Top 10 Best Anime Traps
I think it's very reasonable to assume certain things about Astolfo. During a scene in Apocrypha, when he's revealed, Jeanne reacts strongly. In the next scene, Astolfo says something like, "She knew I had one. Why was she surprised?" This leads me to think that Jeanne was taken aback for some reason.
Astolfo also weighs the same as Vegeta, and considering how muscular Vegeta is and how skinny Astolfo is... oh boy. But that's just a theory.
Type "Astolfo" into your Google search. What pops up is mesmerizing. Just typing Astolfo's name into Google will show fewer images of the real Astolfo from the original work. Instead, you're treated to a plethora of images depicting a pink-haired character. You've got to love every second of Astolfo in the Apocrypha anime.
He tried to change himself at the end. And also, why is the Boku No Pico trio on top?
I kind of like him. Help! I'm a female.
Well, I already knew he was a boy when I first watched the show. The reason why I think he is a trap is that he wears girl outfits and makes the boys' hearts race.
I know, I know. He looks like a girl, but that doesn't stop him from being the most liked!
I have a strange feeling that he is much more attractive than his sister Yuuko, Minami, and Himeji.
Someone once said that Tet doesn't look like a girl, but he does.
Peak character design right here. It sucks that he didn't have much screentime in the anime.
I know, I know. I'm too young to be watching this. I'm 14. But come on, he's cute. However, yes, he is a homosexual character.
Okay, so he... Yeah, he may not look like one, but he's a boy.
The Newcomers
He would look better if he were a girl, but he is a boy!
He's my husbando (I'm a girl, by the way). He's really cute, and I love traps to begin with. He was the first trap I fell in love with (yes, I'm a girl).
I thought he was a girl in the first episode of Assassination Classroom.
In the series, he has two timelines: in the original one, he's a trap, and in another, he's a real girl.
I thought this was a girl, and I think I'm questioning my orientation because I had a crush on him before I found out he was a guy.
I couldn't tell if he was a boy or a girl until he said to Naruto that he was a boy. Then I gained a long-time crush on him that I still kind of have. But Gaara is still cuter.
He is just feminine in the way he dresses.
I'm not necessarily sure if he counts since he's a genderless slime but still goes by male pronouns. It's also revealed that his human form does not have genitalia, though he was a male before his reincarnation.
I thought he was a girl. It turns out he's a feminine, sadistic guy.
Neferpitou is a male character in the manga and a female character in the anime.