Best Ways to Stay Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak

During this time of danger in our world, with this pandemic sweeping the globe, it is good to know how to stay safe. This list will hopefully give you ideas and reasons to stay safe during the Coronavirus outbreak.
The Top Ten
1 Wash your hands

Washing your hands is common sense when it comes to getting rid of germs. Washing your hands for a good thirty seconds with soap and water is a major help in keeping you and your family safe from not only the Coronavirus but also other viruses and bacteria.

I always wash my hands when it's necessary. Great list, Emma!

Great advice.

Always wash your hands!

2 Wear masks and gloves

And I don't mean a flimsy, thin mask that barely covers your nose and mouth. That kind of mask will not stop microorganisms from entering your respiratory system. I mean a mask that is specifically designed for blocking viruses.

As for the gloves, basically any disposable gloves will do, as long as they are disposable. If your gloves are the type that tear easily, I would recommend using two per hand. Then take them off and throw them away once done using them, without touching anything else with said gloves.

3 Carry hand wipes or hand sanitizer with you when leaving the house

I always carry a portable container of hand sanitizer with me wherever I go. If your hand gets accidentally contaminated, using hand sanitizer is a good solution, as long as you keep your hands wet with hand sanitizer for at least twenty seconds.

4 Avoid touching your face and eyes

If you get your hands contaminated, you can just wash the virus off, but if you get it in your eyes, it's not good. While it is hard not to touch your face, it's best in the long run. Better safe than sorry, after all.

5 Cough or sneeze into your elbow

Again, this should be common sense. Do this not only when out running errands but also when you're at home. It keeps germs from spreading. Since the Coronavirus is transmitted through droplets of water or saliva, blocking said spit will be effective in limiting the amount of possible contamination. Of course, be sure to wash your shirt soon afterwards.

6 Wipe down frequently touched areas of the house

Places such as doorknobs, light switches, and faucets are easily contaminated because they are touched so frequently. Wiping down those areas at least once a day with disinfectant goes a long way to keeping you and your family safe.

7 Order things online instead of going to the store

Doing this limits exposure to the virus by reducing contact with people who might possibly have the virus. Not only that, but it keeps others from being possibly infected by you. If you order something from Amazon, Blue Apron, or other places like those, wipe down the boxes to reduce contamination.

8 Stay six feet away from other people

This is currently the law in the US, and possibly in other countries. It provides social distancing and a good space between you and other people, who may be infected. Remember that just because someone doesn't show symptoms, it doesn't mean they do not have the virus. Some people who have had no symptoms have been tested for the Coronavirus and have come back positive.

Social distancing is important because there could be asymptomatic carriers of the virus who unknowingly spread the disease.

9 Avoid social meetings

After all, social meetings are practically against the law now. But still, some people have social gatherings, even parties, with more than a half dozen people. Just think: if one of the people at the party had the Coronavirus, they could give it to everyone there. Then those people, in turn, would transmit the virus to everyone they meet.

That's how infection rates rise exponentially - because of careless gatherings and meetings. If you want to have a meeting, do it when everything is safe and the virus is gone. Common sense.

10 Bathe regularly
The Contenders
11 Wipe down items bought from the store

People are people. They go into a store, look at this, look at that, thinking only of themselves and their needs, and look for the best products on the shelves. And, of course, it doesn't matter to them that they have to touch every single other item on the shelf, as long as they get what they want.

That's why rinsing fruit, wiping down jars and boxes, and washing clothes before using them is so important. Someone who has the Coronavirus may handle every item on a shelf in order to find what they want, and the germs on their hands may travel to you.

12 Don't touch things if you don't have to
13 Avoid large gatherings
14 Don't stay without fresh air too long
15 Avoid close contact with people who have COVID
16 Brush your teeth
17 Stay at home
18 Avoid personal contact
19 Take care of your vitamin D levels
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