Top 10 Most Boring Things to Do In Your Spare Time

Homework is awful. What is the point of going to school if you have to do homework? So basically, it's not just a few hours wasted at school. No. It's the ENTIRE DAY because HOMEWORK is there to ruin your life. People commit suicide over homework, and I can see why.
I know that homework is just practice for what you learned in school, but it still sucks. Can't we just do homework in class? Are the lessons that long and boring? Instead of a few hours wasted, the entire day is wasted because of homework.
This is so true. Whenever I am bored and tell my parents, they just say to do my homework. I'm like, what? I just said I have nothing to do, and you're going to tell me to do homework? Seriously. I want to do something fun, which is not homework. Homework ruins my life unless it's something fun like drawing a poster or something else like that.

Seriously? Is it that hard to understand? It's worse than watching a teacher write about the quadratic formula. Seriously.
Staring is the most boring thing to do, like all the others.
What... No one will ever do that, unless they've had too many magic mushrooms.

Just do something else! Go play instead of watching your walls dry!

Yep, super boring. Sometimes when I'm grounded, I'll just stare at the TV thinking time will pass, but nope. Five seconds later, I'm so bored I go and find something else to do.
"Stare at a TV that's not on" What a waste of time, doing something so boring. Tedious. Monotonous and mundane. I think I'd rather do knitting. (And I'm not 80. I'm 20.)
Sometimes I do this, but I create shows in my head and imagine them on the screen.

I used to hate reading. Every second of it. But when my mom got annoyed by it, she forced me to go to the library to get a book. I got The Hunger Games because why not? I saw the movie, so I'd read the book. After I read the book, I wanted to read another. You need to read anything. If you couldn't, you wouldn't be reading this comment, reading all the comments on this list, or anything.
In the past several years, I have only read a book (excluding fanfiction or Wattpad stories) once, even if it was on a computer. But then again, it was probably one of my favorite books I've read.

Nothing is more boring than doing nothing, especially at school! When the teacher has nothing for you to do in school and you don't have many friends, it's hard to stay entertained. Being productive gets your mind off of useless things.
Basically, nothing is another word for meditation, but you're better off doing most of the things listed here as they provide better clarity for your mind instead of just frying your brain in overstimulation.
This is essentially doing nothing in your spare time in a nutshell:
SpongeBob: Oh, Magic Conch Shell, what do we need to do to get out of the Kelp Forest?
Magic Conch: Nothing.
Patrick: The shell has spoken!

My grandpa always watched golf on TV. It's awful. I used to play golf but got terribly bored of it. It's even worse when you're sitting out in the hot sun.
Playing golf is worse than watching it. It takes 15 minutes to finish one hole, and that's if you're lucky.
I would rather choke on a golf ball than watch golf being played. So boring.

Depends on what you are shopping for. Shopping for CLOTHES is the most boring thing EVER! I may as well stare at a wall.

What could be more boring than taking 15 minutes (if you're lucky) to do one hole out of 9? Or 18?
At least video games have reading.
The Newcomers
I do that at school. It's much more interesting than the lesson.
It's good to know how many more minutes until recess at school. It's much more entertaining than the lesson.
That's really dumb, to be honest.

Barney is a stupid purple dinosaur. Pointless love songs from baby shows are so boring. I hate you, you hate me, let's spy on Barney with a spyglass. We must track his location and distract him when the kids are with him.
Laugh out loud, some 7-year-old who just got over watching this and has a younger sibling must've put this on here. My 4-year-old loves this show.
I hate Barney. He just sings and tells kids about stuff they already know. Totally boring.
YES! It is just about the most boring thing ever, getting dragged along to a younger sibling's performance when I could be doing something else. Especially as most of the performances are completely rubbish.
Not just boring, it's annoying too.
Ironically, this is the most boring on the list, in my opinion. It is my assertion that the ones who came here for a satirical outlook on the lack of entertainment are the ones most inclined to be entertained. However, said people will most likely be bored as well by just reading this list.
That's what I'm doing right now... I'm bored.

School is pain. I get bored every time I'm there, especially during reading class, except for recess and lunch!
School can be fun sometimes, but sometimes not.
Do nothing until recess. Does anyone go to Burnt Mills Elementary School?

For some reason at night, I don't want to sleep, but when I do sleep and my parents wake me up, I always don't want to wake up, so I'm usually late to school. It's a normal thing for me.
That is the most boring thing ever. Who wants to go to sleep anyway?
The only boring part about sleep is trying to fall asleep. Otherwise, sleep is heaven.

I remember one day we had an electricity cut in our area, and all of the things like the TV and AC were switched off. After some time, my phone's battery was also almost dead. So I had nothing to do except stare at the wall.
That sometimes happened when teachers would say, "Go and stand there!" Not to me, by the way...
I hate staring at the wall! I mostly do it when I am in trouble!

I used to always talk to my imaginary friend when I was younger. I never felt bad about it. I was kind of proud, but then again, I was oblivious to the fact that it was stupid to do when I was younger.
I did that all the time when I was little. I couldn't help it. I was all alone.
Also, it looks like you're talking to thin air.
That's exactly right. I'm bored. (Why?)
It's so boring! When I'm really bored, I watch Nat Geo Wild, History Channel, BBC Earth, and stuff.
Some of their documentaries and conspiracies can be low-key interesting.
So boring! Only nerdy kids and old people watch the History Channel.
Every time I try to ignore my mom, she asks me a question. If I don't answer, she knows I wasn't listening!

This is why I bring my iPad, but even my mom wouldn't let me use it for the whole ride. My only other option was to sleep.