Top Ten Ways to Die in the Hunger Games

If you're in an arena with 23 other teenagers and only one gets out alive, chances are, it won't be you. How would you like to go down if you died in the Hunger Games?
The Top Ten
1 Stabbed to death by another tribute

Happens pretty often around here.

2 Tangled in a net then impaled with a spear

Poor Rue. Not a good way to die.

Umm this made me cry...

3 Dehydration

Accounts for a lot of deaths, actually.

4 Poisoned berries

How the mighty fall (sorry Foxface)

Quick and easy

5 Starvation

Should have learned to hunt

6 Killed by Mutts
7 Shot by Katniss Everdeen

Tbh I would love to meet her but just not get killed by her but like I wanna see how good her shooting is in real life.

It's a privilege, really.

8 Cut into pieces with knives

Clove came prepared.

9 Stung by tracker jackers

This aspect of the hunger games didn't help my wasp phobia

10 Falling into a trap of the gamemakers'

Mysterious fires, erupting volcanos, avalanches, viper name it, they've thought of it.

Depends on the trap, I guess.
Mutts - no. Fire - no. Dehydration - no.
Getting blown up - sure, why not

The Contenders
11 Having a rock smashed into your skull
12 Stepping on a mine

It would be a quick way to go, at least.

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