Top 10 Pokemon Types that Should Be Made

The Top Ten

I believe a Sound type should be strong against Electric types. A Tesla coil experiment with music has shown how sound can control electric currents, and they couldn't resist the redirection of the sound. A strong enough sound wave could also bend currents (it hasn't been proven, but in theory, an ultrasonic boom could likely bend a lightning bolt).

Also, I believe it's about time Electric Pokémon have a second weakness besides Ground types. Other types weak against Sound would be Steel, Water, and Psychic types. A Sound type's weaknesses should be Normal, Flying, Fighting, and Dragon types. I think something should be weak against Normal types, and why not something as simple as Sound?


Light types would give Ghost another weakness. If you think about it, Electric and Fire couldn't affect Light types because they're both sources of light. A Light type would be weak against Grass because a Grass type would just absorb light attacks. Other Light type weaknesses include Fairy and Steel types.

Light types would be strong against Ghost, Electric, Fire, and Flying. Dark and Light types would resist each other, and Dragon type moves would always connect, though not super strong. A Dragon type move would be drawn to light like moths to a flame because Dragons are drawn to shiny objects.

Light type candidates include Voltorb/Electrode, Rotom, Cresselia, Chinchou/Lanturn, etc. Attacks are for Pokémon Company to decide.


They should have two legendary Cosmic types that control space and time (each controlling a different one). For a Pokémon game, you would have to try and catch them. If you catch them, they can take you to any region at any time. Like how in Pokémon Black, Opelucid City is the future, but in Pokémon White, it is the past. They could take you to either.

Cosmic is the best new type idea. It seems much more realistic than Sound and to an extent Light. You guys seem to be forgetting the designs of Pokémon. Imagine how weird Sound Pokémon would look. What would it look like? A trumpet, a cymbal, a keyboard? It just lacks design potential.

Light was a good idea but was kind of shut down after Fairy types became a thing, leaving only Cosmic type to be the most logical choice. There are so many good ideas for the typing - a UFO Pokémon, a black hole, a star, a nebula. The possibilities are near endless, not to mention the number of Pokémon that already could have the typing: Clefable, Minior, Cosmoem, Deoxys, Cresselia, Lunatone, Solrock, Mew. Lots of opportunities.


The lack of a Wind/Air type is strange. It has always been one of the four classic elements. Look at other media like Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Fifth Element, and Captain Planet. The four elements are always "Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind." Wind is always an elemental type in almost all video games or movies which reference such magical elements.

Pokémon should really have a Wind type - and it's definitely different from Flying. Honestly, in my opinion, Flying shouldn't even be a type. It should just be an ability, like Levitate. Maybe make Flying a Bird type and then add Wind type.


The only reason I vote for this is because I created a Pokemon based on gems. I don't know what type to make it, as a giant flying ruby doesn't seem very Steel-type.

I'm going to add this to my game, actually, with the same effectiveness as the ones some people here have shared.

I think it would be a lot like Fairy, but also have Rock in it.


Yes, yes, I know, "but we already have a Dark type!" Sure, Dark SOUNDS like it would be for shadows, the night, the moon, and the like, but let me ask you this - what does the move Gang Up have to do with any of those things? What about Bite? Fake Tears? Nasty Plot? The list goes on and on!

You see, the Dark type is not a type about shadows, the night, or the moon. It is a type about evil, mischief, and manipulation. That's why it's called the Evil type in Japan.

So, where would this put Shadow? Shadow would be the type for shadows, the night, and the moon!

I propose that Pokémon changes Dark type's English name to Evil type and adds the Light and Shadow types. Why didn't I vote for Light? This type needs it much more, and people need to know how it wouldn't just be a carbon copy of Dark type.


Energy is exactly like Mega Evolution. It uses the spirit and motivation of Pokemon to attack their opponents. Could that mean a stronger form of Mega Evolution?

There are Energy cards, so why not Energy Pokemon?

Imagine hearing about an Energy type...


A Time type Pokémon would be perfect! This could work. Offensively, it could beat speedy types like Electric. If we have a Sound type, "faster than the speed of sound" could work. Also, like a Normal vs. Ghost thing, it could be ineffective against Cosmic and 100% resistant to Cosmic, like a space and time sort of thing.

That's crazy! This could work. Pokemon that have Trick Room or something similar could be considered. It's kind of close to Psychic.

Time is really interesting. I think that should be a Pokemon type.


This should be a type. I really like it. It's super effective against Ice and not against Fire and Electric. Many new Pokemon can be made, maybe like gooey Pokemon similar to Ditto.

I think it would be friends with Poison types.

Team Plasma should use this type!


Never heard of this idea, and it could be inventive with the type combos, like a Bug Cyber type that's a computer bug that looks like a fly or something, or a Fire Cyber type that's like a Falinks, but they group together to make a firewall. For weaknesses, Electric could be one. Meanwhile, it could be super effective against Steel, because it could take control of it. There could be an ability for Cyber types called something like Virus, where if a Steel type hits it with a physical attack, it has a 50% chance of confusing that Steel type.

The Newcomers

? Human

Personally, I believe this is the type that Pokemon needed. It would fill in for many Pokemon like Mr. Mime and Youngster Joey.

? Health

It would be good in a Pokémon Center because it could heal other Pokémon.

The Contenders

That's a good idea! I'm not sure why I like it, I just do. I just have the feeling that Aura would be a cool type.


At this point, it would make more sense to have Fossil/Dinosaur be its own type. The Rock typing on essentially every ancient Pokémon makes no sense from an ecological perspective. It would make far more sense for the ever-growing list of ancient Pokémon to have their own specific type, for a new purpose.

It would also add a lot more interest to getting these Pokémon, as they'd be your only consistent access to a rare type. Type rarity is something Pokémon hasn't really had since Gen 3.

All Fossil Pokémon are Rock types, so this would be incredibly unnecessary and would involve changing multiple types within a single generation. This also presents the idea of why adding a new type would be difficult since most of the Pokémon that would fit the ideas in this list already have two types.


Good is Fairy. Fairies are super effective against Dragon and Dark, which are considered evil. Good beats evil.


A Mineral type would be a great idea. The Pokemon can use a certain attack type according to its color, like magical gems, aka minerals.


Hydra is a water monster. It would just go under Water or Dragon. If this was made a type, it would have to specifically focus on Pokémon that were only hydra-like, and that does not leave a lot of room for creativity.

Hydreigon was the first Pokemon to come to mind when I saw Hydra.

It has lots of heads! And it's also in water.


I think that since we have Grass types, we should have a Life type.


I think this type would not be based purely on magic in the imagination. Also, I think more of Psychic would be immune because many scholars and intelligent minds claim that magic does not exist.

I think this is a great idea for Gen 8. It's kind of close to Psychic but far enough. I was thinking of this, but I thought it was too close to Psychic. Now I think it would be great!

This would be great for Gen 8. I think this should be added because of the Sword and Shield games.


This type can be really dangerous. What if they cause real deaths in Pokémon during battles? If this type does become a reality, Pokémon won't remain a kid's show anymore and may transform into an 18+ show.

This type would be for Pokemon that like nothing but bringing destruction to the world.

Effective against: Light, Psychic, Fairy, Grass, Bug, Flying.

Weak against: Magic.

Allied types: Dark, Ghost, Cosmic.

Death would not cause real deaths, probably just like a Dark-type move. Their weaknesses would be Time, Life, and Fighting. Their advantages should be Life, Grass, Bug, Dragon, Fairy, and Psychic.


It should be called Cosmic type. We could change the type of Solrock, Lunatone, Clefairy, Deoxys, and more.


Zombie would be the same old thing over and over again.

Oh no, it's a Zombie type. Looks like the same thing, only smaller/bigger!

Like corporeal undead, they use hands and mouths to spread the virus and fight.

This would be neat. Imagine a Pokemon that is Zombie/Ground, a dead cloaked man rising from the grave!


Some Pokemon come from fossils. Make a type for this. (Fossil type works too.)


Rubber could resist Electric, Water, Fighting, Ground and be weak to Ice, Fire, Steel, and maybe Poison. It could be strong against Dark because good guys often use rubber bullets and other items to stop bad guys. It could be strong against Water because rubber is very water-resistant and good at displacing water, and against Electric since it would be a poor enough conductor to hit Electric Pokémon.

The only existing Pokémon that would fit this type would be Pokémon like Floatzel and possibly others like Ditto, Spoink, or Chansey (one is an amorphous gum-like blob, the other has an elastic pouch and more of a rubber-like appearance than Kangaskhan).

I would love this type because I feel it would be pretty useful defensively and wouldn't overlap too much with any existing type. I'd argue the closest would be Grass, but without the weaknesses to Bug and Flying. Most of the above types just feel too generic compared to rubber.


Lots of Flying-type Pokemon are based on things like tornadoes, which technically don't fly.


I always wondered about stronger types based on others, like Lava for a Fire type.

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