Best Jobs in the World

This would tell us which of the jobs in the world is the best in terms of nobility, income, fulfillment, scope, availability and other important matters about a job...
The Top Ten

It's the best job if you love to travel, explore, have fun, and be yourself. Acting has so many benefits. Some benefits might be fame, money, and beauty.

I've dreamed of being an actor ever since I was a child, at least to be a part of Walt Disney productions. I just love Disney movies! They inspire me the most. It's like a dream I want to make reality!

Acting is the best job to have, and I think people should take the Stella Adler acting and theater classes.


Being a doctor is usually a very stable job because if you get fired from one hospital, there are still many other hospitals you can apply to.

Unless you're from a wealthy or supportive family, I'd guess you give it a go. Medical schools and training take several years and are expensive, but at least it really pays off.

Being a doctor is not just about money. It's about the moral and social responsibility of caring for patients. It is about being a part of healing someone's sorrow, wounds, or illnesses.


Unlike any other profession, this job literally revolves around making money. There is no maximum salary. When you advance your career, there are no set hours, and your money begins to make money. The richest people in the world make their money through real estate, the stock market, and companies.

I plan to start a computer science business when I grow up!


Engineering is not just about building. Engineers solve problems. It's such a big category, and they almost always pay very well. If you like math, like me, pursue it.

God bless those who put engineer on this list. One day when I grow up, I'd like to be a civil engineer because I want to build things.

Working on technology? Name me one thing that's cooler than that. I'll wait.


Teaching is a noble job, as teachers make a nation great. Do you know what Emperor Hirohito said when Japan lost the war? "How many teachers are still alive?"

It seems fun for those who enjoy kids or teenagers like me. Also, no need to worry about low pay as long as you have a husband with a good job.

Fulfilling. Noble. Name it and you'll have it. It may not give you better pay compared to others, but if you say best, this is just it.


Even as a totally non-famous, non-profit-making, amateur child, I have published two books online and can be called an author. I think that being an author is a great job for many people, but not all. People who cannot lose themselves and put themselves into another character cannot be authors. To be an author, you must also have a certain passion for writing.

Even though being an author might not always lead you to a millionaire life, it is a job totally beneficial for the heart and soul.


My dream is to become a singer-songwriter. I am taking voice lessons! I can even do the whistle register, and I have made it my signature thing.

I have always wanted to be a singer. My parents don't agree, but I don't care. I'll do what I love, not what others want.

I have been waiting to be a singer!


These are the ones who keep bad people in jail. I salute you.

Porn Star

I don't see how being a porn star could be a BAD thing...

The Newcomers

? Carer/Caregiver

I can't believe I had to add this myself. It's such a worthwhile and fulfilling profession.

? Rapper
The Contenders

Yes, thank you for putting this on the list because I'm going to be one when I'm older!


Why isn't this in the top ten? An architect's job is amazing! You get to design buildings for a living! But in some places, they don't get paid much. Why? Because of the population. The higher the population, the higher the salary! This is good for people who live in highly populated cities such as New York, Toronto, and many other places.

So truly, an architect job is the best ever.

Why is businessman at the top? Sure, no boss, but you rely on your sales to make money. If I were a businessman, I would immediately switch to being an architect! You get to design buildings for a living! Maybe you need to have lots of knowledge about electricity and other stuff, but still, you get a high salary!


I think nobody acknowledges the hard and honest work farmers put into feeding society.

Office Worker
Game Developer

The reason I'd love to be a game developer is because I always loved making my own universes and worlds. I always loved writing stories and drawing. I would love to be a game designer any day.

Once, I programmed a simple game and let me tell you, bug fixing can be very tedious at times. So I say, good luck.

Game development is awesome because you are literally having fun! I love games!

Rock Star

Awesome! Playing rock concerts is the number one dream job!

Lifestyle Photographer

The head of the nation they are representing.


This job is AWESOME! Too bad I can't be one. I'm only a pre-teen. But you get to do and make awesome stuff!

Taste Master

Good, but not all food tastes good.

Island Caretaker

Having to take care of someone's island and going on adventures sounds like a very fun job. It's like pretending that I have my own island!

Police Officer

You almost can't get robbed, you get a Kevlar vest, a fast car, and without cops, there would be chaos and poverty.

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