Best Things to Do While Home Sick

Too sick to be productive? Too sick to go to work, or just can't do it today. There are a few of my favorite things to do whilst stuck in bed, sick.
The Top Ten

Cold and flu symptoms can keep you from getting a good night's rest when you need it. Be lazy and avoid doing anything that requires a lot of energy. Stay at home for a day or two, sit down, and stay relaxed.

Sit on the sofa, uncurl, and watch a movie or the news. Or go online and watch videos on YouTube or update your status on Facebook. Lie on the couch or in your bed and read a book. Find a way to stay entertained while sitting or lying down.

Take naps. Although you may have trouble sleeping regularly, when you're sick you tend to get tired more often. In the middle of the day, whenever you feel tired, have a warm cup of milk, get in bed, and catch up on your beauty sleep. When you wake up, you'll probably feel more refreshed than before.

Don't let anybody bother you when you're sleeping or relaxing. Keep all of your lights off if you are trying to rest.

Play Video Games

I threw up last night and had to miss school, and I'm actually pretty glad I got sick since I hate school so much. The only downside is that I have to make up some work, but usually my school doesn't give out any homework on Wednesdays (the day that I had to miss), so it's fine. Maybe I'll just play video games instead.

I believe that video games are very beneficial to a person if they are sick. For example, they can get your mind off your pain (not advised if your head hurts), and they also provide a source of entertainment that does not require much physical movement.

Take a Bath

If you have one of those bath pillows, you could lay down and rest your eyes for a while. This is really relaxing, and I always do this. Also, you could wash your hair, as this is also relaxing and releases stress.

I know it doesn't, but I always feel like a bath makes me feel better, at least for a little while. I guess if you have a head cold, the steam might be good for your sinuses.

I'm nine, and bubble baths are fun. It's like sleeping in a warm blanket but with bubbles and water! I always bring my swimming Ariel doll and my My Little Ponies. It's really fun.


When stuck at home ill, crafts are a great way to wind down and take away all the aches and pains. Also, it takes your mind off being ill. And we all hate being ill.

Making little animals from foam, felt, and pipe cleaners (or "chenille stems" I should say) is a lot of fun! Also, if you can sew and have a sewing machine, that is a lot of fun too.

Watch movies! Best hits from 2013. I would also recommend relaxing activities such as listening to music or playing a board game. Those are things I do when I'm sick!

Watch Movies

Marathons are great for when you're sick. It works with movies and TV shows. If you're planning on eating a load of junk food with it, though, I'd reconsider. Lots of garbage snacks aren't great for when you're not feeling well, but don't starve or dehydrate yourself either. This will increase your chances of being sick again.

That's what I love to do while I'm sick. I just watched all the Twilight saga. With all ten reasons I love this one the most. Even though I love to play video games, I don't want to contaminate the controllers and make everybody else sick too.

Lay Down With An Animal Pet

They always sit next to you and never leave your side. Pets also know when you're sick, so they come over to sit next to you.

My pet, Clover, is so cute. When I snuggle with him for a while and pet him for at least an hour, he follows me when I get up.

My cats avoid me like the plague when I'm sick, but when they do pity me enough to cuddle, it's the best feeling ever.

Get Other People to Do Stuff For You

I love doing this! I mean, they don't listen to me most of the time, but it's entertaining. Therefore, it's worth it... you know?

Yes, the only bad thing is that it could make them mad, but they know that you are too "lazy" to do things.

Awesome! I mean, I always have to do stuff for them. For once, they're doing stuff for me!


When I'm sick and have nothing active to do, there's no greater time for the geek within to live vicariously through the characters I read about.

Reading a little on the stuff the teacher is talking about in the classes you miss while staying home is a great way to stay updated. Motivating myself to do it is something else.

Another thing that is perfect to do while you are sick, which you might not be able to enjoy as much when life is in full swing.

Watch YouTube Videos

Oh my gosh, I love watching YouTube. It totally lifts my spirits when I watch cats try to jump really high. There's that one moment of truth where you think they are going to make it, but they just end up falling on the floor.

Oh yeah. I do this when I'm not sick. Laugh out loud.

Yeah, here are some of my favorites: Danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Johnny Orlando, Oli White, and Nina High. Hope you enjoy!

Eat Saltine Crackers

I don't care if I have a cold, the flu, or food poisoning. Nothing feels better or tastes better than those plain, stupid crackers. I call them sick crackers. I can't eat them 360 days a year, but those 4-5 or so days I'm sick, I'm all over that.

Yay, crackers when you're sick taste yummy!

I eat them all the time, whether I'm sick or not. These are like the god of crackers.

The Newcomers

? Make a Bubbly Drink

Bubbles always make me feel better. Even my mum agrees! You should try it. Just don't drink too much at once.

? Write Down Lists

I am totally addicted to lists!

The Contenders
Drink Chicken Broth

I like to dip my saltine crackers into my chicken broth.

Preferably with saltine crackers.

Love it, love it! The best kind of soup is chicken noodle soup, and I eat it with oyster crackers.

Watch TV

TV is awesome. Take your pet and just lay down on the bed watching TV, playing games on the iPad, or just petting your pet while eating in bed. All those cheer me up, but my dog only follows my mom. She thinks my mom is the "alpha of the pack" or something.

Whether it's just because it's your guilty pleasure, you want to fall asleep but need something to do it to, or there's nothing on, sometimes watching bad TV is cathartic.

Always works for me. It gets my mind off things and makes me feel all better. I can do this any time, any place, and anywhere. Every time, me and my mom watch TV together.

Lay Down With Lots of Stuffed Animals

They're cute, cuddly, and in my opinion, I just think stuffed animals are relaxing when I'm sick. For those reasons, you should lay down with lots of plush animals.

DO THIS! I'm not feeling well, and I'm doing this. It's really relaxing. Just snuggle up to your plushies and close your eyes.

Stuffies, a warm blanket, chicken broth, bubble baths, and YouTube are the best when I am sick!

Search Online for What to Do

Curl up on the couch and spend the day reading a good book and drinking tea.

The internet is one of your best bets these days.

That's what everyone who saw this is doing.

Research Products You Want to Get

My birthday may be six months away, but when I looked up stuff for it, I felt healthy again. I also found a ton of good toys! It really works!

I've tried, but honestly, I can't get much down on my list because I don't even know what to look up. Any good website suggestions?

I'm going to do this for sure. Thanks so much!


Sewing is fine, just as long as you don't stab yourself with the needle. Laugh out loud.

Play a Board Game With Friends

I'm an only child! Thanks, but what if there's no one around? Any other ideas?

Make Origami

Origami is a great way to pass the time. If you don't have an inkling of how to make origami, look it up on the net! If you do not have origami paper, there are some origami pieces that you can do with regular printer paper.

I love making origami. It is always so fun!

My favorite is a swan or fortune teller. I love the books of Origami Yoda. If you don't know, just go on Tom Angleberger made the book, so it's awesome!

Eat Pineapple
Complain About Your Illness

My girlfriend likes to complain even when she is not sick!

It's good because then people will feel bad for you, and you can get a lot of cool stuff.


Love it! It will never fail to get you laughing at your art skills... or applauding them!

That is, if you can draw without becoming frustrated. That is, if you can't draw well.

I like to draw. I love anything artistic, so this takes your mind off everything.

Make Simple Gifts
Listen to Music

I would crank up some music, but my dad is asleep. Thanks for the idea.

Ask People What to Do

I've done this for an hour or so, and it's super fun! I swear, I wish I was sick more often now. It's extremely interesting to see what others enjoy when they're sick at home (and possibly bedridden), just like you. At least, it is to me.

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