Top 10 Best Gravity Falls Couples

The top ten best or most wanted Gravity Falls couples, pairings, and ships. What combinations of Gravity Falls characters so you think are best? Canon and fandom couples are allowed.
The Top Ten
Pacifica x Dipper

Oh, hell yes! This is objectively the best ship. Dipper and Pacifica are so good for each other.

Normally, when Dipper is around girls, he acts all nervous and awkward, especially around Wendy. That's why he and Wendy don't work out. But Dipper is super confident, snarky, and sarcastic around Pacifica because he feels comfortable around people whose opinions he doesn't care about. He can also help Pacifica undo all the horrible things her parents taught her.

In the Real Life Journal 3 Special Edition, on the page about the Category 11 ghost, there is something written on the back of the ghost picture. Mabel read that part and wrote a poem on the back of the picture saying:

Roses are red,
Pacifica's blood is blue,
I read what you crossed out!
I'm on to you!

Start combing your hair, brother!

Could this be a sign of canon or sailing because Mabel likes/ships them from this poem? Also, there is a hint in 'Don't Color This Book, It's Cursed!'

Dipper x Wendy

I'm still deciding between this and Pacifica x Dipper, but for now, I ship both of them. I don't think the age difference is that big of a deal. At the end of the series, Dipper is thirteen. The age difference is a few years. She's 15 and he's 13. Besides, I have a feeling Wendy and Dipper will date in the future when they are closer in age. I don't think they'd end up together, but I do think they'd at least date. I think Dipper's crush on her is adorable.

I've shipped these two for a long time. They both care a lot about each other and stuck by each other's sides against the shapeshifter, apocalyptic creatures, and even Bill Cipher himself. Plus, when they traded hats at the end, it was the sweetest thing! This is by far my favorite ship in Gravity Falls.

Soos x Melody

This ship is very cute and very canon. I can only see their relationship extending, especially after Soos took charge of the Mystery Shack. Soos and Melody deserve each other, and their future seems very bright. (Unless Soos does something really stupid, which isn't out of character for him. I hope he has had enough character growth to prevent this.)

This has to be the most underrated Gravity Falls ship. These characters go great together.

My favorite ship! How is this below Dipper x Mabel?

Blubs x Durland

They're just such good "buddies" that it's clear they're intended to be gay, which is unfortunate because Disney censored a lot of it.

They're not just two characters mashed together with no context. They've always been seen as partners, and their personalities work together well. It's just an added bonus that they're canon!

This makes so much sense! Not my favorite but still better than BillDip!

Mabel x Marmando

It might have been one episode, but Mabel found a boyfriend who actually appreciated her for being the goofy kid that she is. Plus, she got her first kiss!

Bill x Dipper

I think that this ship is great! It is creative, out there, and overall cute! I think if you aged Dipper up a little bit, then, yeah, they would make a good match! Especially if Bill is willing to change for Dipper. This fandom of BillDip is actually really nice and fluffy (unless you want to get too deep)!

Oh, and guys, stop hating on this ship! If you just saw some fan art and saw how full of fluff it is, then you too would realize that it is a good ship, even if it's not your OTP. Even demons need a chance at love, and why not with Dipper? If you can get past most of the haters and obstacles, this has the potential to be the #1 ship!

I'm not saying "go to a dark corner and ship BillDip," I'm just saying at least give it a chance! You might even enjoy the ship. Though there are dark parts, there are in even the most vanilla! So go wild, my little BillDipers, and fill the haters to the brim with FLUFF!

But who am I to judge your opinion? Go on, Gideon X Waddles might be the next new thing! Anything is possible in the Gravity Falls fandom!

Robbie x Tambry

This is a very underrated ship. I love it because of how their relationships completely change. Robbie goes from an obnoxiously ignorant jerk to a less annoying and content friend, while Tambry switches from a quiet and unaware teenager who never socially interacted with people because of the time she spent on her phone, to an alert and caring person who listened to others' feelings. Another score for Mabel, the Love Queen!

Words cannot tell you how much I love this ship. I think it's my favorite ship in Gravity Falls. Nah, Waddles and Gompers is. Yes. "Robbie, people are commenting on our pictures!" I screamed during this scene.

Waddles x Gompers

This is awesome. I can say nothing more.

Candy x Dipper

Though it lasted for one episode, I actually really liked this ship. Candy is such an interestingly complex character, and it was nice to see her pair up with a relatable character like Dipper.

Gideon x Mabel

People hate on this ship for no reason. Notice how every boy who actually wants her, she turns down? The gnomes? No. Gideon? No. There's a third one, but I can't remember it. Anyways, people hate on this ship for no reason at all! Gideon truly loves her. Yes, both of them could've handled it better, but I still love this ship.

Honestly, he really likes her. If he grew up a little, he could change, and they could be better together.

Come on. Deep down, you know that they are perfect for each other.

The Newcomers

? Shmebulock x Multi-Bear
? Robbie x Dipper
The Contenders
Marius x Grenda

Of course! That one episode, though! I ship them.

Just cute. Nothing to say. Xxx Candy

Old Man McGucket x Racoon

Haha, well McGucket x Raccoon still makes truckloads more sense than BillDip.

This deserves to be at the top of the list.

Bill x Mabel

I love this ship more than anything (except the cartoon itself).

Mabel x Pacifica

Their relationship has lots of improvement! I love to see Pacifica starting to be more comfortable around Mabel!

I love this ship. They are so cute, and it is like polar opposites forming a forever bond. Just so beautiful.

This is definitely better than Dipcifica, but that's just my opinion. They would have better chemistry than any other ship.

Dipper x Mabel
Stan x Lazy Susan

It's cute! I imagine Susan making a café in the Mystery Shack, and then they work together. It makes so much sense.

It's so cute. They are actually so cute together.

They would be so good for each other.

Bill x Ford

I think this ship is kinda canon. In Weirdmageddon, Bill turned everyone into stone or left them to die, but not Ford. He turned Ford into GOLD of all things and kept him by his side. I love this ship.

Don't tell me they didn't have something going on when they were friends. I ship it.

I never thought about it before, but it kinda reminds me of Lou x Ox from UglyDolls.

Stanford x Fiddleford

I didn't understand why people shipped them at first because they didn't share that much screen time in the series, but then I read Journal 3 and they have so much chemistry together!

Badger x Snake

They were meant to be together. Just do not think about what their offspring will look like.

Pacifica x Mabel
Bill x Axolotl

Because the axolotl let him live, I ship them. It was his last words before he was destroyed.

Mable x Robbie

I'm sorry, but this is WAY better than BillDip. They would be a REALLY cute couple. And if people bring up the age thing, just look at BillDip. At least Robbie didn't try to KILL Mabel. Bill is my favorite character, but BillDip is just wrong.

Due to the episode "Love God," Mabel helped Robbie find love. And I noticed how determined Mabel was to help Robbie. Robbie even "thanked" her. They might vary in age a tad, but it's still a cute ship.

Waddles x Bill
Will Cipher x Dipper Gleeful

Okay, I like this ship because they have such a different power dynamic than BillDip.

Dipper x Wirt

This is honestly one of the most precious ships out there! It totally makes more sense than BillDip.

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