Top 10 Things We're All Doing While Under Coronavirus Lockdown
It's funny how with all of our perceived differences, people remain so similar. A massive shared experience like the 2020 lockdown brings to light the things we have in common.This list is for the specific things we find ourselves doing as a result of being under lockdown that others are doing as well. It's not for the big, obvious, or vague things like "staying at home" or "playing video games".
Vote for what you are also doing during the lockdown or add more of the things you find yourself doing each day that you suspect others are doing as well.
Haha, that's me. I'm on the computer, but then I'll just switch to my phone.
No, I'm not! I watch TV while playing VR, while on my phone, while using the computer.
Get up from the couch. Open the pantry and stare. Open the fridge and stare. Return to the couch empty-handed. Repeat every 30 minutes.
The question that sums up my sister these days.
I honestly don't know the difference anymore.
All this time and all these potential chores, and yet they remain unfinished. It's hard to reconcile all those times we didn't clean the garage, didn't organize our closets, and didn't repaint the walls when we now have more time than we ever wanted and no desire to use it productively.
I bought this Crystal Growing kit and still have yet to do it. I should probably be doing that instead of commenting about it on a website.
I always want to draw, play board games, and fix my cabinets during my spare time. However, I can't because of my irresistible internet addiction! So relatable!
As a long-time procrastinator, this is so true and relatable!
I'm starting exams this year. I'm worried.
Nowhere to be, no one to see. Comfort trumps all.
I would tend to opt for the former. I already do that, actually.
I already cut my hair during quarantine.
Overgrown for me because some people in Zoom meetings are a bit of a no-no.
I know that my productivity will never be what it is when I'm at work. Nevertheless, I get through thrice the normal amount of coffee and bang my head on my desk as a result of my usual work ethic.
Tiger King, Ozark, and other popular shows delving into the darker side of humanity are a good start. However, how many episodes are you into I Am a Killer or the deeper cuts like Forensic Files?
It's all good when a new package of toilet paper is always waiting for you at the local store. However, when people start hoarding like the apocalypse is near, their fear of running out of toiletries actually makes it happen. A classic self-fulfilling prophecy.
There is a very real chance you could have to move on to plan B for keeping your derriere clean if you are too careless with your supply. No longer are we spinning the roll and collecting the bounty. Now, reeling off the perfect amount of toilet paper is much more measured and scientific. Experimentation and research now dictate how many squares are required.
The Newcomers
Coronavirus Chic: carefully styled hair, clean-shaven or made-up face, work-appropriate shirt or blouse, boxer shorts or flannel pants, and house slippers.
When you've watched all the TV you can handle, burned yourself out on video games, and don't feel like doing any more household chores, then maybe it's time to return to the classics. Many of us in our youth didn't have all the electronics kids have today, but we got by. Now is a great time to relive those days.
Whenever I'm in an online class, I go on YouTube and watch videos while in the class so that they think I'm paying attention.
Watched almost all the Mission Impossible movies, but started with Fallout instead of the first Mission Impossible and worked backwards from there.
It's not movies for me, but I did just start watching Criminal Minds. It's on most of the time, which is good because it's always on. My favorites are Morgan and Reid. Morgan is sexy, and Reid is so smart and funny.
Once you start, you can't stop. When you have a lot of time, there is nothing else to do but binge-watch.
I've been wearing my favorite pink shirt for three days in a row.
I did wear the same pajamas for three months.

I'm saving a fortune on bus fares. Think I'll treat myself to some toilet paper. Oh, forgot, I can't...
Through not socializing, I am saving loads of money plus managing to get those odd jobs done!
In today's Iron Bartender challenge, our contestants will be provided with the dregs of a novelty-flavored pack of vodka mini bottles received as a gift two Christmases ago, a can of diet soda, and some freezer-burned ice cream. Let's see what they can come up with.
Weirdest drink you've ever made - GO!

This is my life's purpose, quarantine or not.
I've been doing some spring cleaning and can't believe how much cleaner my place is getting.
This is literally the perfect time to do that. Not like any stress is going away, though.
If you thought the sidewalks would be empty, WRONG. They're actually packed.