Top 10 Best EX Pokemon Cards

This is a new list called Top Ten Best EX Pokemon Cards. I can't believe that no one came up with this Pokemon idea. You know that sometimes, these cards are hard to catch because they're so expensive. I just spent $17.95 on a Pokemon Trading Card Tin.
The Top Ten
Mega Charizard Y EX

This card shouldn't be number 1. In tournaments, this card is horrible. It takes five energies to charge up, and if you don't have a protection cube, you do 50 damage to yourself. Also, this is one of the only Mega Pokémon that doesn't have a Spirit Link. Unless this list is for artwork alone, this is not accurate.

He may be very hard to get in play, but when you have the protection cube attached to him...


I have 2 of this card and am getting Mega Charizard X as well for my deck. I recommend getting him if possible.

Zekrom EX

I think Zekrom EX is amazing because it has a ton of health and is very powerful. It also looks really cool. What I really like about it is that it is one of the most powerful EX cards I've seen. It is one of my favorites.

I just got Zekrom today. He is one of the best cards in the world with Strong Volt and Glinting Claw. So epic.

Zekrom is my favorite, and I found (not collected) a Zekrom that's real and has 1000 HP and 1000 damage. REAL! It's Japanese, and it's a 2011 champion!

Mega Rayquaza EX

Simply too powerful to even exist. I mean, we are talking not just 180 damage, we are talking about 300 damage! I have one of these bad boys, but mine is the 30x damage. I still like it though.

My friend has this card. He destroys me every time. And I have Mewtwo EX, Charizard EX, Mega Pidgeot EX, Latios EX, and Latias EX!

This is the number one best card. It's so good it got banned from some tiers. This is number one. This list is so wrong.

White Kyurem EX

I got this a few months ago, and he is SO EPIC! I traded it for Deoxys EX and M Gengar EX, but that was a small mistake.

He's awesome! I have Black Kyurem, White Kyurem, and Kyurem. Black Kyurem is my favorite. His picture is very cool too.

This thing could wreak havoc if you attach a Muscle Band to it! 170 damage! One-shot Heracross EX!

Mega Charizard X EX

I own this card, and it is better than the Mega Charizard Y EX for a few reasons. The most obvious is that it doesn't do 50 damage to itself. This can one-shot a Shadow Lugia, the strongest card in the game, with 300 HP and 1000 damage.

At an after-school care program I used to go to when I was younger, we opened about 100 booster packs, and we were very lucky to get 2 of these. It's my best card, and it will probably ALWAYS be my best card.

He is okay because you have to discard 5 of your own cards while you discard only one of your opponent's. But he is super rare, no doubt about that.

Darkrai EX

Dark Cloak is an epic ability, and Night Spear is an epic attack. Plus, it has Yveltal EX backing it up to destroy anything in its path. It has always been my favorite card.

This guy is good. I found him on the street, and now I'm winning almost every match. When somebody wants to trade, I look at them and walk away.

Oh my freak, just bought this guy for two bucks, and I'm kicking butt in every match.

Reshiram EX

He is the coolest Pokémon ever and has a really cool attack that does so much damage.

I have him, and he is my best. I think he is better than Mega Mewtwo!

Dragonite EX

Powerful card. The Burst In ability makes it easy to turn the tables in a game.

I've got Dragonite and Salamence EX. Both are cool, but this one is better.

Giant Tail has 120 damage. I never knew that Dragonite had an EX card.

Mew EX

Has anybody considered attaching a protection cube to this boss? The protection cube allows it to avoid damage from its own attacks. With Mew EX's Versatile ability that allows it to use the attacks of any Pokémon in play, it would be impossible to stop. Am I the only one who's thought of this?

Mew EX should be the fourth best Pokémon of all time because it can use someone else's move. For example, if you are facing Mega Charizard EX, you can do 300 damage to Charizard. Or, if you have a great Pokémon on your bench that does 300 damage, you can use that move.

P.S. Thanks for reading.

Mewtwo EX

I think Mewtwo should be 1st or at least 2nd because my friend had a Mega Mewtwo EX that was Japanese and signed. SUPER RARE!

Mewtwo EX vs. Deoxys EX. I wiped Deoxys EX out by using EX Ball - 2,000 damage! I also beat Mewtwo!

This is ultra-rare, and I've got a gold one. On eBay, they are worth 25 Australian Dollars.

The Newcomers

? Pikachu EX

It's a good card, but the stage is basic.
I thought that EX cards were supposed to be second stage.

He's the best card ever because he does a lot of damage and is the Pokémon beside Ash.

I do not know that much about Pokémon, but I love this card!

? Flygon EX

Oh my gosh, so awesome! This beast could do 200 damage if you got lucky.

The Contenders
Xerneas EX

Just today, I got this card. It was my first EX! I could not believe the attacks. I didn't think it was that awesome, so I looked it up. I've looked at three top ten Pokémon card sites, and what do you know, this is on all of them.

Not only is Xerneas EX a Fairy Pokémon (and who doesn't love fairies?), it is also very strong! If you get this card with all the energy needed or energy switch with Aromatisse in a Fairy deck, this card is just overpowered.

Doing 140 damage and then 60 damage, while getting an opponent's benched Pokémon weak, means you will just not lose.

Seismitoad EX

Yes, an amazing card. Items, items, items are overpowered until this comes in. Without Crushing Hammer or any reliable counter like Leafeon, there is no counter!

It takes up so little energy to attack!

Keldeo EX

He is very, very cool, and the picture looks rad! His ability is really cool too because it allows you to put him back in even when he gets defeated! It's like he's indestructible!

It is awesome, and in the pack with Rayquaza, it is way stronger due to the energy cost for the move to get it higher, plus double the EX in the pack! BOOM.

I got him, and he is beast mode. He does over 1,000 damage with my water energies!

Mega Blastoise EX

Should be in the top three at least. Has 230 HP, better than all the cards before him.

I used to have a Mega Blastoise that does 180 damage.

Manectric EX

He's pretty cool. Nice amount of damage, and his art is awesome.

He is good, but not strong enough to win with.

Shaymin EX

I think everyone who didn't vote for Shaymin EX are people who don't play with proper rules. M Charizard (both) and M Rayquaza have massive negatives to the point where the cards are useless in real battles.

The card draw ability on this card is amazing! Anyone who does not think this is number one must not play the card game.

Shaymin EX is so good that it's going for almost 100 dollars. If anything, this should be number 1 with its amazing ability.

Thundurus EX

O.P. Takes away energy and gets energy.

Thundurus is a good Pokémon card.

Mega Kangaskhan EX

He is rare, powerful, and it's a kangaroo! Name one other Pokémon that is a real animal that has a Mega Evolution! Come on!


This Pokémon is by far the most powerful and rare, which makes it easily the best Pokémon!

Infinity damage, people! How is this sitting at 20?

Charizard EX

It's a Charizard. Also, some can't do as much damage, okay.

You should use him. He is so strong because he does 150 damage. He is cool.

Best Pokémon because it's cool. The artwork is good because it's good. I know it's cool because it's cool.

Aegislash EX Aegislash is a fictional creature in the Pokemon Franchise. Introduced in Gen 6, it is a Steel/Ghost Pokemon. It is the evolved form of Doublade, and the final evolve form of Honedge. Classified as the Royal Sword Pokemon, it is said to detect innate qualities of leadership. According to legend, anyone... read more

Yeah, it could, but his attack is what matters.

Regigigas EX

This is my favorite EX card to use. Its power continuously increases as its health lowers. It's amazing!

This card is ultimatum awesome!

Articuno EX
Landorus EX

Hammerhead is a good attack because of that benched damage.

Yveltal EX

This card is so powerful it's kind of insane. It has so much damage output with almost no drawbacks. Many other cards with this kind of damage output require discarding energies and other costs, but not Yveltal! It also has a great retreat cost, and its second attack helps move energies to other Pokémon if it's about to go down. My Yveltal deck has never even come close to losing, and I have played against most of the cards in this list.

By far, it is better than Mega Kangaskhan. I know what you are thinking. Why? It only does 90 damage. But look at it. My friend goes to league every week and says every week that there are at least 10 Yveltal decks. These decks can go for $75-$250! It's a really common but useful deck. Also, add Darkrai EX for even more power.

Black Kyurem EX

The 200 damage one with Crystal Wall is an amazing combo, probably the best combo ever.

Black Kyurem EX is the same as White Kyurem EX, but they're both good!

Black Kyurem is even better than White Kyurem and Thundurus EX.

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