Top Ten Worst Things About Job Hunting
Some of y'all are gonna be doing this real soon, I guarantee it. It still can be arduous.It's sort of like spitting in someone's face when you are not chosen to move on to the job. It's worse when you find out that you weren't hired days or even weeks afterward. Some places don't even bother with a response back.
Applying can take up to one hour, even more if you have to take long assessments, which don't really do much to help.
I watched my dad make job resumes once. They were so time-consuming.
In my case, I have over seven previous jobs I've been into.
This makes me think that they completely wasted their opportunity. Why advertise it if you decide later on not to hire anyone? Please, hire at least someone.
They love their money but want to pressure people who want to have fun to not have fun.
This should be higher, but most entry-level jobs do the appropriate thing and actually train you. There are some immediate red flags, though, when they tell you you need experience in something that you are trying to get experience in.
Because for whatever reason, references are needed and hiring managers need their names, occupations, and contact information, which is honestly a bit invasive. The default choice would be previous managers, but what if those previous managers aren't working there anymore?
Allow me to explain this one. Some of those consistently in demand of new employees seem to have good pay, but at the same time, require someone with over five to six years of experience in a certain field as well as a security clearance. While natural-born citizens tend to have the ability to attain a security clearance and respect their government, some hiring managers are looking for those with "active" clearances.
Now let's go ahead and look at what's wrong here. Having five to six years of experience in something is pretty cool for those who have been working at a place for that long, but you'd think that the person who has had that much experience is already happy at the place where they got that experience. And if someone has an active clearance already, they too are happy enough to have gotten that clearance in the first place and the position they were hired into.
So, in the end, these particular jobs are usually left hanging on the advertisements forever, almost entirely because there is like a one-in-one-trillion chance that anyone would end up getting it. Either people just don't have the experience or clearance needed, or if they already have it, then chances are they are happy with the job they currently have.
It makes it harder. Maybe they deserve it to be harder, but that still doesn't make it any less frustrating.
The Newcomers
Given that we are still in pandemic mode and that every employer is taking precautions, this one is another hurdle to jump over and is bound to show up soon enough.
I haven't had a lot of personal experience with this one, but I've got to imagine it's way worse than getting a no after a couple of days. At least then, you get to move on.