Top 10 Magical Anime Girls
Yes, Usagi (Serena) can be a ditz and a crybaby most of the time, but she's lovable and cute and not to mention brave and will do anything to protect her friends and loved ones. Most girls can relate to her, which makes her really funny at times, yet she also gives important messages that we can take with us in our lives.
The fact that Sailor Moon doesn't give up in battles or is willing to sacrifice herself for the lives of others makes her a hero. She is a very important character to me as she taught me most of all how to love.
She barely gets any love! In the present timeline, she had a hard past. Her own father killed her family and himself. She doesn't want Sayaka to make the same mistake she did by using magic to help others.
Her attitude is so cool! Her spear is badass, she loves eating, and she has a good heart under such a cold exterior.
She acts really mean on the outside, but inside she's warm and lovable.
My favourite Puella Magi. She's so caring, though she appears to be cold and emotionless. And she's a time-traveling magical girl! How badass does that sound? Not to mention, she never gives up on her goal and never loses hope.
Do I even need to explain why Homura is best girl?
The best character in anime, for sure.
Come on, you could be number one on the list.
So I read this list and I nearly fainted after finding no Tokyo Mew Mew characters. These girls are my childhood! Ichigo is not just kawaii as hell, but also extremely strong, caring, and a great heroine overall! VOTE!
I can't believe she risked her own life to save her boyfriend. This is one true heroine!
Although she is kinda cliche, she's also super cute, and her relationship with Aoyama is really cute.
Pfft! Sailor Moon at number 1? Please. All the magical girls from Puella Magi Madoka Magica rock, and Madoka is my second favorite next to Homura.
Sayaka is SUCH an amazing magical girl. She came back to life for her best friend. If that isn't great, then I don't know what is.
Here are some reasons why Sayaka is my favourite character:
1. She fights witches for other people's lives, not for grief seeds.
2. She matures so fast.
3. She might be a bit harsh sometimes, but that's because she knew that magical girls are liches and she doesn't feel human anymore.
4. Like what the visitor said, she came back to life for her best friend.
5. She doesn't act like a brat, unlike most fictional tomboys.
6. Her wish wasn't selfish.
For a 5th grader, she's no ordinary girl who can kick some butt and can handle difficult situations pretty well. I love the way she fights and captures all the cards. Creative costumes added the element of a more badass girl, credits to Tomoyo.
She can fight quite well with the cards, and I also love her costumes and personality.
What? Her ranking is so low? She made a wonderful and heart-crushing sacrifice to save everyone, alright!