Easiest English Words to Spell
How, I can never spell this word correctly. I always write II or i. I find it one of the hardest words in English to spell. I can't believe it is number 1.
It is either I or a as number one. They both are the first word I learned to spell and the easiest
Honestly every word is hard to spell for me because I suck at spelling haha
How in the world is this below "Hi"? "Hi" is two letters, while "A" is one letter. It's not much of a contest. Objectively speaking, it's easier to spell a one-word letter than a two-word letter. As for "A" and "I", that's more of a debate, since both one-letter words are technically equally easy to spell, but I consider "A" to be easier since it's the first letter of the alphabet and likely the first letter most people learn. Some people may disagree, but it's pretty clear to me that "A" is the easiest word to spell in the English language.
So easy that you don't have to think about the spelling.
Who doesn't know how to spell this?
And using this word properly is really not that difficult either!
I actually knew a guy who had to think spell this one.
Since babies or small toddlers do not like few things we give or do, the need to reply saying NO
No is spelled and said the same in English and Spanish, so put this before super.
No or in it's Internet version nao is easily one of the easiest words to spell.
How is the word "rock" higher on this list than "hug"? Hug is a three letter word.
I don't think anyone would agree that this is #4 out of every English word. Someone from Asia who can't write English very well could easily misspell this "sooper", "supre", or "sewper". "A" is lower, somehow.
The Newcomers
Definitely the easiest word on this list. A six year old spelt this
So easy my baby brother can read this
Another pretty easy word to spell.
People only think it's easy because it's the most used word in English, but a foreigner that is totally new to English might spell it as "thuh" or something. So not easy.
There is no different pronunciation. Oh, wait.
No, this is not the easiest word to spell...
So easy to spell I don't know why people shorten it.