Top Ten Wings of Fire SeaWing Names
She is already a character, but her name says she's powerful. Could take whole kingdoms, if she tried hard enough.
Also she is one of my favorites, so that buys herself some points.
Tsunami is awesome. so awesome I have nothing to say more I love her about everything!
Tsunami is awesome and her name is the best name in WoF overall.
She's a light blue-green female SeaWing with dark blue eyes. She killed Tsunami (yay I hate tsunami) and nobody really cared. She became Queen and was best friends with Queen Glory. She had two sons, Splash and Blue, and two daughters Otter and Mist. She died 100 years later of old age, and Otter took over, and lived 200 years. Yay!
Aquamarine is such a nice name! I'd vote for it - anytime!
So cool! I already have a character with that name!
Aqua is a nice name! But Tsunami is already a name, and so is Coral, and Webs . . . When you look at the title, it says Top Ten Wings of Fire SeaWing names! There's already dragons named that and stuff!
I like the name. Not that original to me, but it wouldn't be a bad Seawing name.
Sounds like the most common name for a SeaWing to me...
Theres already a Coral, and there's already a Pearl. You have to read Darkstalker Legends to find out about Pearl.
The Newcomers
Tidal wave is a name like tsunami. They are practically the same thing.
Riptide is like, my favorite arc 1 character. I just HAD to.
Manta Ray is a pink-and silverish blue female SeaWing, daughter of Princess Mist. She lives with the RainWings and has two dragonets with a male Rain-NightWing hybrid named Rain. Her son is a dark blue and pink RainSeaWing with green eyes named River and a daughter who is green-and yellow AND indigo named Mantis. River can read minds and see the future but Mantis can read minds, foresee, and is an animus (she can do RainWing and SeaWing stuff making her more powerful, then Darkstalker!) but only uses her magic for good. Manta died 100 years later. The end!
Otter is Queen Aquamarine's daughter. She is surprisingly brown but has beautiful green eyes. She has three daughters Sapphire, Ocean, and RiverSong, and two sons Ripple and Tortoise. Her best friend is Anemone, and Otter died when she was 'bout 235.