Top 10 Best EDM Songs of All Time

The Top Ten
Strobe - Deadmau5

21% of the voters on this list must have been 13-year-old girls who don't even know what EDM stands for. There's no other way that Get Lucky could be number one on this list, let alone in the top 10. Heck, it's not even their best song! Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, One More Time, Technologic, and Around the World could easily top it, just to name a few.

Anyway, enough about that. Strobe may be 10 and a half minutes, but it will be some of the 10 and a half happiest minutes of your life. From the beautiful intro to the changing melody, to the huge drop, to the mysterious sounds, this track is an EDM masterpiece to say the very least!

Levels - Avicii

I'm not a fan of EDM at all. I usually stick with rock music and classic hip-hop. But this song just makes me feel so happy! It's like an adrenaline shot that makes you just want to dance with joy.

When I'm doing work, I can just put on this song and forget a lot of my troubles for a while. If your progressive house song can get a hard rock enthusiast to dance, that's a major accomplishment.

Well, well, well. I don't think that I need to say anything about this song being in second place. Instead, this deserves to be on the top of every list. You don't get a party song like this, which you can hear about 50 times and still wish to hear more. The music and the superb timing of every acute frequency in the music is what makes it sugar for the mind.

Animals - Martin Garrix

This song is a masterpiece. The way it flows to the best drop I have ever heard is underrated. I tried all the suggestions of people who think that mainstream music is garbage, and quite frankly, I am disappointed.

I know that there are some mainstream artists who are not always good (The Chainsmokers), but saying things like "it sucks" or "it's garbage" just shows how people can be arrogant. I mean, at least appreciate THE DROP and stop all that "true EDM" like future house. Think critically and make a clear judgment.

She Heals Everything - Porter Robinson

Definitely one of the best Porter Robinson live edits. It takes Shepherdess, an extremely rare and underrated song that's already amazing, and makes it a million times better.

Not even out yet. Just goes to show how special Porter Robinson's music can be and how emotive it is.

Ghosts N Stuff - Deadmau5

Made me love Rob Swire, introduced me to EDM, and I still listen to it.

This, The Funk (by Daft Punk), Kill the Noise (by Kill the Noise), I Remember (by Deadmau5), Cinema (Skrillex version), Nuclear (by Zomboy), and All I Ask of You (Skrillex) are my favorite EDM songs.

Opus - Eric Prydz

Don't be fooled by how recent the song is. It brings so much promise that it'll make you have feelings you haven't felt since Strobe. This song really tests you because the build-up is so long, but the rest is worth more than a thousand words.

This truly is the next Strobe and a masterpiece that takes you back to the past when electronic music was real and not fake like it is now.

This song sends shivers down my spine. The build-up in this song is the best I have heard in the EDM genre. I have run to this song many times. It is perfect for warm-up because it starts slow and gets faster and faster until the first drop comes.

Faded - Alan Walker

I agree that Faded is an amazing song, but his other songs like Unity and such are just as catchy and impressive. I love Alan Walker not only for his songs but also because of his charitable giving to people in need.

It's a really beautifully composed song. I feel like I can listen to it no matter my mood, and it helps give perspective somehow. I don't know. It's just a really cool song and a true masterpiece from Alan Walker.

Not only is it beautifully composed, extremely unique, and incredibly well-mixed, but it's catchy as hell. It's so overplayed, though.

One More Time - Daft Punk

How is this not No. 1? It at least has creativity in the song.

I Remember - Deadmau5

The perfect blend of music and vocals, absolutely amazing!

Aisha - Gaia

The Newcomers

? Booyah - Showtek

Absolute sick beat drop.

? Breathe - The Prodigy

This song has a fantastic flow, and it's full of energy and craziness, especially with Keith Flint's snarling vocals in the background.

The sound effects in this song are amazingly cool, as is the funky beat that repeats itself throughout the track.

The Prodigy were cool as hell. One of the greatest electronic groups of all time. RIP Keith Flint.

The Contenders
Titanium - David Guetta

Well, you get the superb blend of innovative lyrics with the elegance of some Sia solo kick-out and Mr. David Guetta's electro fun. This song deserves to be first. It's like ear candy. Every time you hear it, you get to know "Music can be sweet." And that too, using the name of a metal! It needs superb thinking, dude. Not everyone has it.

Love this song! Absolute perfection of beats combined with the awesome voice of Sia sends a chill down your spine! I promise.

David Guetta is the god of DJs. This is live proof.

Forever is Ours - Armin Van Buuren

This song is like heaven to me. The magical piano with Emma Hewitt's voice makes you want to replay it over and over again without getting tired of it. A true perfect masterpiece by the Trance King, Armin himself.

Needs a more deserving place. Top of the roof, but Intense is still better.

Bangarang - Skrillex

Best dubstep track ever. Even if you don't like dubstep tracks, you will like this one!

I think this should be in the top ten list!

Spaceman - Hardwell

Deserves to be number 1. Still at 35 while Animals is 3. Must facepalm now.

Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia

Needs to be higher up. This song gives me hope.

Adagio for Strings - Tiesto

It's impossible to choose between this and Deadmau5, but this deserves at least a top 5 spot because without this, most of these other tracks wouldn't even have been here.

The fact that people would vote for Alan Walker's Faded over this shows that they are just fake mainstream fans of EDM who only listen to the top 40.

This should be ruling the whole list. If I remember correctly, this track is selected by a lot of DJs as one of the best in the whole industry. And where's Traffic?

Disconnected - Pegboard Nerds
Kinetic - Jay Eskar

Jay Eskar is the artist who broke me out of the box that surrounds mainstream EDM and placed me in the lesser-known artists' fanbase. I can't thank this exact song enough, especially because Future House is my favorite genre!

Divinity x Technicolor x Innocence (Mashup) - Porter Robinson & Madeon
Gecko x Cinema - Elephante
This Night - Filo & Peri
Impact - Devinity x Paerila

Devinity's music is such an understatement when it comes to the best EDM song ever. I know that the vocals aren't mainstream rapping, but that's what makes it the best. The vocal talent fits perfectly with the lyrics, especially for someone who's going through a crisis and asking themselves questions about life itself.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk

Still my favorite Daft Punk song. I like it more than One More Time.

The best song made by the best artist.

Glue Gun - Fox Stevenson

This song had me laughing at the title. Strange choice, but in the end, it is one of the best Liquicity singles I've ever heard, hands down.

Where Them Girls at - David Guetta

This has been my favorite song of all time since I was 12! I still love it today. It's upbeat and, like in the music video, once it starts playing, you just can't stop dancing.

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