Top 10 Most Baffling Pieces of Official Merchandise
You've probably seen your fair share of weird merchandise, but some items manage to go beyond quirky into downright baffling territory. You know the ones - the products that make you stop and wonder who thought they were a good idea, let alone how they got an official stamp of approval.
What would be the best brand to put its mark on a failed handheld system? A tobacco brand, apparently.

Sailor Moon pads? What's next? Kirby condoms? Minecraft (insert sex toy here)? Tamagotchi birth control pills?
"In the name of the moon, I shall prevent period blood leakage!"

This scent must be love. This scent must be life.
I guess you can send your facial hair to the Shadow Realm now.

I knew about this from Mike Mozart. Yeah, remember that guy on YouTube?

I get die-cast Walmart toy trucks, but this is honestly on a whole other plane of weirdness.
Yes, this freaking exists, and his name is Wally the Wal-Mart Hauler. He even has his own backstory.

I know that Beyblades spin, but these were honestly unnecessary and were only made to capitalize on the fidget spinner craze at the time.

I could understand the Pen Pen one being made, but why did SAZAC also make EVA Unit 01 and EVA Unit 02 onesies as well?
"Shinji, get in the onesie."