Worst Kirby Franchise Ideas

The Top Ten
Not Making Planet Robobot a Series

Making it a series would be a mistake. Maybe a sequel, but a series? No, and probably never. Just let Kirby be Kirby and inhale copy abilities. He doesn't need his mech all the time, even if it was cool.

An Air Ride Sequel
New, More Realistic/Less Cartoonish Enemies

Kirby is essentially a cartoon, so what's with making the demons now look real? Let's go back to the Marx and Magolor soul type style instead.

Does anyone want CGI Scarfy, Zero, or Magolor Soul though? Aren't they enough for them?

Ah yes, realistic Marx Soul. What could go wrong?

The Complete Removal of Dedede
Remakes of Air Ride
Keeping Green Greens in the Games
Kirby: Planet Robobot 2: Revenge of the HWC
Making Another 8-bit Kirby Game

That's completely backwards. They should be full 3D games at this point.

A Robobot Anime
Dedede Merchandise

The Newcomers

? You Can Only Fly for a Little While in Team Kirby Clash
? Only Having to Die to Get Rid of Your Ability in Kirby's Dreamland 3
The Contenders
A Magolor Movie About His Sisters and Family

Magolor has a family and sisters? Well, I could see him having relatives, but a movie? This is some bad fanfiction level stuff right here.

A Magolor backstory would be cool, but not if it's only about his fanfiction OC siblings.

Making Robobot a Series
Whispy Woods Merchandise
Official Planet Robobot Books
The Complete Removal of Whispy Woods

Whispy Woods is great though. He is the pinnacle of easiness, for kids to steamroll and feel good before fighting, say, Pyribbit.

Kirby's Adventure Merchandise
K-Rated Kirby Games

What more do you want? T-rated games? If you want blood and pain, then quit Kirby! Make a T-rated fanfiction, but dude, when you ask for a T-rated Kirby game, you know that you will NEVER GET IT.

Yeah, all Kirby needs is more gore. Totally.

Canceling Kirby Air Ride
M/T Rated Kirby Games
Not Having Most Kirby Characters in the Anime
Rereleases of Old Kirby Games
Not Having Ability Hats in Kirby's Dreamland 3
Not Having Kirby Fly in Newer Games
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