Top Ten Dumbest Things to Get Detention For

The Top Ten
1 Being late

Ugh this is a horrible reason! Guys by my locker are always crowding and wouldn't let me get to my locker,I put my bag when the bell just rang,I rived to gym,my jerk gym teacher marked me tardy while I didn't even had a chance to explain,and I had A...girl's thing that day,so after I changed my gym clothes,i went to the bathroom,when I'm out,she game me a detention cause I'm tardy TWICE! She's a female,she should tolerate things that girls can't escape! ):(

This is an actual policy at my high school

2 Uniform violation
3 Breaking a pencil
4 Homework
5 When the teacher tells you to explain yourself, you try, and then they call it talking back
6 For writing with a pen in math
7 For having a pen that doesn't have blue or black ink
8 For having a water bottle in class
9 For not having a sharpened pencil
10 For saying you don't know an answer
The Contenders
11 Listening to death metal
12 When you made an honest mistake
13 For playing a game that everyone else was playing
14 For doing your homework at school
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