Top 10 Favorite Ed, Edd n Eddy Characters

Ed, Edd n Eddy is a Cartoon Network animated television series centering on three boys named Ed, Edd, and Eddy, who invent schemes to make money from their peers and purchase their favorite candy, jawbreakers.
The Top Ten
1 Edd Edd, mostly referred to by his nickname "Double D," is one of the three protagonists in the Canadian-American animated comedy television series Ed, Edd n Eddy. He is the physically weakest but the most intelligent member of the Eds.

I remember in sixth grade I always used to like Edd. I think it was because he was unique, tending to stick out from the other characters.

I also felt sympathy for him, as he was always being thrown around by everybody and not getting a single thank you.

He's my favorite character in the show because he's like me. That's also why Simon Seville and Brainy Smurf are my favorite characters in their franchises.

If anyone asks me, I hate those who hate Double D. If I could, I'd get back at all of them. Besides, I like nerds and geeks instead of jocks, bullies, and other social folks because I can relate to them.

2 Ed Ed is one of the three protagonists in the Canadian-American animated comedy television series Ed, Edd n Eddy. He is the strongest and the least intelligent member of the Eds.

Out of all the characters, I would say Ed is the most likable. He's funny, friendly, troublemaking, optimistic, and a true friend. Sure, he may not be the smartest kid on the show, but he loves everyone and everything and is nice to everyone as long as they don't make him angry.

He is too innocent for this world. I loved Little Blue Ed, where it showed him finally expressing his anger. The best part was when he yelled back at his little sister. He is probably the nicest character in the show. He might not be the brightest, but he certainly is the most kindhearted.

3 Eddy Eddy is one of the three protagonists in the Canadian-American animated comedy television series Ed, Edd n Eddy and is the self-appointed ambitious leader of the Eds.

If you watched the Big Picture Show movie, you'll see that Eddy is such a misunderstood character. All the scams and bad decisions he made were influenced by his bully of a brother. He's not a bad person. He just never had a good role model to teach him right from wrong. All he ever wanted was to be liked and respected.

Eddy is the most misunderstood character in the entire show. When you watch the Big Picture Show movie, you learn that all the scams and bad decisions he made were influenced by his bully brother. He's not a bad person. He just never had a good role model. All Eddy wanted was to be liked and respected.

4 Rolf

His randomness and his unusual heritage make for an interesting character. He often maintains a degree of neutrality, which is rare in the show, unless someone messes with his animals or insults his culture. His personality is also interesting.

This guy has the best voice of any cartoon character I've ever heard. He spits the most random and strange things that it's almost unbelievable, especially in the series finale (not the movie). He should have his own series.

All these years later, everything Rolf says takes on a whole new meaning. He is by far the funniest character to me now as an adult. He definitely deserves fourth place, right behind Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

5 Plank

I like to think that Plank is possessed by some malevolent supernatural being and that only Johnny can hear him talk. It's the only thing that makes sense considering Plank's unexplainable feats and mischievous effect on the otherwise kind Johnny. Either that or Johnny's crazy.

Sometimes you wonder, does this thing have a mind of its own, or is Johnny extremely crazy?

Because Johnny is just a kid. We all did funny things when we were younger.

6 Jonny

Penny, penny, I see a penny. Give me your penny. Who's got a penny?

He's awesome. Only he can hear and understand Plank.

7 Marie

My favorite character of the show!

8 Nazz

She has been my favorite since I watched the show when I was young. Mainly because she is pretty, relaxed, optimistic, and sweet. I find her relationship with Kevin really charming and endearing. The infatuation she brings to most of the guys in the cul-de-sac is amusing.

She's my favorite character because she is the only character on the show who has not done anything bad to the other characters. She's very sweet, pretty, and intelligent. I also like her name, Nazz.

She, besides the Kanker sisters, is the only character to have her last name spoken. Her full name is Nazz Von Bartonschmeer. I wonder if that's Dutch?

9 May
10 Lee
The Contenders
11 Kevin

He's a jerk, but I like him that way.

Kevin is a cool character. I like his paranoia concerning the Eds.

12 Jimmy

Jimmy is a cunning, diabolical mastermind. A true wolf in sheep's clothing. What an awesome character.

13 Kanker Sisters

I always wonder, do they really have crushes on the Eds, or are they just trying to annoy them?

Not my favorites because the kids in the cul-de-sac don't like them. They just ruin things for the Eds too.

14 Sarah

For some reason, I like her because she's cute and funny.

15 Eddy's Brother

At least we finally get to see someone new on the show for once.

16 Scoot

You can only find him in the Cartoon Network commercial, Toon Dates.

17 Wilfred
18 Baron O'Beef Dip

I always wanted a toy like that. I wonder what species it is.

19 Jib
20 Mr. Sun
21 Victor

Rolf's eyes sting with your beauty.

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