T install the ask bar which also lets you get more viruses, at least mine craft now comes with it's own java

LOL you people are dumb Java is the gold standard of languages and is no. 1 on this site's "best languages" list you hypocrites

The JVM, while being an interesting idea is just too unstable to consider using it for anything.

2 Barclays digital playground

A massive rip-off of scratch, Everything is exactly the same but the blocks are smoothed down, you can tell that by watching one second of the advert.

3 Scratch

This is a stupid programming language. And it's used for what? That's right nothing.

4 Python
5 Visual Basic

Awful syntax, weakly typed, outdated

6 HTML 5
7 PhP

PHP has a variety of security and design flaws and it was never meant to be anything serious. The fact that many people still use it for websites is concerning.

8 Unity

Unity is not a programming language itself. Unity uses the language C#

9 Perl

How is this language not #1 ? It's basically a blend of at least 4 different languages: shell, C, awk and sed. This is what makes people call the language "write-only". Everybody writes the code in their unique style based upon how much they understand each of the underlying languages. There is no type checking/enforcement and it's not even consistent with how it converts one type to another. The sigils ($, %, @) are enough to drive you crazy, especially when you attempt to use more complicated data structures. Function parameter passing is awful because the user has to explicitly pull the arguments off of the stack and assign them to local variables. Oh, and you can only pass scalar variables. You cannot pass arrays or any complex data structures. You can only pass references to them. Overall, this is the easily the worst language. I've been using it for over 20 years and I still come across a lot of code that I can't understand !

10 Swift
The Contenders
11 Lua
12 Brainf*ck
13 C++
14 x86 Assembly

This forces you to develop at such a low level that you can just start soldering stuff instead

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