Top 10 Best Webcomics

The Top Ten

I love the comic itself, but most of all, I love the music that plays during the animated sequences! The music, composed by masterminds such as Toby Fox (Undertale, Deltarune) and George Buzinkai, really makes the comic all the more dramatic. My favorite song is "Descend," composed by Toby Fox, in which he utilizes leitmotifs (melodies of other songs that represent a character, place, or idea), so the entire song has you looking back and reminiscing.

All in all, the music in this webcomic is spectacular!

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It was very hard for me to decide between this and Homestuck. I chose Paranatural because, even though I love Homestuck, Paranatural has made me laugh a lot more.

This comic is full of humor and action, and it is completely relatable.

"Make peace with your god, hotdog froth, for this is the day he dies!" Man, this comic is the bomb.

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Just started it, and I'm already hooked.

The Silver Eye
Property of Hate

This is a webcomic where the creator seems to know exactly what they are doing.

It takes imagination and lets loose. Fears, Lies, Doubts, and Grief - each one becomes a creature in this comic.

The trees are one of the most powerful things in it!

Don't take that to mean the characters are weak, though. Seeing what these characters can do is amazing! Have you ever seen a sock yell multiple words at once? So loud it can stun two creatures more than 50 times its size?

It was a first for me as well.

The characters, though - each one is so unique in design and personality. While a few may literally be a sock or a chair, others are much more complex, such as Julienne, a bird-like creature with ballerina shoes for her head and feet (her wings apparently taste like candy!). Or Melody, a large creature made purely of instruments!

Not to mention the plot! At the time of writing this, the plot has yet to fully unfold. But from what has been revealed, wowza!

So many forms of entertainment are going to be given a run for their money.

The art. Oh, the art!
It's beautiful.

Seeing how it grows over the course of the comic just makes it better. The colors mesh so wonderfully, knowing exactly what they want to get across. Whether it's the busyness of a market or the chaos that comes with fear - it's amazing.

I highly suggest you check this out if you're 12 (maybe 13) or older!

It's worth a read!

Gunnerkrigg Court

A bit draggy at times, but the world is interesting, and it seems to be nearing its conclusion.

Some of the storylines aren't incredibly well thought out, but most of them are great.

Girl Genius

I think another webcomic series that isn't really deep or anything, but still pretty good, is probably Faux Pas, about two foxes that live on a mountain farm in Colorado. It does have a lot of pop culture references (mostly involving music from the 70s and 80s in earlier strips, as well as film and TV show references), but what's pretty interesting is that the strip's characters have appeared since way back in the late 70s in Boulder-area magazines, and the webcomic only began serialization in 2001. That's a long time skip.

The Disney-style artwork deserves a mention. I would love to see it become an animated series someday (though please, Disney, don't do it - some indie-developed or Sony/Columbia-owned studio would probably be better). This webcomic also kind of feels like The Simpsons or older Family Guy at times. It really fits my 90s/2000s-style humor.

Supernormal Step
Cyanide & Happiness

This webcomic is so awesome.
Not just the comics, but the shorts and show are also amazing.

Cucumber Quest

Homestuck is somewhat better, but this is good from beginning to end, even though, just like Homestuck, it is not done yet.

P.S. Some webcomics exist as regular comics too.

Probably my second favorite webcomic after Homestuck. I love the art and find the characters hilarious.

The Newcomers

? BoBoiBoy Galaxy

This is a Malaysian comic series that is both a sequel to and based on the 3D animated series of the same name.

The comic is available to read on Webtoon.

? AOTU World

This is a Chinese web manhua about a boy with vector arrow powers who joins a dangerous, high-stakes tournament in search of his sister.

The manhua is actually quite hard to find in English due to a Twitter account hosting fan translations being deleted. However, I thought I'd include it here because of how influential it is in its native country, with a large, dedicated fandom and even a donghua adaptation.

The Contenders
Stand Still. Stay Silent

A Scandinavian post-apocalyptic story, it's a slow read but has good characters and art. It's best read in large sections, not per update.

One of the best long-running story webcomics around, with some of the best artwork, undeniably.

Ava's Demon

Ava's Demon has by far the best art style I've ever seen in a webcomic. Not only that, but the story is well-written and organized. Some parts of the story literally made me gasp at how amazing they are, especially the characters who deal with power struggles and pacts where both ends of a deal must be fulfilled.

The only downside I found while reading it is that you get so immersed in the story that you feel sad once you're caught up with the updates.

This webcomic has so much potential, and it's only just begun. There is a lot more to come, and I'm really excited for when Monday and Thursday updates arrive.


A must-read for every geek. Scientifically accurate and educational facts alongside interesting philosophical observations and pop culture references. It has spawned many memes and projects that go way beyond the comic.

It's so deep that there's a community wiki interpreting every strip in detail. There are also interactive comics that you can enjoy for hours.

The writer of this comic worked for NASA. He also has a book called What If?. Check it out.

Devil's Candy
Brawl In the Family

This comic focuses on lighthearted parodies of Nintendo characters. I became so hopelessly addicted that I read all 600 of them when I came upon it.

A funny, semi-popular video game parody webcomic about Nintendo characters!

Cut Time

Great story, great design, and characters you'll fall in love with.


One of the best, tightest storylines out there, with quirky characters, dry humor, and an eventually epic scope. Digger is unforgettable!

Huh. Fifth place is exactly where I would have put it. Cool.

Excellent characters and story.

Snow by Night
Not A Villain

There are so many small details that make this story great:

1. It is a story about internal struggles and trying to become a better person. It shows very realistically how difficult that is. The protagonist has to deal with temptations, overshooting her changes, not noticing things she should change, etc.

2. It shows that even after a worldwide catastrophe on an apocalyptic scale, human nature remains the same. People still want entertainment, there will still be rich and poor, cultural divisions, misunderstandings of geniuses, and so on.

3. It also shows how much people will fear the probable cause of the apocalypse.

4. It's a puzzle! I enjoy trying to figure out what is going on behind the scenes. The comment section is full of speculation. The author doesn't answer these directly but lets the comic itself reveal answers or give more hints, which adds to the joy of speculating.

5. It doesn't use lewd women to try and gain followers, which is a refreshing break from most comics.

6. There is a very low rate of plot holes.

7. The characters are realistic in the sense that they act based on their personal knowledge (or misconceptions) about the world.

El Goonish Shive

What the hell is this doing so low? This should be number one instead of Homestuck (which is overrated).

Questionable Content

I'm going to vote for Questionable Content because it is simply an engaging story with great characters that I think deserve more readership. The series starts out focused on indie young adults, then moves over time to reveal a whole world filled with AI and their interactions with the main human characters.

Definitely worth a read, especially if you like sarcasm. Also, seriously, how are Dumbing of Age and Dinosaur Comics not in the top 20?


It is a nice, clean science fiction story, definitely one of my favorites. The only qualm I have with it is the uncanny coincidences that occur a couple of times, but many stories have those, so I cannot complain.

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