Top 10 Worst Company Mascots Ever

Company mascots are meant to be the friendly, recognizable faces of a brand - characters that make you smile or at least remember the product they're hawking. But sometimes, things don't go as planned. Some mascots end up being more confusing than charming, or worse, downright creepy. Whether it's a misguided concept, poor design, or just something that doesn't click with audiences, not every mascot can be a winner.
The Top Ten
Jack Box (Jack in the Box)
Spongmonkeys (Quiznos)

Looks like a drug addict created this thing. I can't tell if it's supposed to be a person, an animal, or a potato with eyes and lips, and then a preschooler finished the final touches on the design.

I agree, as these were already the main reason I stopped going to Quiznos. What's worse is that Subway isn't safe either! I actually used to think Subway was better than Quiznos, but then I learned the darker truth about their mascot/spokesman, Jared Fogle, who turned out to be a pedophile. No wonder I prefer Firehouse Subs now.

Subman (Subway)
Happy Star (Carl's Jr.)
Ronald McDonald (McDonald's) Ronald McDonald is a clown character used as the primary mascot of the McDonald's fast-food restaurant chain.
Wendy (Wendy's)
The Noid (Domino's)
Burger King (Burger King)
Arby's Oven Mitt (Arby's)
DQ Lips (Dairy Queen)

The Newcomers

? Reddit Alien (Reddit)
? Nakadasshi (Nakadashi Gakuen)

He would have been fine if he wasn't broken.

The Contenders
Proto (Protogent)

Bad recolor/rip-off of Super Why.

Lol. That is literally orange Super Why.

The Kinder Egg Man (Kinder)

I didn't plan on sleeping anyway.

He sucks for being so creepy.

Chuck E. Cheese (Chuck E. Cheese's)

Especially the older, creepier versions.

OMG, that picture! What?!

Lemonhead (Ferrara Candy Company)
Happy the Happy Meal (McDonald's)

To be fair, he should be ranked above Ronald McDonald.

Puppy Monkey Baby (Mountain Dew)
California Raisins (Sun-Maid)
Little Baby's Ice Cream Person (Little Baby's Ice Cream)

By the way, his name is Malcolm.

Progressive Box (Progressive)

The Progressive Box should be in the top 3 because it's so creepy and annoying.

Crazy Craving (AKA Craver) (Honeycomb)
Erin Esurance (Esurance) Erin Esurance is a fictional character created as the mascot for Esurance, an auto insurance company. She is depicted as a pink-haired spy who uses technology to make insurance easier for customers. Erin was designed to appeal to younger audiences and symbolize the modern, tech-savvy approach of the... read more

She looks like a rip-off of Black Widow.

Bootleg Kim Possible.

K.C. Penguin (Kid Cuisine)
Mr. Clean (Procter & Gamble)

I hate Mr. Clean. He looks like a grown-up version of Caillou.

The Gobbledok (Smith's Chips)
Clippy the Paper Clip (Microsoft)
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