Top 10 Things We Most Want to See in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a truly amazing game. First teased in January of 2013 as Zelda Wii U, players certainly had to wait a long time to be able to play it. It was planned to be released as a Wii U exclusive but as we all know, it got delayed over and over again until it was announced that it would also be a launch title for the Nintendo Switch on March 3rd, 2017 as well as the Wii U. It has gone on to sell over 16 million copies as of this article, making it the best-selling game in the Zelda franchise. It has also received perfect to near-perfect scores by almost every publication that reviewed it (I'm looking at you, Jim Sterling). But Nintendo knows that even though we're still finding secrets and Easter eggs a few years later, it's only a matter of time before we discover every single tidbit that this game has to offer. Therefore, a sequel was announced at E3 2019. Very little is known about it at this point but many people are hopeful that it improves upon what made the original good and fixes as many flaws as it can. Therefore, I started a wish list of things that should be included (or excluded) from its sequel. Feel free to comment and add what you want to see in the sequel.
The Top Ten
1 Zelda as a playable character

This can't be emphasized enough. Even though the series has been named after the titular princess of Hyrule, she's played the damsel in distress in some way or another in every canonical game she's been in. Breath of the Wild was no different when you think about it.

She's only been fully playable in mash-up and spin-off games such as the Super Smash Bros. games and Hyrule Warriors. This needs to change. It's time to give Zelda her dues and make her a playable character. She's been on the sidelines long enough.

2 Ditch the weapon durability system

This is another thing that players found very annoying: the weapon durability system. Or as Jim Sterling called it, the weapon fragility system. While I don't agree with his score of 7/10 on the game and I find 7 paragraphs dedicated to the subject excessive, I can understand the frustration he went through playing the game because of this system. It's difficult to stand your ground when you know that your weapons are going to break at some point in the future. Although the Master Sword has somewhat infinite durability, even it will run out of juice and you have to wait before it's usable again. Seriously, get rid of it. It wasn't fun.

3 Return of themed dungeon levels

I will admit that the Divine Beast dungeons were pretty cool when you first played through them. You could move certain parts around to access certain areas. But in the end, they all had the same theme as well as the same song and dance: locate the map, find and activate five terminals, fight the boss, and activate the final terminal. And many of the treasure chests contained expendable items that you could find elsewhere. Remember previous Zelda games where the dungeon levels were of different themes such as forests, volcanoes, and even a mansion in the snowfields? Please, bring those back.

4 Ability to control the weather

If there was one major flaw in exploring the vast region of Hyrule in Breath of the Wild, it was the rain. Whenever it rained, Link could climb only so high before he slipped and had to expend stamina to keep his grip. And this would happen at the worst times imaginable. See something neat at the top of the mountain? Sorry, you'll have to wait while Mother Nature gives that area a drink. Want to climb that cliff to ambush the camp of Bokoblins? Hold on there! It seems that storm clouds are brewing.

Even worse are the thunderstorms. You can't have any metal weapons or shields equipped during these storms or you'll be a walking lightning conductor. I know that rainy weather has some merits, such as it being harder to be detected by enemies and certain animals only coming out during the rain. I'm not asking to get rid of the rainy weather completely. I'm just asking if it's possible to give players the ability to control it like we were able to in previous games.

5 Proper motion control

Including motion controls in video games is like preparing pufferfish/fugu. When done right, it makes the game more fun. But if mishandled, it only adds to the frustration. I did like the minor touches such as using motion controls to aim where you were shooting with the bow and arrow. But what really agitated me were those insipid apparatus puzzle shrines. In order to do them effectively, you had to put your Wii U in TV mode or detach the Joy-Con controllers from your Switch. And the physics rarely worked the way you'd expect them to. Thankfully, there were workarounds to make them easier. But at the end of the day, I'd really appreciate it if Eiji Aonuma and his team decided to ditch these for good.

6 No forced stealth sections

For the most part, the stealth mechanics in Breath of the Wild were spot on. You could tackle nearby enemies in any fashion you want. You could charge in with your weapons swinging, or you could use the element of surprise to whittle away at their health while staying incognito.

However, the Yiga Clan Hideout section pretty much forced you to stay undetected as you snuck in to take back the stolen Thunder Helm. Stealth was your only option. If the patrolling Yiga Blademasters spotted you, a wooden gate would bar your way and fighting them was suicide as they could kill you instantly. And your fairies and Mipha's grace were of no help in that scenario. Thankfully, I found out that you could get rid of the patrols with Ancient Arrows, but this still wasn't fun at all.

7 Enable the Master Cycle Zero early in the game

Probably the coolest late-game bonus was the Master Cycle Zero, which allowed you to summon a motorcycle just about anywhere in Hyrule. It was quicker and easier than riding a horse, and while it wasn't fuel efficient, you could refill the tank with any materials you could find. The only problem I had with it was that you had to beat all four Divine Beasts to unlock the trial, and it was pretty lengthy until you were finally able to obtain it and cruise around Hyrule at your leisure. If they decided to bring this back, I'd very much appreciate it if they could make it available early on in the game.

8 Return of Ganondorf

Now, this entry is going to contain some spoilers. After defeating Calamity Ganon, you're teleported to Hyrule Field where you have to duke it out with Dark Beast Ganon, who's bigger than a house. Despite this beast being very intimidating, he's very easy to defeat, and the weapon that you need to defeat him with has infinite durability. It's unknown who the reanimated corpse is in the reveal trailer, but many people are hoping that it's Ganondorf in human form. After all, he's considered one of the best villains in video game history, and having the giant, walking bacon factory as the final boss was a letdown. What I'd personally like to see is the return of Ganondorf in his human form introduced in Ocarina of Time, the one fans have come to know and love.

9 Return of the hookshot

Introduced in A Link to the Past, the hookshot is what many people consider the coolest weapon in the series. Then Twilight Princess introduced us to the Double Clawshot, which allowed players to hookshot almost like Spider-Man. And while it's nice to be able to climb just about any vertical surface, having the hookshot excluded made climbing more of a chore than it really should've been. If we're able to climb any vertical surface like we could in the last game, this would make things easier.

10 Building restoration

You can tell that the land of Hyrule in Breath of the Wild was a completely different place by all the ruined buildings, especially Hyrule Castle Town and the palace itself. There were many towns and farms throughout Hyrule that now lay in ruins, where the only people that will go near them are eager treasure hunters. What I would like to see in the sequel is the ability to repair and/or replace buildings so we could explore Hyrule in all its splendor. Plus, we'd like to be able to customize our homes like we could in the Hearthome DLC pack in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The Contenders
11 Weapon stores

Yeah, this would be really useful! One for every region that sells that region's signature weapons, bows, and shields!
Signed- cs389182 (from Scratch)

12 Ability to join the evil side

"Join me, Link, and I will make your face the greatest in Hyrule," says Ganon.
"Sure!" Link says.

13 Hearing Link's voice
14 Ability to swim underwater
15 New champions
16 A Korok Champion

This would be interesting. Maybe they could summon certain plants like Deku Babas from OOT and MM. Or, IDK. It seems cool!
Signed- cs389182 (from Scratch)

Nintendo thought about this, but it didn't end up in the game.

17 More types of enemies
18 How Zelda’s mother died
19 Keep the weapon durability system

This system helps keep the game fun as you scavenge for weapons after yours break! I hope this stays in.

Signed- cs389182 (from Scratch)

20 Elemental attack that does extra damage to electric enemies
21 New story for Link
22 The ocarina replaces the whistle

I know the ocarina was only in two games, but at least add in some instrument! The ocarina is the most iconic, so it came to my mind first, but still!
Signed- cs389182 (from Scratch)

23 Over world bosses in water
24 New Sheikah Slate runes
25 Morshu making another appearance

For the memes. This would also prove that Nintendo didn't forget the CDI games. It would be hard to get the original actor back though, but they could just reuse the old lines everyone knows and loves. And the model could be RTX Morshu (with the original creator's permission). So why not?

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