Top Ten Best Places to Poop

When you think about it, there are so many places to poop!
The Top Ten
1 In a toilet

Really? Out of all the stupid items on this list, this isn't number 1? Then again, the title of this list sounds retarded.

Seriously?!? I Just Want To Know How This Isn't Number One On This List.

I voted for this because of all you weirdos who didn't.

There, and that's the only place you should use to get rid of wastes. - Rheathesecond

2 On a picture of a band you hate

Really! This list is stupid! why would you just poop on a picture of something you hate?! This is nonsensical and immature. And the toilet is the only place you can poop! - roblox connor4808

This list is dumb, and so are the other ones that have something to do with poop.

I would take a poop on a picture of Aqua band more known as Barbie Girl.

Wow, the person who made this list must of had a brain storm?

3 On Justin Bieber

Justin beiber personally attacked and killed my entire immediate family. He is currently targetting my grandparents. Please bombard him with your excrement so his rampage will finally stop.

I would have said in a Urinal, but it wasn't on the list, so Justin Bieber's mouth is the next best thing, since nothing but crap comes out of it anyways.

He used to be hated just because he sang like a girl. Now he's actually a full blown dumbass.

4 Beside a Drachma

In case you don't know, a Drachma is the currency of the ancient Greeks.

5 Southwest of a copy of Super Mario Galaxy

Great way to troll your annoying siblings if you move the game, because they'll have to move too to stay Southwest of it.

6 On a picture of a politician you hate

That would be a pic of Donald Trump for me. I hate him.

Mine would be Hillary Clinton P.S Hillary4Prison

Blue vanilla what the hell Obama's good

Calling all Obama and Bush haters!

7 On the ISIS flag

I don't wanna make the Isis people sad am not commenting

8 On The Map from Dora the Explorer

We did it we did it we did it oh yay! We crossed the lava lake when we were murdering! We punched and killed the kangaroo,that was a stupid thing! We ate the platypus after killing him! we crossed Mount Everest and there was the lion king! We killed the lion king and we got to mum and dad! We murdered daddy and mummy was sad yay! THAT SHOW IS ONLY ENTERTAINING 34 YEAR OLDS IDIOTS :D

Poop on Dora, Boots,Map,Click,Backpack,Baby Jaguar, Benny,Bobo Brothers, Rescue pack, Isa, Tico,Linda the Llama,Swiper, The Grumpy old troll, Big Red chicken,and other characters from Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go!

9 On the Toilet

ON the toilet? Haha yeah public thing then u squash it and spread it all over the seat and do it on every seat!

Wanted to vote for "On The Table", but since it is not an option right now, I have to vote for my second choice.

Haha it's the best prank to poop on the toilet seat in a public bathroom

10 Underneath the Statue of Liberty

Once on a trip to NYC I saw a baby getting his or her diaper changed on Liberty Island

Guinness Book of World Records: Longest turd underneath a national monument

No one would put that in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Blue vanilla can u make a pee list too?

The Contenders
11 On a MacBook Air

It has to have some use when it doesn't work!

... Hello Darkness my old Friend...

Don't poop on computers, kids.

That’s disrespectful for Apple and me...I will hunt whoever made this list down!

12 On a picture of Justin Bieber

If someone poops in Justin Bieber's face, then that would be gross, but hilarious!

I hate Justin Bieber- I just want to crap all over him.

13 On The Breadwinners Complete 1st Season DVD
14 A The New York Times magazine made in 1999

I pooped on a newspaper when I was 2 years old. I was with my aunt and she was changing me and then she realized that she ran out of diapers (Pampers size 5). I pooped there until my aunt was able to go out and buy more diapers :D

I like when people poop on paper, I'm Weird

15 Oprah Winfrey's car

Some one Poop on Oprah's car- especially if its bloody diarrhea.

More like crashing it for me

16 On the roof of a WalMart

Seems like a pretty normal place to poop

If ya ever do it poo in the shape of a ladder

This seems valid. A wonderful spot

17 In an KFC plastic bag

Once when I was 2 years old I ran out of diapers so I pooped in a plastic bag until my aunt could go out and buy more diapers

Hey blue vanilla can u make a piss one? And when I was in kfc I LITERALLY saw someone pooping in it._.

You can smell delicious smells while you poop.

This is were ghetto people poop in

18 Into a warp pipe

Mario is a plumber, he'd know how to deal with mountains of delicious poo

What if Mario is in there? You don't want to poop on him! Then again, Mario could get a poop powerup…

19 On the U.S. flag

HEY I LIVE IN TEXAS, USA! That's just mean to the usa. never steal a flag then do that in the public, you may end up getting fined or even arrested and kicked out of the usa - roblox connor4808

If you disrespect te US flag you're supposed to burn it, right? But after I pooped on the flag I had to set it on fire and it smelled like death.

Yeah, and after that I'll crash a plane into the new World Trade Center! Duhhh... I hate America!

I'll never do this again. I got frowned at last time.

20 On the school floor

Most school floors are already made of crap

Yep - this should get you certified for the year.

This list is stupid, why does it even exist?!

21 On yourself

I pooped myself when I was 2 years old. I was wearing Pampers diapers at the time.

my little sister was potty trained when she was 5 so she do this a lot

I pooped on myself when I was first born

If only I was flexible enough.

22 On your cat

Whoever put this on the list is a big, fat, hairy, Boomer

Your cat will enjoy the lovely, warm hat.

No! You people are mean and stupid.

I would totally do this. I hate cats.

23 On Obama's face

How dare!? Obama was a great president unlike trump. Trump is an ass and deserves to be pooped on. Obama actually cares! Trump only cares about (I think) money, women, and golf!

This is just gross, even for doing it to Trump it sound disgusting, and I can get gross at times so this wins the gross award.

I would rather eject my poop, pee and saliva on Donald trumps face

24 On your neighbor's lawn

What better way to declare war on the neighbors, than to poop on their lawn, and then claim it was your other neighbor's dog?

I always give this to my neighbor as a birthday present. It's good fertilizer.

REVENGE! Take that for "borrowing" the lawn mover and not returning it!

Neighbor: No. Don't even think about it. NOO!

Seriously, who does that?!

25 On Ariana Grande's Love Me Harder Set

Yes, yes. Gladly.

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