Hardest Legend of Zelda Dungeons

The Top Ten
Water Temple - Ocarina of Time

Its not tough in a way many dungeons are. not to say this one isn't hard. its worth a high placement here, but all in all, this dungeon is more confusing that difficult. there is no clear path to progress, as in most of the dungeons in the game. it revolves around changing water height to progress. This has been done before, and has been done many times since, but the water temple is odd because of the new 3D, making the temple difficult to visualize. The changing water makes the dungeon layout change constantly, and Link's limited mobility underwater doesn't help. Its got a confusing miniboss, Dark Link, who can be difficult to fight if you don't know how to beat him.

Great Palace - Adventure of Link

The Water Temple is the dungeon everyone thinks of when you say "Hard Zelda Dungeon", but it's not really hard, it's annoying, tedious and somewhat broken, consisting not of tough enemies, brutal bosses and deadly traps, but instead of a confusing layout, tedious changing of the water levels and randomly hidden small keys, the Water Temple was a place where you lose your patience, not your life.

The Great Palace on the other hand is full of powerful enemies, incredibly tough bosses and instant death traps, making matters worse? It, also like the Water Temple has a confusing layout, I understand why people call the Water Temple hard, and in fairness if tedious and annoying is your idea of hard I can see it being called the hardest dungeon in the series, but as far as actual hard, look no further than here, the final dungeon in the hardest game in the series, filled with mighty enemies, super strong bosses, lava instant death traps and a maze of a layout - The Great Palace from Zelda II, which demands that you leave your casual play at the door, and get ready for one tough endgame fight, a fight with the hardest dungeon in The Legend of Zelda.

Great Bay Temple - Majora's Mask

Everyone has different experiences, but I personally didn't find this one to be THAT terrible. The fairies were definitely tedious, the boss was tough, and the puzzles were a bit complex, but there were only a few lever things to push in each area, making the current stuff a bit less complicated than people make it out to be, and I felt that there was always a general sense of direction, so I never really got lost. It's all down to each individual's experiences and abilities at certain dungeons, since I'm definitely not that great at Zelda in general, but this was never one of my hardest dungeons, it was just not easy.

Stone Tower Temple - Majora's Mask

Every room is a puzzle. Well-hidden Bomb Walls. Tricky buttons. Incredibly non-linear. You need to use every single transformation mask and most of the items you got up until now. The mirror room is just demonic (You are charging the last mirror to unlock the door and then... The monsters come and ruin your targeting). And when you think that it can't get worse... You need to reverse the dungeon and guess what? MORE puzzles. Flying. Flying through ghosts and explosives. Reversing rooms INSIDE the reverse dungeon. A room focused in reversing, where you need to reverse the dungeon 5 times or something like that. Unlocking chests in the main room to use the hookshot on them and get to the Boss Room. And all that in a crazy dungeon with dozens of doors, where you don't even know where you should go first.
I didn't even really complete the dungeon. I used a "extra small key" trick. Take some of these keys which you use to unlock the room with the Garo Master and the Light Arrows, and you don't need to unlock the boss. Get the Light Arrows. Now go back in time. Get the Small Keys again. Now, to the Boss Room! You need to know exactly where each key is, but it is still easier than getting all the Small Keys and completing the dungeon normally!
Seriously, Great Palace is incredibly good. A real maze. But it's just not as crazy as Stone Tower Temple. It can't drive you crazy and make you want to give up on the game and on your life, like Stone Tower Temple easily does.
Water Temple isn't even worth mentioning. I know that many people like Ocarina of Time and all, but seriously... Besides the missing key, is there anything hard on this dungeon? It has easy puzzles, weak enemies, it's linear (With really few exceptions), and Dark Link is annoying, but even if you can't find a better way to kill him, you can always use your Din's Fire. Morpha deals a lot of damage, but if you get caught by those tentacles, you deserve it. Seriously.

Ice Palace - A Link to The Past

Being a Zelda fan for decades, I Googled for the most annoying Zelda dungeons because I just finished the Ice Palace (a remarkable occasion which evidently makes yourself wonder...)

What really did it to me was when I finally solved the puzzle with the red/blue switches, ending up with the boss and realizing that you actually DO need 100% magic to even start the fight... ARGH...!

Every single switch you hit counts, and odds are that youll get to the end of the dungeon and have to go back to hit a switch. And youll also probably forget how to get back to the room berore the boss because of the complexity of this dungeon. This is one of the few dungeons in the series in which you MUST have magic, because you wont get past the first room, let alone beat the whole thing.

Hidden Palace - Adventure of Link

This palace is hard because who's supposed to guess even to get in it? And the you need the item to get through death valley but there the many boss and that boss is harder than the regalur boss!

Tower of Spirits - Spirit Tracks

How is it harder than the temple of the ocean king? No hourglass, no repeating the floors, and is puzzling but is still easy to understand.

Spirit Temple - Ocarina of Time (Master Quest)

I definitely agree with this. It was a very simple dungeon in OoT, but the MQ version makes you return to the same rooms over and over again.

One of the easiest temples in OoT just became the hardest...

Eagle Tower - Link's Awakening

Oh come on! This is simple and the boss isn't that difficult. I beat it in one hour maybe.

I still don't know what I'm supposed to do.

This dungeon is simply a hellish maze.

Sky Keep - Skyward Sword

It is the only fun one so far. Challenging, but fun. That is how all dungeons should be!

By switching each room to find the triforce pieces is hard! But its problebly down here on the list because there is no boss

It is challenging, but very fun and rewarding!

The Newcomers

? Ganon's Castle - Ocarina of Time
? Inside the Deku Tree - Ocarina of Time

This dungeon is easy, but the master quest version was hard, I kept dying when I played the master quest version since I had 3 hearts

The Contenders
Forest Temple - Ocarina of Time

The only temple I had to look for help on. It is fine up to the point you have to shoot the eye thing again to twist the room. No idea you could shoot it again to re-twist it. Water temple is more frustrating and annoying to me but this temple is just not fair in the way I had no idea you could re twist the room. The boss battle is brilliant one of the best.

I hate this dungeon it sucks! It isn’t hard though but the music is damn creepy! (But not as creepy as the Islamic chanting in the early Fire Temple music) even worse it houses the scariest enemies in the series the WALLMASTER... When I went into the dungeon for the first time I looked around the room with the boss key for clues then all of a sudden I heard something I didn’t know what it was but when I realized Link’s shadow was weird then his shadow turned into a ominous hand and grabbed me all of a sudden... I was scared to death... And that’s why I hate the Forest Temple

Temple of the Ocean King - Phantom Hourglass

This is an unpopular opinion, but I really don't mind going back to the same temple over and over again. You get really familiar with the entire temple and by the time you come back for the last time there's only one difference to the temple and it's incredibly easy to get through. The Temple can be annoying to some, but it's honestly not very difficult and pretty straightforward.

Thank god they fixed the backtracking with checkpoints and no time limit in Spirit Tracks. The whole game is about getting sand or something for the hourglass in the temples or some bullcrap... The story sucks. The villain sucks. This temple is the focus of the game. Phantom hourglass is a good game, but as a Zelda game... It sucks.

Shadow Temple - Ocarina of Time

Really? This dungeon is that high? It was the only dungeon in Ocarina of Time where I didn't need a guide. It's really easy. Go in a room, use the Lens of Truth, go where there is new things, and repeat. But Bongo Bongo can be pretty hard if you don't know what to do.

How is this #11! I just finished the ocarnia of time for the 3rd time and this is by far the hardest temple. The eye of truth makes everything tedious. Every time you die you have to restart the entire temple! The boss is also one of the hardest in the game.

So annoying! Using the eye of truth is a tedious job and the puzzles are downright vague. Not to mention the stupid boss.

Ganon's Tower - A Link to the Past

Is too long, you have to be prepare to use a lot of magic, is really a difficult dungeon, beat ganon's alterego is easy though

Thers this one room where... link has to light 4 torches and then run for the exit before the torches run out which is conviniently 5 seconds

The only confusing thing is getting to the chest that has the Red Tunic in it.

City In the Sky - Twilight Princess

You get in and then there's no clues on what to do. You're just faced by all this stuff that doesn't change when you try to mess around with it.

Be careful in this dungeon! If you make any mistakes, then you have have start a new game losing EVERYTHING you had on your current save!

You go around the entire dungeon and end up in the same room you started in, just to open the door

Forsaken Fortress - Wind Waker

It can be quite confusing at first, but I got through it.

Not even a real dungeon, plus you visit it two times

Lakebed Temple - Twilight Princess

Hated this temple. It was ridiculous and I got lost so much. There is always two doors. Not an obvious door you have to go to, no. You have to pick, and hope you are lucky you chose the right door or you have to go back and pick the other door.

The staircase, and the small almost unseen path to get the key to open the room to the miniboss

Besides getting the clawshot, this dungeon is a pain in the ass. I had to watch a walkthrough to get this dungeon done.

Lanayru Mining Facility - Skyward Sword

I hated this one. Just hated it. Everything from the timeshift stuff to the annoying laser guys shooting at you, I just wanted to throw something at the game or skip it or something. It's simply hard and frustrating.

It's not hard but I hated
Time shift stuff
The creepy scorpions
The boss because I couldn't hit at the right angle
The quicksand
The laser thingamabobs
And the music made me practically craw the walls it was so nerve racking

It took me more than 25 tries to defeat Moldrach! I quit Skyward Sword for about 6 months then came back and defeated him second try.

Sword and Shield Dungeon - Oracle of Seasons

People need to pay more attention to these ones. The dungeons in the Oracle games were brutal.

Hard dungeon. This place is huge, also. Perhaps harder than Eagle's Tower in Link's Awakening.

Turtle Rock - Link's Awakening

Turtle Rock in LA is the toughest dungeon I've ever played. Water Temple, Ice Palace and Stone Tower Temple are all non linear dungeons but have nothing on Turtle Rock. Turtle Rock is easy to get lost in because it spreads out in every direction. Also Turtle Rock has a bunch of underground tunnels which you can't see on the map. It has maddening puzzles and strong enemies. I think the reason this dungeon doesn't get the credit it deserves is because it has the exact same name of another famous dungeon.

Sandship - Skyward Sword

Even though it looks to be small I always get lost and the frustrating puzzles to the hidden areas it was difficult but one of the best temples I've ever done but the boss could be better

Jabu Jabus Belly - Oracle of Ages

This is the #1 hardest dungeon that comes to mind. Its multilevel, you must change water levels, and the hunt for keys is a long one. This is the dungeon that will make you back track more than any other. I will never forget Jabu Jabus belly, its harder than ice palace and turtle rock in LTTP. I suggest that those of you who didn't play Oracle of Ages... Download it on your phone or tablet via a gameboy advanced emulator

Perhaps is only because not a lot have played it, but this is one of the most confusing, desperating Zelda dungeons out there. The Water Temple is absolutely easy in comparison.

Palace of Winds - Minish Cap

My god, when you finally start to progress and then something kills you or knocks you off a platform...silent rage my friend...silent rage

This one was looong! The length was a pleasant surprise.. however the minish cap was short as a whole.

The Wind Temple - Wind Waker

Was not that hard, except the first time you use the koroks powers and the puzzle just before the boss room

Confusing multilayered dungeon kept falling and losing magic

The beginning of this dungeon alone should at least put in 20

Parapa Palace - Zelda II

From the hardest Zelda game comes an annoying first dungeon...

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