Top Ten The Infernal Devices Characters

The Top Ten
William Herondale

Demon pox, oh demon pox
Just how is it acquired?
One must go down to the bad part of town
Until one is very tired.

Demon pox, oh, demon pox
I had it all along---
No, not the pox, you foolish blocks
I mean this very song---
For I was right and you were wrong.

Will rocks! He loves to read, so yeah. We need more bookworms in books and the real world alike. I've actually found many books to read from him. So yay!

Totally one of my favorites, he ties with Gabriel (don't hate me) for first place. Yay! So yeah, anyone who says something bad about any of the good guys (aside from Magnus, he sucks, no offense) is personally dead to me. Even if you just think it. Beware. Will rocks the deep sea!

James Carstairs

Why are Clary, Simon, Izzy, Alec, and Jace even in the top ten? They're Mortal Instruments characters, not Infernal Devices! And Jem is definitely the best character.


I love Tessa. She's really relatable, realistic, sarcastic, and curious.

I love to read! I am so like Tessa!


I love Magnus. He beats everybody on this list! I kinda like his cat too.

Henrey Branwell

I do love eggs. I can eat them all day!


He is a Herondale, which makes him the best.

Charlotte Fairchild

Charlotte is the strongest female character in all of Cassandra Clare's books. She is a great leader, but is also extremely loving and caring.

Jessamine Lovelace

My favorite character. All she wanted was to love and be loved. I hope she finds peace.


Clary is the main character of this whole thing! She deserves to be on top, not #5. What is wrong with you people?

The Newcomers

? Church the Cat
? Ella Herondale
The Contenders

I think Simon is the best, not Clary or Will. He may not be the best looking or anything, but he brings humor into everything. Simon has a good heart and is very brotherly to Clary. He is amazing in every way, and what happened to him made me cry. Keep on being Simon. Love you.

I don't like flat soda.
I don't like crappy boy band pop.
I don't like being stuck in traffic.
I don't like math homework.
I HATE JACE see the difference?

Izzy lightwood

Kicking demons' butts, and looking good while doing it.

Alec Lightwood Alec Lightwood is featured in "The Mortal Instruments" as a Shadowhunter and the older brother of Isabelle Lightwood. He is known for his sense of duty, loyalty, and his struggle with his sexual orientation. Alec develops a romantic relationship with Magnus Bane, adding layers to both characters. His... read more

I like Alec and all, but he is barely mentioned. I hope to see more of him in the future.

Chairman Meow
Gideon Lightwood
Cecily Herondale
Gabriel Lightwood

Ah, yes! The Lightwoods are so underrated! They totally rock! Gabriel is such an amazing character! He ties with Will for my first favorite. Here is a list:
1: Will/ Gabriel
2: Cecily/ Gideon
3: Tessa
4: Sophie/ Henry

And, after that I just have characters that I like and don't like. Some I like more than others, I just don't feel like pondering this much.

Linette Herondale
Edmund Herondale
Luke Graymark
Max Lightwood

Poor Max, he just wanted to grow up.

Ragnor Fell

This guy is awesome. He is my Emerald Prince.

Emma Carstairs

She is brave and amazing. Go Emma!

Julian Blackthorn
Axel Mortmain
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