Top 10 Mary Sues in Anime and Manga
For the characters that could do no wrong, had no flaws, were the best at everything, and so forth.
Mikasa isn't a Mary Sue? But her character has borderline no personality or purpose aside from protecting Eren and a few friends. She struggles to live independently and move on, which I think is a major flaw with her character.
She's pretty, loyal, and an excellent fighter, but she's happy to live her life in Eren's shadow, and that flaw disables her ability to become a Mary Sue.
She's beautiful, brave, ripped, and is one of the strongest characters with little training. Yep, a Mary Sue.

I honestly loved Fairy Tail when I first watched it. I was amazed by the characters and loved the story. But then, Erza came. At first, I had no problems with Erza. I thought she would be a decently good character, but as the series progressed, I started to hate Erza more and more.
Erza's personality is just as dead as rotten fruit and has no development throughout the entire series. She's also just way too overpowered and way too perfect. She wins every single fight and always gives a friendship speech before killing the enemy.

Even though the show is kind of special to me because it was one of the first animes I've ever watched, I have to agree. Too many girls fall for him, which is annoying, but the reason he seems overpowered is that he's just the kind of person who's good at video games. But still, I agree he is a Gary Stu.
He is automatically the best player in any game, gains one-of-a-kind powers in any game he visits with almost no work, and every girl falls in love with him. Not to mention, he has little character to speak of, to the point it is decided by whoever is writing it. How is Kirito not a bad Mary Sue?

Literally one of the worst characters of all time. She didn't matter much in the games except that she looked important because she had access to the cameras. She has no personality and is literally just there to be a waifu character.
In the anime, they make her into this super important person, even though she shouldn't even exist outside the Neo World Program.
This is coming from someone who actually loves Chiaki: she is a total Mary Sue. She doesn't have any flaws, and her death causes the whole cast of DR2 to fall into despair.
The story, characters, and fanbase act like she is some sort of untouchable angel that can do no wrong.

Exactly, she's a Jerk Sue. A Jerk Sue is a type of Mary Sue who does bad things but never gets in trouble for it. And that's not good. It's also the reason why she's a Mary Sue.

The Newcomers

One of the worst MCs I have ever seen. He literally has no flaws and no personality.
Be faster than the speed of light!
"Eat carrots and be overpowered!"

This guy is the best Mary Sue. I'm sure you'll agree with me if you watched the anime. Also, the light novel.

Okay, just think about it. She is the most beautiful in the school and gets all the guys. She is a morally right and kind person. She has a poor past in which others bullied her when she went to school with humans.
In Vampire Mode, she's still as, if not more, beautiful, and defeats literally everyone in less than one minute! Mary Sue, much?
I don't know about character development because I stopped midway. I don't exactly like ecchi and only watched it because my brother practically forced me to. Not that it's not good if you are into "ecchi" (kind of like anime porn, with no sexual actions).
Kira is definitely a Mary Sue. He is always trying to play the role of "god." And I do not know why there are fans in the community that praise his Gundam. His Gundam is pretty generic to me. Hell, he stole the spotlight from Shinn in Seed Destiny.

Literally Magic Jesus, in every sense of the word. He's the walking equivalent of a tactical nuke, has girls falling for him at first glance, and is also a world-renowned magic engineer. There has not been a single enemy that has posed a credible threat to him. Did I mention he also one-shotted the entire Chinese navy?
She's as bad as her brother. In fact, worse.
Most powerful magician? Check.
So powerful, the only person who can rival her is Lina? Check. (I think Lina is better than her. At least Lina still has a personality.)
Most likely Yotsuba leader? Check.
A really high psion count? Check.
Zone Interference? Check.
Very popular? Check.
Being described using "purple prose" in the novels? Check.
Having the novels overly exaggerate her greatness? (Looks, grades, skills, talents, everything.) Check.
A beauty that breaks the natural laws? Check.
Gets anyone who sees her to immediately be flustered, regardless of who saw her? Check.
Top grades at school? Check.
No actual weaknesses that could give her problems? Check.
She's a bigger Mary Sue than her brother, at least in my opinion. Oh, and her only defining trait is "I love you, Onii-sama." That's it. Nothing else in her character.
Why isn't she higher on this list, and more importantly, how come nobody added her to this list before me?

She's considered special in her universe because she is apparently the only one with bright red hair. Hell, even the anime is named after this fact.
What's more, she has guys trying to court her left and right without her even having to lift a (probably perfectly manicured, even though she's an herbalist) finger. She's kind to everyone she meets, is a hard worker, and seems to have no inherent faults.
I'd say she's in the running for being a Mary Sue (albeit a less severe example of one, but still).
While many, many, many people love her, I find myself hating her for the following reasons:
1. Boys fall for her without her even raising a finger.
2. She is very smart and hardworking.
3. She can change a person's heart almost instantly with only a few words.
To be honest, if she is not considered a Mary Sue, then I don't agree with the concept of Mary Sue.

The creator tried to make her the cutest anime girl ever, but HA! They failed because almost everyone seems to hate her. That's what they get for making an annoying Mary Sue that acts like a brat.
I can't believe they thought a brat would be cute. They are so stupid, and since Mary Sues are what people wish to be, I guess the creator wishes to be hated by everybody. Her angry, puffed-up face is very ugly, and a 16-year-old acting like a 5-year-old isn't cute.
Her straight-A student personality makes me want to punch my head against a brick wall. It's so annoying, and I can't stand how the anime shoves it in our faces, showing how much everyone loves her.

Yuno Gasai had so much potential. I really wanted to like her, but in the end, the only personality she ended up showing is her blind and naive "love" for Yuki.
She's never lost to anyone else, has too much angst, and just easily defeats other people in a few seconds. I don't know what else is Sue if she isn't.
She's just way too annoying for anybody to like. I watched one episode of this anime and got annoyed. Yuno's the most popular girl in school and everybody likes her. She beats everybody with ease.