Top Ten Dumbest Things to Say When You Know You've Been Caught In the Act
You know you've been caught doing something you shouldn't but instead of 'fessing up, we tell blatant lies. But what's the dumbest excuse for your treachery? Spill, I say.And I suppose her clothes were torn off due to the G-force of the fall...?
This is so funny. What a dumb thing to say.
Now, this one is way too close to home!
The last biscuit in the tin is the one you didn't touch, hmm?
You could always throw it out before she comes into the kitchen.
Such a cunning play on words. This gave me a lot of ideas.
Just as your stolen items fall out of your jumper. Ha! Explain yourself, Madam.
It's easy to fake. Just replace the batteries in the remote with dead ones in advance and keep tapping it like you're changing the channel.
I think a lot of people use this one.
Ha ha, I use this one all the time.
That one killed me! It is by far the silliest excuse for anything in the world! Your best list so far, Britgirl.
There's no one in bed with me. This person right here doesn't exist! Now, where were we?
That's some bloody big hernia, then...
This is funny, along with number 9!
This reminds me of an electronic song, I Speak No Americano.
Let's not go into the details of the "exam." Chances are it's a new "way of doing it." Save it for the students.
I'm just going to say it. It's my list, so... was it an "oral" exam?
I knew the GCSEs were stressful, but this is an entirely different matter.
When I was in school, there were two twin students. They were mostly in different classes due to different grades, and both were troublemakers. Once, a teacher walked into the class and reprimanded one of them. He said, "What? I never did this! It must have been my twin." The teacher didn't believe him at first, but she later discovered it was entirely true.
It would be nice to have an almost identical twin or even just a twin.
I wonder what the teacher would say to that.
This is also a line in a song, but it's kind of brilliant when you think about it!
I've done that before, and it totally works. When I'm scared, I run to my parents' room, wake up, and say, How did I get here? They tell me I was sleepwalking, but we all know I ran straight there. Haha.
And their mother said, "How could you do that?" They replied, "I was looking really hard." Yeah, right.
I've written a short story about this situation. It was never published. Haha.
Must be a bloody lifelike model, then.