Most Amusing Things to Do to Break the Boredom in a Long Post Office Queue

What would you do if you had the nerve? As bizarre and crazy suggestions as you like. Absolutely anything goes. Well... what're you waiting for? Go!
The Top Ten
Cluck loudly in the person's ear in front of you

Bock, bock. Shouting bock loudly and annoyingly in different ways.

I can only imagine the reaction.

Say loudly, 'Please go to position 4'

Saying this fifty times would be so annoying.

Blow an airhorn behind people

HAHA! Yes! Would love to see the reaction to this. Definitely worth getting a smack for! Haha!

Please don't make my ears bleed.

Pretend to sneeze but do it very loudly and very suddenly

This list is actually pretty funny. It's one of the lists by Britgirl that I first remember seeing. These suggestions will surely get some reaction.

Laugh out loud! This would be really funny to see.

Pull out a Gameboy and start playing Pokemon with full volume

Me: Yay, an oil blob.
One thousand miles away...
Divinity II: Copier!
Person behind me: Turn off your Gameboy or lower the volume.
Me: Go die.

Ask a passer-by to play 'I Spy'
Suddenly do an Irish jig, on your own, all by yourself, with nobody with you

Dance like no one is watching. Let everything swing and sway.

Sing, 'I Know a Song That'll Get on Your Nerves'

Loudly, please. You want those at the back to hear you, don't you?

I love doing this. It seriously annoys almost everyone.

I don't know this song, but I know it's going to be good.

Tap the shoulder of the bod in front; when they turn round, stare and grin at them for a few seconds but don't follow it up

This would be so damn funny to see. They'd wonder what the hell you were grinning about. It would give them a complex, and it would break your boredom. Britgirl, you are one seriously great person to have around. Brilliant!

Say loudly to the person behind, 'Are you looking at my bum?'

I've always wanted to do this but never had the nerve.

The Newcomers

? Try gymnastics anywhere - try out a cartwheel, attempt a backwards roll or fail at a flip
? Start singing 'I'm a Crazy Weirdo and I'm Calling You' really loudly

I do this all the time, and it's fun and amusing.

The Contenders
Start an argument with your invisible friend

I've seen people doing this. It's all very weird. I am occasionally tempted to pick an argument with their invisible friend, but have never done so. I guess I'd need to know (or guess accurately) what the invisible guy is saying.

You would sound nuttier than a squirrel's eructation, but it would be worth it!

This would be so annoying to others!

Loosely attach earphones to your phone and play music aloud, just having the earphones in and acting like they can't hear the music

That would be funny. If I did this, I don't know whether or not I'd be able to keep the laughter down.

Say to anyone who's listening, 'After this long wait, the ride had better be worth it!'

I'd like to thank the nice gentleman I met last year for giving me the idea for this one. We were shoulder to shoulder on a hot South Bank at the Mayor's Festival in London. Instead of huffing out more hot air, he turned to me and suggested the item on this list. Thank you, sir. I haven't forgotten you.

Play where's the rat or spider
Tickle the person you're with
Start talking to yourself
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