Most Overused Video Game Items and Cliches

Almost every video game I visit I'm probably going to encounter these.
The Top Ten
1 Red flammable barrels

Yeah let's just put a ton of these in our safe zone so the main character can use them to his/her advantage!

2 Extremely stupid AI for enemies and allies

Hey, it's just bad programming, not a "cliche". It's just something that happens to be all too common, and can be confused with a cliche, but it is NOT

3 OP weapons and armor
4 Protagonist gets way more health than everyone else
5 Boss fights make the villain look like an amateur
6 Player has to do everything (open doors, hack system, climb a ladder first)
7 Only one ending
8 Machine guns that never need to reload
9 Rockets that can demolish entire buildings
10 Save the princess
The Contenders
11 Healing potions

Why isn't this number 1? It's in every game except Mario.

12 Cartoony main characters

Nothing is wrong with having a cartoony aesthetic. It's what you do with it that counts.

13 Hostage missions
14 Grenades
15 Final bosses themed around the power of friendship
16 Nerd glasses
17 Annoying side characters
18 Good characters dying
19 Lava levels
20 Breaking traffic laws
21 Red screen at low health
22 Ears ringing
23 Racial stereotypes
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