Top 10 Most Annoying Mary Sues and Gary Stus
The definition of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu is a character who is seemingly perfect and exhibits little to no flaws whatsoever throughout their appearance in a series. These are examples of characters who are just so unbearably annoying.
The first couple of movies portrayed feminism very badly. Bella stumbled through life as all these male characters just threw themselves at her for no reason. Then, when she became a vampire, suddenly she had all these different powers even though she was just turned and had no experience.
Now, Emmett is useless because she took his only power and also has more. Bella is one of the worst.
There is no other reason than her being a Mary Sue why everyone was trying so hard to get to know the new girl. She was such a moping bore! Hell, but they weren't enough for a friendless nobody. She wanted the shiny sparkly vampires. Which in no way makes her superficial, we are repeatedly informed.
Of course, it later turns out that all those girls are secretly horrid and their helpfulness was just a facade - like how Bella is just a facade for self-insertion.

Rey is totally a Mary Sue and should be way higher on this list. She's able to fight Kylo Ren with a lightsaber with no training. She's able to find and fly the Millennium Falcon with no training. She's even able to swim, despite being born on a desert planet and never leaving it!
This is completely disrespectful to the franchise. People like Anakin trained for years and still lost to Count Dooku. Luke trained with Yoda and Obi-Wan, and he still got his ass kicked by Darth Vader. And then Disney shills try to justify it by saying, She's so powerful because she's a Palpatine. That still doesn't make any sense! Even if you come from a powerful bloodline, you don't automatically get powers - you still have to work for them. Rey just skips all the effort, and it's insulting to the legacy of Star Wars.

Jean is not only telepathic and telekinetic, but she also has everyone immediately fall for her. She has more than three men after her and is extremely smart and desirable.
Blandish personality and is the greatest telepath... even though there are Omega-level telepaths who have been finessing their abilities for decades before she was born (i.e., Xavier). Plus, everybody just loves her so much.
She has the most annoying personality, and she and Scarlet Witch suck!

All she needs to say is for him to not touch it, and bam, he can't. Very Mary Sue-like.

I hate to say it, but she is a bigger Mary Sue than Bella Swan.
Perfect body that's so "perfect" it is anatomically incorrect and could not exist in real life, even if you underwent cosmetic surgery.
Long, perfect blonde hair.
Sparkly, overly-detailed, and expensive fancy outfits.
Has the "perfect" boyfriend.
Looks good in any clothes.
Super rich!
Everyone likes her! Has loads of friends! Anyone who hates her is evil!
The first annoying thing about this character is her luck. Barbie so far can open a popular boutique with the push of a button, has modeling talents, and manages to have a perfect body while her meals scream unhealthy. Every existing guy in "Malibu" has a crush on her. And just to make this idiot more likable, they make her frenemy Raquel (the only relatable character in this show) have the worst life possible. Ugh.

Comics might be better, but the Captain Marvel movie literally did not grab the attention of any viewer. Told to suppress emotion by her teacher (Jude Law), and right at the end, Law is the emotional one when Danvers is meant to embrace emotion and instead nonchalantly blasts him in the chest, making the whole excuse of an "arc" completely moot.
Goes from powerful despite her hands being handcuffed, to so powerful it becomes completely and utterly boring. Her emotional state and her "arc" is a literal plank.

How come he can do anything a human can do? And for some reason, all the kids love him!
Ah, yes. The greatest Mary Sue of all time. Can sing, dance, do art, anything that a human can do, but in a more advanced way. He can also lure almost anyone who sees him. Definitely needs to be no. 1.

Personally, when Divergent started out, I liked it. But after a while, Tris and Four's characters seemed Mary Sue/Gary Stu-ish to me. Tris is an all goody-goody character who always swayed everyone else around her, with the exception of Peter, but that's only because Peter is a bad guy. Meanwhile, Four was a stereotypical hot, edgy character. Neither of them have realistic flaws. And no, being afraid of heights isn't considered a flaw. Heck, when both of them went to the future in Insurgent, everybody there practically worshipped them.
Because of this, I found the rest of the books/movies to be very bland.

I mean, it makes sense. She's the hero and the main character. Making her have flaws would ruin the fact that she had a big reputation in the Hunger Games as the hero, I guess.
Emo, whiny, and horrible. So emotionless. The complete definition of a Mary Sue. She can do no wrong and is more powerful than anyone else.
She is one of the worst characters from action movies because she is annoying!

Annoying brat. Nothing good about him, nothing bad happens to him, whiny. Get out of here.
Caillou is more annoying than Dora!
Caillou becomes a Gary Stu beginning in Season 4, where he has no flaws.
The Newcomers

Proves that just because you're hot, you can get away with abuse - literally. Because every girl was dreaming about having a guy as perfect as him, most missed the signs of his abusive behavior. Bella spent so much time being grateful that he would go out with her that she just accepted every bit of the abuse without question or complaint. This is ironic when you consider that she spent most of the series complaining about everything else.
Worst of all, he has no personality outside of plot demands it. He is literally a blank slate so that every girl reading could project their dream guy onto him without clashing with the story. The problem with this is that he's so vague, and in the areas where he isn't, he's just creepy. You'd have to be an idiot to fall for him - which Bella just happens to be. At least that makes sense in the story, but it doesn't make up for the fact that the book is utter trash.

Good at everything, including things she's never done before. Never gets called out when she does something wrong. Gets praised for things that other characters get hate for. Is loved by everyone on the show to an unrealistic degree and has no flaws whatsoever.
This character is a perfect example of why you should never pander to a vocal minority on Tumblr.

Alright, I partially agree with this statement. I don't think she's entirely a Mary Sue, but there are some elements of her that certainly are. Now, she is definitely not the creator's pet. Uncle Rick has shown no favoritism towards her whatsoever. Now don't forget, I strongly dislike Piper. Now, I won't say I hate her, because she has one redeeming quality. Her insecurity.
Many people say that's a cover-up for her being a Mary Sue, and yeah, I can see why they think that. But it's really the only thing slightly human about her. So, the only reason she's not a Mary Sue is because of her insecurity, and one other thing. Do you guys really think Uncle Rick could create a full Mary Sue? You guys are all here because you liked the books enough to hate a character. But yeah, I find her extremely shallow and a bit brattish.
We're supposed to feel sympathy because her "father never pays attention to her." And because of that, she decided to steal a car. A bit over the top, but her father did love her, which is more than I can say for the rest of the seven. Everyone forgot about Silena. Also, how she lulled Mother Earth to sleep is kinda stupid. And her being a good singer just adds to her Mary Sue traits.
The only reason I like Jason more than Piper is he stood up for Nico when he came out, while before that, Leo and Piper were making fun of him. Also, she called Percy unimpressive. Rich coming from her. Overall, she is not the creator's pet, but maybe a Mary Sue. Though she was necessary to the plot. You can't deny that. Even though she was shallow and not a very interesting character.

Biggest Gary Stu ever.
1. He was the "super cool" villain's son.
2. He became the green ninja despite having no training whatsoever!
3. Suddenly, every mission depended on him alone.
4. He got the multi-headed dragon for himself, even though it was once four other dragons that belonged to the other ninjas.
I hate him so much. This character needs to be more likable.

She's probably one of the most annoying characters in the series. I seriously can't stand her. She gets away with everything, like hexing a student, and she even gets praised for it. Oh, and she's not some kind of "badass." She's just rude (and insecure, especially to Fleur).
She's a Jerkass Sue. She never gets called out for being a bully, and everyone is just so charmed that teachers invite her to parties for hexing a student in front of them. Her being funny, strong, and sportive are all informed attributes.
I totally agree! Please don't get mad at me for my opinion, but she is totally Mary-Sue material! Not talking about her falling in love with Harry, but there's plenty of other reasons that back up my statement!

Okay, this girl is a Mary Sue. She is an Ackerman, so she gets super strength and a perfect build, which makes her ridiculously strong. She is biased by the creator, who made everyone fall for her, even though she's so annoying. For example, Let me go ahead and try to kill Levi because he hurt Eren! She's tried to attack Levi twice now (season 1 and 3), and yet no one hates her for it.
She's made mistakes that people just conveniently forget about. Mikasa's whole character is essentially: Eren, Eren, Eren, Eren! She's so possessive, but no one even cares.

She is the admitted author's self-insert, and it really shows. As the author's mouthpiece, she is always right, and even if she is wrong, she does not get scolded. She even gets prettified. Everyone goes on about her intelligence. Now, maybe the author thinks that being book-smart is incredibly impressive, but actual geniuses get less hype than she does in the books, which really shows the author's bias.
She is also often a complete jerk, and while the author was good at calling her out in the first book, this gets completely reversed later. She acts like a complete jerk, and the author always writes her as being in the right.

I don't even need to watch Peppa Pig to know she's a Mary Sue. Just one look at her, and I know...
I hate Peppa. She's so whiny and selfish.

The biggest Sue! Will sleep with Christian because she loves him after just meeting him and finding out he's abusive... FML seriously! No depth at all and suddenly everyone wants her... really bad character writing. I can't believe it's actually a film.
Almost an exact duplicate of Bella, and the few qualities Anastasia possesses that she does not share with Bella are worse.

They tried with Katara and they failed. They attempted to write an empathetic young teen who is headstrong and idealistic, but it fell flat. She gets praised by the story as if she is the only character who does good things, and it feels very forced. In fact, her niceness and empathy only stand out because the writers made her stand out, not because nobody else does the same things. Only she gets praised for them.
She also randomly got power-ups, and more talented characters got dumbed down and weakened so she could be cool and kickass. Very bad writing.

Pretty does not mean she is not an absolute crap character. She has no personality except for being openly annoying. I only feel like the Pokemon seasons are only getting worse. I loved the first season, but if you love the other seasons, this is just my silly personal opinion, so take this with a grain of salt.
Yes, she is half Mary Sue and half great character with character development, which makes her a mediocre character. Also, people who say characters such as Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Iris are Mary Sues are wrong! Amy can be bossy and stubborn. Rouge can be greedy and cocky. Shadow can be aggressive and has a big ego, like Sonic. And Iris is a jerk but also a Misty clone, and she is trying to be like my third-favorite Ash companion even though this leads her to sucking! Serena is mediocre, though. I don't like her as much. Rant over.
-Super Sonic Fan Person

OMG, this character is so bad! She wants to prove to everyone that she is better than Batman in everything despite being Batwoman by stealing everything from Bruce. And whenever she makes a bad action (which happens a lot!), she is magically forgiven or proved right! Really hope this show doesn't succeed.
The new show chose the worst Batwoman from all of the comics. She had to take everything from Batman to be Batwoman. She has an awful attitude and personality yet is supposed to be the 'best heroine'.

I disagree with everyone else. She is such a Sue!

He's good at everything, even though the main reason is Hermione! None of the Death Eaters could even hurt him, and he's always in the center of attention.
Although he is an amazing character, he was extremely powerful, had a tragic backstory, defeated the largest villain ever, was smart, attracted girls, and everyone looked up to him as a hero. He is pretty Gary-Stuish, sorry fangirls.
Everyone loves him. He always gets his way. He always wins. If that's not being a Gary Stu, I don't know what is.
She's the only one who truly belongs on this list. A Mary Sue through and through. Her "negative" traits are never addressed, and therefore not actual character flaws. She had everything going for her.
Cannot stand her. Stupid and conceited. Just awful.