Top Ten Worst Things About Doing Your Taxes

The Top Ten
1 It causes so much stress
2 You have to handle loads of monetary expenses

Stuff like interest income, insurances, gross income, all of this stuff.

3 Your money will likely be wasted by the government on something that doesn't help
4 You could get penalties for not paying taxes

Basically you lose more money, or...

5 You could face criminal prosecution
6 You feel like you are paying so much money just to live normally in a country
7 A mathematical miscalculation on your tax forms can lead to trouble

While penalties will often come for NOT doing taxes at all, miscalculations are something that really needs to be watched out for.

Can you mean will

8 You could get an audit
9 Certain elected politicians continue to raise tax rates on middle class families
10 The complications of doing taxes continues to increase

Seriously it wasn't this hard 15 years ago. Actually it was, but now it's HARDER

The Contenders
11 The terms make no sense
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