Best Legend of Zelda Mini Bosses
The Top Ten
Dark Link (Ocarina of Time)

King Igos du Ikana (Majora's Mask)
Darknut (Twilight Princess)

Dreadfuse (Skyward Sword)
Wizzrobe (The Wind Waker)
Poe Sisters (Oracle of Seasons)
Smasher (Oracle of Ages)
Dead Hand (Ocarina of Time)
Scariest Zelda Mini Boss Ever
Smasher (Link's Awakening)
Death Sword (Twilight Princess)
Me: Hey look a giant sword, and no miniboss in sight! Must be a new item I can collect. I'll just grab it and use it instead of the Master Sword. Huh, its held down with these ropes with talismans on them. I'll just cut one of them and wait...oh my lord the sword is alive! Take this and that! Why am I not hitting anything What's that Midna, I need to transform into Wolf Link? Okay! I can see who I can hit now. Take this and...Oh my goodness I just summoned a demonic entity that's now out to slaughter me!
The Newcomers
? Ook (Twilight Princess)
? Possessed Zelda (Twilight Princess)

The Contenders
Gomess (Majora's Mask)
Patra (The Legend of Zelda)
Dark Link (Spirit Tracks)

Meg the Poe (Ocarina of time)
Iron Knuckle (Ocarina of Time)

Amy the Poe (Ocarina of Time)
King Bulblin (Twilight Princess)
Darkhammer (Twilight Princess)
Garo Master (Majora's Mask)
Scervo (Skyward Sword)
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