Top 10 Infamous Moments In History That Would Make Great Metal Songs

Here are some tragedies in history that could make a great metal song.
The Top Ten
1 Shark Attacks Of 1916

Yeah, why not? Accept have a speed metal song called Fast As A Shark.

2 The Boy In The Box
3 Vladimir Komarov, The Man Who Fell From Space

Maybe a prog metal song?

4 The Titanic Sinks
5 James Bulger's Murder
6 The 2011 Joplin Tornado
7 The 1871 Great Chicago Fire
8 1944 Nazi Invasion
9 Hinterkaifeck Murders
10 Suicide of Budd Dwyer
The Contenders
11 The Battle of Gettysburg

"Gettysburg" by Civil War and the entire album The Glorious Burden by Iced Earth.

12 The Apartheid
13 Murder of Euronymous

Would make the perfect black metal song.

14 The 14th-Century Black Death

This would be a perfect blackened death metal song about one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. The Black Death (plague) is estimated to have killed 30-60% of Europe's total population.

I'm pretty sure that there's a slew of black metal and death metal songs about this...

15 The 1999 Canada Ice Storm

Would be called "Quebec Goes Black"

16 The March 2017 Madness at TheTopTens
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