Top Ten Inventions That Need Re-Inventing

There are many items and devices that receive continuous upgrades, making each day a little bit easier for us. Of course, there are also plenty of things that are either victims of being analog watches in a digital age, or are just lousy in general even though they're the best (or should I say least worst) at what they do. Consider this list an open letter to the inventors of the world. Please re-invent these things!
The Top Ten
Hearing aids

All of my grandparents have either used hearing aids and passed on, or currently make use of them for daily living. They never work properly. Half the time they're either not turned up enough, or they make a really annoying ringing noise that bothers all small children and dogs within a three-kilometer radius.

Hammers and nails

I don't really think I need to list reasons for why these things need re-inventing. Hammering in a nail can be a very frustrating, and occasionally painful, experience.

Breakfast cereal

Hear me out (except for those of you with poor hearing aids - do what you can). Cereal needs re-inventing because it becomes soggy and flavorless too quickly. Just minutes after I pour the milk, the cereal has the texture and flavor of wet cardboard. What can be done to prevent this? You tell me, inventors.

This is why I don't like cereal. All the flavor drains into the milk, with which the cereal's flavors usually don't mix well. That's why, when I have to eat cereal, I eat it without milk or I drink milk on the side.


I feel sort of dirty for adding this. Commenting on it does not make me feel any less dirty. So I have vowed not to mention the product listed above, refer to its function, or note what about it needs improving. There, I feel much better now. With this crowd of users, an inappropriate slip of the tongue might lead one to feel unsafe online and yearn for the need to use protection against the infectious parasites of the web. D'oh!

Shopping carts

I always find myself grabbing the cart that has a shaky wheel or won't stop squeaking. And, of course, they're not really all that child-friendly, despite having "seats" for them to sit in.

Windshield wipers

It doesn't matter what brand I buy. The darn things keep breaking on me. That means plenty of streaking! Not happy. What can be done to make these things better? I don't know, but maybe someone will know soon.

Remote controls

I have very little trouble handling a television/DVD/Blu-ray remote, but my mother will struggle trying to turn the television set and the cable on and off for the rest of her life. I know it. So, why doesn't someone come up with an easier-to-use remote control? They'd make millions inventing a device like that, I imagine.

There are so many buttons that are hard to function! And when you accidentally click a button while watching a show - UGH! There should be a "remote sleep" button so you don't click something accidentally as much.

Coffee cups / coffee cup lids

You know that stain on your favorite shirt that will never come out, no matter how much you wash it? And you know how sensitive your skin is after spilling hot coffee all over yourself three dozen times? Well, you have coffee cups and lids to blame. They're mediocre at shielding you from the evil hot coffee. They must evolve for your health and sanity's sake.

Walter filtration devices

The cost of replacing a Brita filter every couple of months can add up if you insist on drinking water that you filter yourself. So, wouldn't it be great if someone invented a water filter that didn't need to be replaced as often, or at all? I'd buy that.


I wanted to add this because of the famous question, "Why can't they build a better mousetrap?" Of course, humane mousetraps are commonly considered to be superior to the "classic" device, but they still don't guarantee an end to the pests crawling around your house.

The Newcomers

? Erasers for pens
? Lab coats
The Contenders
Computer operating systems

Some of them no longer work properly. Hey, at least modern ones work well and need more RAM to install.

1. Windows 8 (0.35% usage) (1GB RAM)
2. Windows 10 (69.00% usage) (1-2GB RAM)
3. Windows 11 (23.00% usage) (4GB RAM)

Windows 8 looks like it slides from left to right. It has the start button right on the top left of the screen. There are some viruses and booting issues. There's a guide to fix that problem, and you'll no longer have any shutdown problems if you fix it.

Steam Train
3D printer
Kiddie scissors
Wrapping paper
Memory foam mattresses
Seat belts
Bulletproof vests
Phone fingers
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