Top 10 Worst Clichés in Metal Music

I don't hate metal music, but these are clichés that can be commonly associated with the genre...
The Top Ten
1 Annoying Growling Vocals

What do you mean by annoying? Growls are an integral part of death metal, if you don't like it then don't listen to it. Without growls death metal loses it essence and can hardly be called death metal there are exceptions but that overly hyped prog metal band called Death is not one of them. Death Metal is not for everyone especially not for those that only listen to mainstream music or don't like to broaden their musical horizons. What do you expect from bands named Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Suffocation etc? Songs about flowers and kittens! These type of people only listen to the band Death and their stupid boring prog metal albums like Symbolic, ITP etc and call themselves Death Metal fans -- it boils my blood.

Hopefully a lot of these aren't in Heavy Metal.

Like Cannibal Corpse, I agree.

Thi is really annoying.

2 Elitism
3 Indistinguishable Lyrics
4 Guitar Wankery
5 Fictionalized Violence
6 Emo Personalities
7 "Brutal" Songs and Albums
8 Screaming
9 "Angry" Songs
10 Skeletons On Album Covers

I like skeletons. But metal album covers need more variety.

The Contenders
11 Gory Lyrics and Album Covers
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