Best Angel Beats Characters

She is kind and a little uncomprehending of the world, yet she still tries to do the right things. I also find it pretty amazing that she had no hard feelings for Yuri, given their history. If you didn't know, in Track Zero Yuri wanted to bury her alive. She did the right thing and helped everyone move on. All her violent actions were self-defense or a serious misunderstanding.
Cutest character in the show. Also, don't forget, she was the reason everyone cried at the end. Not the end, but before the credits. Also, she had a lot of input in the story.

Seeing her siblings die right in front of her eyes and still having the strength and courage to carry on, now that's just downright admirable. Moreover, she is a very capable leader, intelligent, and very skilled with firearms and in close combat. Basically, she is every man's ideal woman, though she can be quite violent. It's a shame that she didn't end up with Otonashi.
Great leader and inspiration. She makes everyone move forward easily even though she has the most tragic past. Also, I cried at the scene where she finally apologizes to Kanade and wishes that they could have been friends from the beginning and never fought, right when she was about to pass on.

Naoi is a human character. He pretty much became cruel due to his loneliness in his past life, with no friends or anyone to look up to besides his jerk of a father. Naoi then realizes that people like Otonashi care, and afterward, Naoi really redeems himself after he befriends Otonashi. Plus, he's cool, and his design looks awesome. He's also a funny character because of his egotistical attitude.
He was kinda cruel, well, a lot! But afterward, he just became one of the funniest characters I will ever see! I love the way he hypnotized Hinata and the others. But the main reason I voted for him is... I simp for Naoi. Don't ask.

Great person, full of charisma. A great and loyal friend of Yuzuru, who will always be missed. Also, his voice actor is the same as Kise Ryouta's from Kuroko no Basket (amazing guy). Also, it's adorable how much he cares for Yui despite them fighting a lot in the beginning.
Hinata is funny, loving, lovely, cute, good-hearted, loyal, handsome, affectionate, generous, and caring. He is flawless! Never, I repeat, never say anything bad about this fantastic man!
I am the one who commented about Hinata-sama. Please, let him be the first! He is amazing and the greatest of all the anime characters in the world.

Levi/Akashi/Saiki K/ Trafalgar Law/ Yato's voice actor :) He was a great protagonist and was empathetic towards Kanade from the start, unlike all the other SSS members. I love how he stayed behind at the end for a bit to become the new student council president and helped others find their way. I'm really, really glad he was able to find Kanade after reincarnating. Those two deserve each other.
Maybe he is sometimes clumsy, but the best part of him is that he is the one who helps them accept the fact that they lived and died thinking that God is unfair to them. The truth is, God only gave them tests on how they manipulated the situation, and that is why they lived again.

Yui was cute and adorable, but the best part of her was her kindness. Not sure if anyone else noticed, but half the reason she wanted Hinata to marry her was so that she wouldn't bother her mother anymore.
Funny girl and full of energy. I really love her sometimes. She is so sweet. I love that scene where she chased after Kanade for her guitar. I'm very glad she was able to find satisfaction and happiness with Hinata.
When you're the ref, player, and coach of your soccer team, there are no such things as fouls. And admit it, she's cute.

One of the greatest comic relief characters ever created.
Such a unique and hilarious addition to the cast.
T.K. is the most hilarious guy ever. And he has such a tear-inducing fan-made backstory.
Badass dancer! Loved his style.
Her story made me an emotional wreck for five days afterward. She and Yuri were the only characters I cried over. Her character definitely touched my heart more than anyone else because her story was the most real, and her life the most relatable. She deserved so much better.
I selfishly wish we had seen more of her in the show, but the fact that she was the first to move on makes me proud. She inspired Otonashi and many others to achieve their dreams and make peace with the cruel lives they led so they could move forward. A strong, brave, beautiful soul. She is number one in my eyes.

She's pretty, and her demeanor is pretty humorous. Balancing a broomstick on her finger? Awesome. I think she should be in the top five because, honestly, TK? No offense!
I love her! She's really funny, and I love how she's always saying, "This is so stupid." I loved the moment when she "died" trying to save a dog that wasn't even real. And the episode where she was balancing a broom? Priceless.

The Newcomers