Top 10 Video Game Franchises That Should Not Get Any More Installments
There should be an end of these franchises' stories.
Final means the last. Why are there so many of them? I hate Final Fantasy! Don't you?
Can they just make another Advanced Tactics game instead of a rehashed Final Fantasy game?

Even though I despise this franchise for being the same rehashed and formulaic dance game every year and for always snubbing Best Video Game of the Year at the KCA's as much as SpongeBob always snubs Best Cartoon of the Year, I did some research on TV Tropes and found that even the Just Dance fan base is unsatisfied with almost every new installment.
While I can't truly judge the games since I don't play them, many fans have complained that each new installment barely offers anything new in its track lists, game modes, and the efficiency of the motion capture.
There is really no point in Ubisoft keeping this franchise alive. If the newest installments only offer new songs, I don't understand why people still spend their hard-earned money on this deadbeat franchise. You're better off just loading up a music video on YouTube and dancing to that instead.

To be honest, I thought SFV was just unnecessary. I wanted SFIV to be the last one.

Seriously, the only reason why they keep making Grand Theft Auto games is to anger people by sparking tons of controversy, just like Family Guy.
Every installment causes some kind of controversy due to Karens. Basically, Family Guy but a video game that's realistic with a ton of controversies.
In my opinion, not bad, but Rockstar should be working on other games.

This series is basically Sega beating a dead horse, or rather a hedgehog. When did this series begin to decline? Was it Sonic R, Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis, Shadow the Hedgehog, Princess Elise from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), or was it when Sonic Boom was released?
It's unbelievable to see an icon fall from grace. Yes, there are good games about him, but then something bad happens and we all wish they were as good as the ones from the Sega Genesis when Sonic was as cool as Mario.
You know what that means? It's time for Sega to end the Sonic series for good. Sega, NO MORE SONIC GAMES! Sonic is the reason I hate you. That's all you make! You don't even care about your other franchises anymore!

The latest game, Security Breach, is so buggy, and they're not even trying anymore to make it better. The developers were so lazy, they made the endings just comic strips. Only the "true ending" has an actual cinematic, but it's very short and anticlimactic. The whole game was just a cash grab.
2014 - Five Nights At Freddy's 1 and 2
2015 - Five Nights At Freddy's 3
COMING SOON - Five Nights At Freddy's 4: The Final Chapter
There is a teaser for Five Nights At Freddy's 4 that has text saying "THE FINAL CHAPTER," which means that the Five Nights At Freddy's series will be over. I don't hate it. I just don't want it to get milked to death.

The Newcomers

Why did they bring him back? Hope we don't get another Bubsy game again.

Please, Mark of the Wolves had almost an entirely new cast and gave the one remaining character a terrible redesign and story that made no sense!
They should have just made a brand-new, unrelated game.
Hoping Terry's appearance in "Smash Bros. Ultimate" is the extent of any further "installments" for this OR "King of Fighters."
Neither has had a good game since 1998. Nineteen. Ninety. Eight!

It's already ruined enough. Either make a Paper Mario with actual RPG elements and a good story like TTYD, Super, and TOK, or just leave this series behind.

They should've made a Pokemon Z and just ended the franchise there instead of making two more unnecessary generations in retrospect.

Seriously, the novelty of a naked chick running around wielding guns in a Lovecraftian world has long since worn off.
Then again (ironically), woke feminists will probably demand another game or three.