Top 10 Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsters

This card likely has the most support in the game (rituals being overpowered as hell) and is the strongest normal monster (with a base ATK of 3000 and DEF of 2500). It also has the strongest fusion monsters (Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon). Yes, it's the best.
This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale. There are many ways to win with this legendary dragon.
The strongest normal monster deserves to be on the list.

In the anime, they make it seem that all the Egyptian God Cards are equal, but in real life, this one is the strongest by far. Gaining 1000 attack and defense points for each card in your hand, combined with a card that allows an unlimited number of cards in your hand? Game over.
This Egyptian God is hard to beat because, for each card in your hand, this Dragon gains 1000 Attack and Defense points, allowing it to destroy your opponent.

By far the best Egyptian God. While everyone says that Slifer gains ATK based on the cards you have, and Ra is just straight-up overpowered, neither of them have any protection against card effects, but Obelisk does. Plus, he has a solid base of 4000 ATK and 4000 DEF. People underrate this card so much, and they do not understand Obelisk's true worth.
Topping this list is the Egyptian God of eternal slumber, awakening to crush anyone that stands in its way. Obelisk has a very powerful effect where if you tribute two monsters, he can attack every monster on the field.

This Egyptian God is a very powerful dragon if used well. This dragon can have as many attack points as it needs to completely destroy your opponent.
In the series, this God may be the most powerful, but it can be beaten in multiple ways in a duel.

Everyone knows why Exodia is on this list, though it has its weaknesses. It can get discarded from your hand with a card like Drop Off or Card Destruction.
Exodia is a very powerful beast that is separated into five cards. Once combined, you automatically win the duel. This monster even makes Blue-Eyes look like a chump.
If all pieces of Exodia are in the graveyard, you can activate Contract with Exodia and summon Exodia Necross, which is technically Undead Exodia. Not only that, but Exodia Necross gains 1000 ATK per standby phase.

A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack. The legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon is strong, but like any other strong monster, there is a rival, and that is the ferocious Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

It's crazy to think that a monster that's 16 years old still occasionally sees competitive play. BLS was such a game-changer in old-school Yu-Gi-Oh! since he was one of the first boss monsters that was incredibly easy to summon. Whenever he was played, you either just won the game or the tides were turned in your favor if you were losing. It's really nice to see that he's still relevant as a big beater that finishes games.
This card has two abilities. Blue-Eyes has none. Why is Blue-Eyes above this card?

This is most likely the single most supported card of all, with fifteen cards specifically stating "Dark Magician" as part of their effect, in addition to the "Magician" theme its design has inspired.
The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense. This spellcaster can win in many ways, such as with fusions and equipped traps and spells.
It is not all that powerful by itself but can cause heavy hits when combined and fused correctly.

The Newcomers

It's hard to summon, but it's pretty strong and has a good ability.

An Archfiend that can destroy the Gate Guardian and Great Moth with its powerful lightning attack.

A card that can be summoned from the deck? That is really good because the last thing your opponent expects is for you to summon directly from the deck with no spell or trap effects.

This card lets you summon fusion monsters for free, which can then be used for synchro, XYZ, or link summons. Even before synchro, XYZ, or link summons, it was banned for its ability to FTK if you had Catapult Turtle and Magical Scientist.

Spells, traps, or monster effects don't work on it, and it has good attack power. It also gains more attack for each dragon-type monster in your graveyard. What could be better?