Most Evil Anime Characters

Is it wrong that I wanted him to win? I agree the only way to rid the world of evil is to kill everyone who is evil. If one person absorbs all the evil for the betterment of humanity, then fine. Most of the people he killed deserved it anyway. He had good ideals and was coming from the right place.
To me, it's the "kill all that get in my way" attitude that makes him evil. But at the same time, wouldn't you have to kill all in your way? What's a few lives compared to a bright future for humanity? Change can't come without sacrifice. Sorry, I'm a dark thinker. I'll be thinking about this for a while.
I love how he was the stereotypical "perfect boy" before he found the Death Note. If only he hadn't picked it up off the ground, his entire fate would have been different. He had strong, great ideals. He was just given an opportunity that he shouldn't have taken if he wanted to be considered a hero. It just proves that one choice can change your entire life. Anyone can take a wrong turn, anyone can fall to corruption. But maybe he was just meant to be this kind of person. Maybe he was rotten to the core all along.
There's a theory that when you throw a rock into the river, the current will change temporarily, but eventually, the current will correct itself and continue moving the way it had been before. The theory is that time is the same way.

Frieza will do anything, even betray his own teammates or allies, to get what he wants. In one of the episodes in Dragon Ball Super, leading up to the Tournament of Power arc, Frieza was communicating with a god of destruction from another universe. This god wanted him to join his universe at the cost of everyone's life in Frieza's universe.
When asked if Frieza had any loved ones he would like to save by bringing them to Universe 9, Frieza said he had no loved ones whatsoever and didn't even mind his own universe getting obliterated. This shows that Frieza will go to any extent if the end result favors him. In layman's terms, he is a psychopath.

It was hard choosing between him and Envy, but I had to go with Shou Tucker. I mean, *SPOILER ALERT*
Envy killed Maes Hughes, my favorite character besides Edward, Alphonse, and Winry, but Shou combined his daughter and dog just for an entrance exam! Envy actually had reasons for doing what he did. He had places he needed to go, and Envy was under the influence of Father, so it wasn't like he had too much of a choice. He was born to think that way, and I think Envy was an amazing antagonist who added depth and meaning to the story.
Now, if I had automatically seen Kimblee on here, he would've probably gotten my vote. But for now, I'm voting Tucker.

Kurome is number one on this list in my book. She's nothing but a freak who is a twisted psycho, drugged or not.
What's so great about this excuse of a human being? Oh wait, she's not human. She's a demon in human skin!
No matter what people say about her, Kurome is evil enough to be despised!

The fact about him is that he's not some "fantasy" villain with great powers that can destroy worlds. Evil is about the things you do and what you are, not about badass powers. Johan is a thinker. What he does, he does with thorough thinking. He has goals and a profound background that explain why he's like that and why he does such frightful things.
He manipulated people to commit suicide, killed people himself, and ordered criminals by understanding them. He's not some villain that destroys worlds. He is the villain that could be your neighbor, smiling at you each day while thinking if he should kill you or not in his schemes. You could be his friend, playing into his hands, totally unaware of his true nature before it's too late.

Envy killed a child that started a war and extinguished a whole race of people, keeping their souls in his natural form in constant torment.
Yeah, Shou Tucker turned his daughter into a chimera, but to look at a smiling child and put a cap between their eyes is far worse! Envy knew the outcome when Tucker had no clue about the results.
Not many child killers on the list, and Envy not only tossed one to the bone yard, but he also destroyed the city (more children) and kept the lives inside him in constant pain!
No other villain tortures children. Envy laughs about it when they cry to get out of his body!

What else can you say about a guy who stuffed a dog into a furnace so it would slowly burn to death, all to piss off his adopted brother?
I can think of few villains who have forced a woman to eat her own baby.
Promised a woman he wouldn't touch her child after she sacrificed herself to save the kid. He then turned the mother into a vampire who, in turn, ate her child.
The Newcomers

He is truly psychotic. He experiments on babies, kids, and all other human beings. He does it to become immortal and to have ultimate power. Even after death, he plans on coming back because he is selfish. He killed his own sensei and tried to destroy his own birth village. He's a legit snake, like literally. There is not a single person in the world he wouldn't kill for his benefit. He is a monster, a psychotic killing machine.
He kills children for the sake of immortality. I've made my point, haven't I?
Coolest, sexiest, smartest, most ruthless, badass villain of all time.

He's a rat. He made a promise to Nami that he would set her and Cocoyasi Village free if she paid him the money he wanted, and used the navy to break his promise. That's about as evil as they get.

Okay, this is an obvious decision. Father created seven (not including GreedLing) homunculi by killing thousands, even millions of people! Not to mention he wiped out the entire city of Xerxes in one night! If you thought Hohenheim was evil, think again.

He and Kakuzu feel like the only Akatsuki members that are truly evil. He was literally laughing at Asuma's death.

Once the proud leader of the Band of the Hawk, Griffith is a narcissistic, charismatic, and ambitious villain. He is very compelling mainly because he starts out as a good guy and then does something truly horrific that changes Berserk completely. He is the perfect example of a tragic fallen angel villain. One of the best manga/anime villains of all time.
Leveled dex. Sure, murdering your friends and raping your best friend's fiancée is bad and all, but both of those were done out of perceived necessity in his insane mind. Leveling dex is unforgivable.

Some villains want to kill out of revenge.
Some want to rule the world.
Some want to prove a point.
The Major is none of these things. He has no end goal. Everything he's done is because he loves every aspect of war. He also NEVER STOPS SMILING. Watching London burn to the ground, he's happy. Watching his own allies die painfully, he's happy.
If you want to know why he's truly the most evil villain in anime, listen to his "I love war" speech.

This girl. This girl.
Oh wait... she's not a girl. She's some life fiber alien.
Anyways, THIS character is one of the most insanely psycho characters I've ever seen in any show ever.
She's literally unforgettable. Just so in-your-face with her cutesy murderer getup. To be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with her because while she's so messed up and annoying, I've never seen a more impactful villain. She makes you passionately hate her every time she comes on screen. Damn, she's scary. And unkillable too. KLK has the best cast of characters I've ever seen.

It's Doflamingo. Need I say more?
Naraku. He was my favorite evil character.

This guy is the real evil. He's so gorgeous and very genius and succeeded in his own plans by himself without fear. He never gave up on his decisions and could step over everyone without hesitation, even his stepsister or his own parent.
Pretty much the Darth Vader of the anime universe.
He started off as the main protagonist but was slowly corrupted and became one of the main villains.
I was good with him at first, but when he just shrugged off Shirley's death, that kind of secured his place as an ass hat.